\chapauth{milkingmycow} \chapter{Brain Freeze} In the ubiquitous convenience store a very inconvenient truth was coming to fruition. Gary Norbinton, age 11, jerked the cherry cola Slurpy lever and set his cup to recieve the other worldly treat. He was about to be a host, to have his mind and body taken over by unseen aliens lurking in sweet frozen cherry murk. ``Hurry up now.'' his grandfather sputtered. ``My leg is getting swollen.'' Suddenly Luke Bavarious kicked in the glass door with his gun drawn. ``Kid, don't touch that!'' It was too late, he had already sipped. Gary's eyes went cross and his complexion aquired a green tint. Vomit spritzed out his ears. ``What's wrong son!?'' his grandfather yelped. ``It's too late!'' Bavarious released the safety on his Baretta and took aim, fired and split the kid's head open. Gary's eyes straightened. He used his hands to push the sides of his skull back together and lurched forward faster than any man has ever lurched ever. ``Please don't come again!'' the clerk cried as Gary ripped grandpa's gamey leg off and chased Bavarious into the parking lot with it. He took cover behind a rusty El Camino. The driver exclaimed, ``What the hell is going on?'' ``No time to explain!'' Bavarious yelled out. At that moment grandpa's leg was hurled through the windshield with such force that it impaled the driver where he sat. ``Son of a bitch!'' were his final words. He put a bullet in Gary's leg and in his stomach. In both wounds, cherry flavored carbonated frozen beverage exploded out of the holes. He was unperturbed. Bavarious opened the driver side door and pulled the leg impaled corpse from the seat and got in. There was a box of bloody nachos on the passenger seat. ``What a waste!'' He slammed the gear into reverse, gunned it and aimed the car at Gary. Peeling out he aimed for the alien but when he hit the boy's body it was the same as hitting a brick wall. In a sinister alien barritone, the voice from another world in the body of Gary Norbinton, age 11, came the words: ``We are here. We will kill you all, one by one. No mercy for the sugar addicted monkey men who inhabit this planet. Surrender now!'' Bavarious checked the last round in the chamber. ``I better write my name on that.'' he sighed sullenly. \illustration{Discount\_Bees}{}{art/Discount_Bees-Brain_Freeze.jpg}