Adding Simon Wireless example code and fixing README typo

This commit is contained in:
Toni Klopfenstein 2013-04-18 09:34:08 -06:00
parent 145cf2f15f
commit ff37da619a
3 changed files with 524 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
Simon_Wireless.ino is a modification to the existing SparkFun Simon Says PTH kit code. It allows the user to connect an XBee on an XBee Explorer to the FTDI pins of the Simon Says board and play a wireless "Battle Mode" simon game with another player with the same set up.
####Game Play:
The unit will power on and play an "attract" sequence. This will continue until one player presses a button. That player's unit will then go dark and wait for a first button in the sequence to be pressed. Once the user presses a button, the unit will send that sequence to the other player, play it back, and wait for the other player to then repeat it and add a button. Play continues in this fashion until one player incorrectly repeats the sequence.
####Required Parts:
* [Simon Says Through-Hole Soldering Kit](
* [XBee](
* [XBee Explorer Regulated](
* [Right-Angle Male Pin Headers](
* [Arduino Stackable Header - 6 Pin](
####Modification of Board:
In order for this code to work, a small modification of the Simon-Says board must take place. On the side of the board labeled "BOTTOM", one must solder a wire connecting the via on one side labeled "VCC" to a via on the other side. The via on the other side is the via that connects to VCC on the XBee Explorer. It is the via third in from the label "GRN". This modification provides power from the batteries to the XBee.

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@ -0,0 +1,507 @@
// Simon_Says_Wireless.ino
// Simon Says PTH Kit Wireless
// Written by Chris Taylor for SparkFun Electronics
// 1/29/13
// Released under the Beerware License:
// If you use this code to make something cool, and you ever
// meet me, you owe me a beer.
// This code allows two Simon Says PTH boards to be used in
// wireless battle mode when connected to two XBee explorers
// which house XBee modules.
// In order to deliver power to the XBee module on the
// explorer, you will need to solder a wire from the VCC via
// near the Analog outputs on the board to the VCC input of
// the FTDI header (the via is the third pin in from the
// label "BLK".
// Gameplay:
// Power up both of the units, and they will play an intro
// sequence with some beeps and boops, and then will go into
// "attract" mode where they both flash lights in sequence.
// The player that wants to go first presses a button. Both
// Devices will go dark and wait for the first player to
// press a button. This is the first button in the sequence.
// Once player one presses a button, it will play the
// sequence back to the next player who must repeat it, and
// then add another button. Play continues until a player
// incorrectly repeats the sequence or takes too long to
// repeat it. The devices will play their respective "winner"
// and "loser" sequences, and then return to their initial
// state.
// Physical Description:
// The Simon device consists of four buttons with four LEDs.
// The LEDs and buttons are used in the code as follows:
// _____________________________
// | | |
// | | |
// | | |
// | Button/LED | Button/LED |
// | 1 | 2 |
// | | |
// |______________|______________|
// | | |
// | | |
// | Button/LED | Button/LED |
// | 3 | 4 |
// | | |
// | | |
// |______________|______________|
// Pin definitions for the buttons, LEDs, and buzzer
#define BUTTON1 9
#define BUTTON2 2
#define BUTTON3 12
#define BUTTON4 6
#define LED1 10
#define LED2 3
#define LED3 13
#define LED4 5
#define BUZZER1 4
#define BUZZER2 7
// Bitmasks
// These are 4-bit bitmasks used with bitwise logic to
// communicate which button has been pressed or which LED
// to light
#define LED1_MASK 1
#define LED2_MASK 2
#define LED3_MASK 4
#define LED4_MASK 8
#define BUTTON1_MASK 1
#define BUTTON2_MASK 2
#define BUTTON3_MASK 4
#define BUTTON4_MASK 8
// Game constants
#define MOVES_TO_WIN 20 // If the players can remember 20
// moves, they both win
#define TIME_LIMIT 3000 // Three second limit on a move
// Game variables
byte moves[MOVES_TO_WIN]; // Array of moves already made
byte nmoves = 0; // Number of moves already made
byte first_turn = 0; // Flag indicating whether or not this
// is the first turn of the game
void setup()
// Initialize Serial (Wireless) port
// Initialize pins for buttons, LEDs, and buzzer
pinMode(LED1, OUTPUT); // LED1
pinMode(LED3, OUTPUT); // LED3
pinMode(LED2, OUTPUT); // LED2
pinMode(LED4, OUTPUT); // LED4
// Enable pull-ups on buttons
// Button I/Os will read LOW when pressed
digitalWrite(BUTTON1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(BUTTON3, HIGH);
digitalWrite(BUTTON2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(BUTTON4, HIGH);
void loop()
play_winner(); // Intro sequence for startup
// Wait in attract mode until a button is pressed
// attract mode will return 1 if this player is the first
// player to press a button
first_turn = attract_mode();
// Begin game: flash all LEDs, then go into game mode
set_leds(LED1_MASK | LED2_MASK | LED3_MASK | LED4_MASK);
// Play game and handle result
// game_mode() function returns 1 for win, 0 for loss
if(game_mode()) { play_winner(); }
else { play_loser(); }
This function chooses the operations to be executed during a game. It
has two sections, one for if the players are on the first turn, and
one for if the players have pressed a first move. It returns 1 for a
win and 0 for a loss.
byte game_mode(void)
nmoves = 0;
// Loop while players have not exceeded the moves to win
// variable
while(nmoves < MOVES_TO_WIN)
// If this is the first turn, we don't need to wait for the
// other player.
first_turn = 0;
// Wait for move from other player. If this receive function
// returns 0, this is a win.
if(!receive_move()) { return 1; }
// Wait a half second before playing back the moves
// Test the player, if test is failed, this is a loss.
if(!test_moves()) { return 0; }
// Test is successful, add a new move and send it to the
// other player.
return 1;
Test that the player can remember the sequence.
Return 1 for success and 0 for failure
byte test_moves(void)
byte move;
for(move = 0; move < nmoves; move++)
// Wait for a button press
byte choice = wait_for_button();
// Light LED and play sound for chosen button
toner(choice, 150);
// Translate the button from its bitmask
if(choice == BUTTON1_MASK) { choice = 0; }
if(choice == BUTTON2_MASK) { choice = 1; }
if(choice == BUTTON3_MASK) { choice = 2; }
if(choice == BUTTON4_MASK) { choice = 3; }
// If the choice is incorrect, player loses
if(choice != moves[move])
delay(100); // Wait for the button release
Serial.print('l'); // Send 'l' to other player to indicate loss
return 0;
// Player was correct, return 1
return 1;
Wait for the user to press a button and add the move to the move array.
Then send the new move to the other user.
void add_move(void)
byte choice = 0;
// Wait for the user to press a button
choice = wait_for_button();
// Light the LED and beep to indicate received press
toner(choice, 150);
// Translate the button from its bitmask
if(choice == BUTTON1_MASK) { choice = 0; }
if(choice == BUTTON2_MASK) { choice = 1; }
if(choice == BUTTON3_MASK) { choice = 2; }
if(choice == BUTTON4_MASK) { choice = 3; }
moves[nmoves++] = choice; // Add the move to the list
// Send the new move to the other player
Wait for the other player to send the move over XBee. The player will
either send the char 0, 1, 2, or 3 for the corresponding button press,
or send the character 'l' for a 'l'oss, meaning that they were unable
to successfully repeat the sequence. This function returns 1 for a
move or 0 for a loss by the other player.
byte receive_move(void)
byte choice = 0;
// Wait for the other player to send a character
choice =; // Read in the sent character
if(choice == 'l') { return 0; } // Other player has lost, return 0
else { // Sent char was a button press
choice = choice - 48; // Convert char from ASCII to button value
moves[nmoves++] = choice; // Add to list of moves
return 1;
Accepts a button press and a tone length in ms. It lights the LED of
the chosen button press and plays the respective buzzer tone for a
time of buzz_length_ms.
void toner(byte which, int buzz_length_ms)
// Light the LED of the chosen button press
// Play the appropriate tone on the buzzer for the chosen button
case LED1_MASK:
buzz_sound(buzz_length_ms, 1136);
case LED2_MASK:
buzz_sound(buzz_length_ms, 568);
case LED3_MASK:
buzz_sound(buzz_length_ms, 851);
case LED4_MASK:
buzz_sound(buzz_length_ms, 638);
// Turn off all LEDs
"Playback" the moves in the moves[] array. This function shows the
player what moves to remember and press to continue the game.
void play_moves(void)
byte move;
// Play the appropriate button fo the next move in the array.
for(move = 0; move < nmoves; move++)
toner((1 << moves[move]), 150);
Play a sequence of flashing LEDs to attract a player. Keep playing
until a button is pressed.
byte attract_mode(void)
byte current_led = LED1_MASK; // Start blinking with LED1
char received = 0;
while(1) // Loop until a button is pressed (return a value to exit loop)
// Check if a button is pressed. Once a button is pressed, send
// a 'c' character to the other player to indicate that a game has
// started, then return 1 to start game
if(check_button()) { Serial.print('c'); return 1; } // Return 1 if button is pressed. This means player is player 1
// Check if the other player has sent a 'c'. This means a game has started
received =;
if(received == 'c') { return 0; } // Return 2 if we receive a 'c'hallenge from another player
// This means player is player 2
current_led = (current_led << 1) % 0x0F; // bit shift 1 > 2 > 4 > 8 > 1 > 2...
Play a sequence of LEDs and a buzzer sound to indicate a win.
void play_winner(void)
for(byte x = 0; x < 5; x++) // Repeat 5 times
set_leds(LED2_MASK | LED3_MASK); // Light LED2 and LED3
winner_sound(); // Play a winner sound
set_leds(LED1_MASK | LED4_MASK); // Light LED1 and LED4
Play a sequence of LEDs and a buzzer sound to indicate a loss.
void play_loser(void)
for(byte x = 0; x < 5; x++) // Repeat 5 times
set_leds(LED1_MASK | LED2_MASK); // Light LED1 and LED2
buzz_sound(255, 1500); // Play a buzzer sound
set_leds(LED3_MASK | LED4_MASK); // Light LED3 and LED4
buzz_sound(255, 1500);
Play a buzz sound of length buzz_length_ms with delay of
void buzz_sound(int buzz_length_ms, int buzz_delay_us)
long buzz_length_us;
// Convert to microseconds for loop calculation
buzz_length_us = buzz_length_ms * (long)1000;
while(buzz_length_us > (buzz_delay_us * 2))
buzz_length_us -= (buzz_delay_us * 2);
// Modulate buzzer lines
digitalWrite(BUZZER1, LOW);
digitalWrite(BUZZER2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(BUZZER1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(BUZZER2, LOW);
Light the chosen LED (0 to turn off all).
void set_leds(uint8_t leds)
if(leds & LED1_MASK) { digitalWrite(LED1, HIGH); }
else { digitalWrite(LED1, LOW); }
if(leds & LED2_MASK) { digitalWrite(LED2, HIGH); }
else { digitalWrite(LED2, LOW); }
if(leds & LED3_MASK) { digitalWrite(LED3, HIGH); }
else { digitalWrite(LED3, LOW); }
if(leds & LED4_MASK) { digitalWrite(LED4, HIGH); }
else { digitalWrite(LED4, LOW); }
Play a sequence of beeps to indicate a win
void winner_sound(void)
byte x, y;
// Toggle the buzzer at various speeds
for(x = 250; x > 70; x--) {
for(y = 0; y < 3; y++) {
digitalWrite(BUZZER2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(BUZZER1, LOW);
digitalWrite(BUZZER2, LOW);
digitalWrite(BUZZER1, HIGH);
Read the button pin to detect if buttons are pressed. Return a bitmask
of the pressed buttons.
byte check_button(void)
byte button_pressed = 0;
if(!digitalRead(BUTTON1)) { button_pressed |= BUTTON1_MASK; }
if(!digitalRead(BUTTON2)) { button_pressed |= BUTTON2_MASK; }
if(!digitalRead(BUTTON3)) { button_pressed |= BUTTON3_MASK; }
if(!digitalRead(BUTTON4)) { button_pressed |= BUTTON4_MASK; }
return button_pressed;
Wait until the user presses a button. The amount of time to wait is
set by the definition TIME_LIMIT.
byte wait_for_button(void)
int timeout = 0;
byte button = 0;
while(timeout < TIME_LIMIT) // Loop until button is pressed or
// time limit is violated.
button = check_button();
delay(10); // Debounce
while(check_button()); // wait for release
// Make sure just one button is pressed
if( button == BUTTON1_MASK ||
button == BUTTON2_MASK ||
button == BUTTON3_MASK ||
button == BUTTON4_MASK)
return button;
return 0; // Timed out

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@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ The firmware was developed in Arduino v1.0. The Eagle files were developed in Ea
Repository Contents
* **/Firmware** - Any firmware that the part ships with,
* **/Firmware** - Stock firmware the board ships with, as well as additional example code
* **/Hardware** - All Eagle design files (.brd, .sch, .STL)
* **/Production** - Test bed files and production panel files