Simon-Says/Firmware/Additional Experiments/SIMON_2_BUTTON/applet/simon.h

14 lines
809 B

int ledPin = 3; // The simon board has 4 LEDs on it.
// For this example, we're just going to use one.
// The other LEDs are on pins 3,5,10 and 13.
// For fun, try switching "ledPin" to another pin number and see what happens!
int buttonPin = 2; // The simon board has 4 BUTTONS on it.
// For this example, we're just going to use one.
// The other BUTTONS are on pins 2,6,9 and 12.
// For fun, try switching "buttonPin" to another pin number and see what happens!
int button_state; // This variable will be used to "store" the state of the button.
// It will allow us to know whether the button is pressed or not.