/* * simple httpd to be started from tcpserver */ #define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "strings.h" #include "mime.h" #include "timerfc.h" #include "version.h" #ifdef __linux__ #include #else #define sendfile(a, b, c, d) -1 #endif #ifndef min #define min(a,b) ((a)<(b)?(a):(b)) #endif /* * Some things I use for debugging */ #define DUMPf(fmt, args...) fprintf(stderr, "%s:%s:%d " fmt "\n", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ##args) #define DUMP() DUMPf("") #define DUMP_d(v) DUMPf("%s = %d", #v, v) #define DUMP_u(v) DUMPf("%s = %u", #v, v) #define DUMP_x(v) DUMPf("%s = 0x%x", #v, v) #define DUMP_s(v) DUMPf("%s = %s", #v, v) #define DUMP_c(v) DUMPf("%s = %c", #v, v) #define DUMP_p(v) DUMPf("%s = %p", #v, v) #define DUMP_buf(v, l) DUMPf("%s = %.*s", #v, (int)(l), v) /* * Wait this long (seconds) for a valid HTTP request */ #define READTIMEOUT 2 /* * Wait this long (seconds) for a non-file send to complete */ #define WRITETIMEOUT 10 /* * Quit if we can't write at least this many bytes per second */ #define MIN_WRITE_RATE 2560 /* * Wait this long for CGI to complete */ #define CGI_TIMEOUT (5*60) /* * How long each sendfile call can take */ #define SENDFILE_TIMEOUT ((int)(SIZE_MAX / MIN_WRITE_RATE)) /* * Maximum size of a request header (the whole block) */ #define MAXHEADERLEN 8192 /* * Maximum size of a request line */ #define MAXREQUESTLEN 2048 /* * Maximum number of header fields */ #define MAXHEADERFIELDS 60 #define BUFFER_SIZE 8192 /* * Options */ int doauth = 0; int docgi = 0; int doidx = 0; int nochdir = 0; int redirect = 0; int portappend = 0; char *connector = NULL; /* * Variables that persist between requests */ int cwd; int keepalive = 0; char *remote_addr = NULL; char *remote_ident = NULL; /* * Things that are really super convenient to have globally. * These could be put into a struct for a threading version * of eris. */ enum { GET, POST, HEAD, CONNECT } method; char *host; char *user_agent; char *refer; char *path; int http_version; char *content_type; size_t content_length; off_t range_start, range_end; time_t ims; #define BUFFER_SIZE 8192 /** Log a request */ void dolog(int code, off_t len) { /* write a log line to stderr */ sanitize(host); sanitize(user_agent); sanitize(refer); fprintf(stderr, "%s %d %lu %s %s %s %s\n", remote_addr, code, (unsigned long) len, host, user_agent, refer, path); } void header(unsigned int code, const char *httpcomment) { printf("HTTP/1.%d %u %s\r\n", http_version, code, httpcomment); printf("Server: %s\r\n", FNORD); printf("Connection: %s\r\n", keepalive ? "keep-alive" : "close"); } void eoh() { printf("\r\n"); } /* * output an error message and exit */ void badrequest(long code, const char *httpcomment, const char *message) { size_t msglen = 0; keepalive = 0; header(code, httpcomment); if (message) { msglen = (strlen(message) * 2) + 15; printf("Content-Length: %lu\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n", (unsigned long) msglen); printf("%s%s", message, message); } printf("\r\n"); fflush(stdout); dolog(code, msglen); exit(0); } void env(const char *k, const char *v) { if (v) { setenv(k, v, 1); } } void not_found() { char msg[] = "The requested URL does not exist here."; header(404, "Not Found"); printf("Content-Type: text/html\r\n"); printf("Content-Length: %lu\r\n", (unsigned long) sizeof msg); printf("\r\n"); printf("%s\n", msg); /* sizeof msg includes the NULL */ dolog(404, sizeof msg); fflush(stdout); } char * proto_getenv(char *proto, char *name) { char buf[80]; snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "%s%s", proto, name); return getenv(buf); } void get_ucspi_env() { char *ucspi = getenv("PROTO"); char *ip = NULL; char *port = NULL; if (ucspi) { char *p; /* * Busybox, as usual, has the right idea */ if ((p = proto_getenv(ucspi, "REMOTEADDR"))) { remote_addr = strdup(p); } else { ip = proto_getenv(ucspi, "REMOTEIP"); port = proto_getenv(ucspi, "REMOTEPORT"); } if ((p = proto_getenv(ucspi, "REMOTEINFO"))) { remote_ident = strdup(p); } } if (!ip) { // stunnel ip = getenv("REMOTE_HOST"); port = getenv("REMOTE_PORT"); } if (ip) { char buf[80]; snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "%s:%s", ip, port); remote_addr = strdup(buf); } } void parse_options(int argc, char *argv[]) { int opt; while (-1 != (opt = getopt(argc, argv, "acdhkpro:v."))) { switch (opt) { case 'a': doauth = 1; break; case 'c': docgi = 1; break; case 'd': doidx = 1; break; case '.': nochdir = 1; break; case 'p': portappend = 1; break; case 'r': redirect = 1; break; case 'o': connector = optarg; break; case 'v': printf("%s\n", FNORD); exit(0); case 'h': default: fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [OPTIONS]\n", argv[0]); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); fprintf(stderr, "-a Enable authentication\n"); fprintf(stderr, "-c Enable CGI\n"); fprintf(stderr, "-d Enable directory listing\n"); fprintf(stderr, "-. Serve out of ./ (no vhosting)\n"); fprintf(stderr, "-h Print this message and exit\n"); fprintf(stderr, "-p Append port to hostname directory\n"); fprintf(stderr, "-r Enable symlink redirection\n"); fprintf(stderr, "-o HANDLER Path to HTTP CONNECT handler\n"); fprintf(stderr, "-v Print version and exit\n"); exit(69); } } } /* * CGI stuff */ static void sigchld(int sig) { while (waitpid(0, NULL, WNOHANG) > 0); } static void sigalarm_cgi(int sig) { /* * send this out regardless of whether we've already sent a header, to maybe help with debugging */ badrequest(504, "Gateway Timeout", "The CGI is being too slow."); } static void cgi_child(const char *relpath) { env("GATEWAY_INTERFACE", "CGI/1.1"); env("SERVER_SOFTWARE", FNORD); env("REQUEST_URI", path); env("SERVER_NAME", host); env("SCRIPT_NAME", relpath); env("REMOTE_ADDR", remote_addr); env("REMOTE_IDENT", remote_ident); if (content_length) { char cl[20]; snprintf(cl, sizeof cl, "%llu", (unsigned long long) content_length); env("CONTENT_LENGTH", cl); env("CONTENT_TYPE", content_type); } /* * Try to change to CGI's directory */ { char *delim = strrchr(relpath, '/'); if (delim) { *delim = '\0'; if (0 == chdir(relpath)) { relpath = delim + 1; } } } execl(relpath, relpath, NULL); exit(1); } void cgi_parent(int cin, int cout, int passthru) { char cgiheader[BUFFER_SIZE]; size_t cgiheaderlen = 0; FILE *cinf = fdopen(cin, "rb"); size_t size = 0; int header_sent = 0; int code = 200; fcntl(cin, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK); signal(SIGCHLD, sigchld); signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); /* NO! no signal! */ signal(SIGALRM, sigalarm_cgi); while (1) { int nfds; fd_set rfds, wfds; FD_ZERO(&rfds); FD_ZERO(&wfds); FD_SET(cin, &rfds); nfds = cin; if (content_length) { /* * have post data */ FD_SET(cout, &wfds); if (cout > nfds) { nfds = cout; } } else if (cout >= 0) { close(cout); /* no post data */ cout = -1; } alarm(CGI_TIMEOUT); if (-1 == select(nfds + 1, &rfds, &wfds, NULL, NULL)) { break; } if (FD_ISSET(cin, &rfds)) { if (passthru) { /* * Pass everything through verbatim */ size_t len; /* * Re-use this big buffer */ len = fread(cgiheader, 1, sizeof cgiheader, cinf); if (0 == len) { /* * CGI is done */ break; } fwrite(cgiheader, 1, len, stdout); /* * Naively assume the CGI knows best about sending stuff */ fflush(stdout); size += len; } else { /* * Interpret header fields */ size_t readlen = (sizeof cgiheader) - cgiheaderlen; if (NULL == fgets(cgiheader + cgiheaderlen, readlen, cinf)) { /* * EOF or error */ badrequest(500, "CGI Error", "CGI output too weird"); } cgiheaderlen = strlen(cgiheader); if ('\n' == cgiheader[cgiheaderlen - 1]) { /* * We read a whole line */ size_t len; char *val; len = extract_header_field(cgiheader, &val, 0); if (!len) { /* * We've read the entire header block */ passthru = 1; eoh(); } else { if (!header_sent) { if (!strcasecmp(cgiheader, "Location")) { header(302, "CGI Redirect"); printf("%s: %s\r\n\r\n", cgiheader, val); dolog(302, 0); exit(0); } else if (!strcasecmp(cgiheader, "Status")) { char *txt; if (val) { code = (int) strtol(val, &txt, 10); } else { code = 0; } if (code < 100) { header(500, "Internal Error"); printf("CGI returned Status: %d\n", code); dolog(500, 0); exit(0); } for (; *txt == ' '; txt += 1); header(code, txt); } else { header(200, "OK"); printf("Pragma: no-cache\r\n"); } header_sent = 1; } printf("%s: %s\r\n", cgiheader, val); cgiheaderlen = 0; } } } } else if (FD_ISSET(cout, &wfds)) { /* * write to cgi the post data */ if (content_length) { size_t len; char buf[BUFFER_SIZE]; size_t nmemb = min(BUFFER_SIZE, content_length); char *p = buf; len = fread(buf, 1, nmemb, stdin); if (len < 1) { break; } content_length -= len; while (len > 0) { size_t wlen = write(cout, p, len); if (wlen == -1) { break; } len -= wlen; p += wlen; } } else { close(cout); } } } fflush(stdout); dolog(code, size); } void serve_cgi(char *relpath) { int pid; int cin[2]; int cout[2]; if (pipe(cin) || pipe(cout)) { badrequest(500, "Internal Server Error", "Server Resource problem."); } pid = fork(); if (-1 == pid) { badrequest(500, "Internal Server Error", "Unable to fork."); } if (pid) { close(cin[1]); close(cout[0]); /* * Eris is not this smart yet */ keepalive = 0; cgi_parent(cin[0], cout[1], 0); exit(0); } else { close(cwd); close(cout[1]); close(cin[0]); dup2(cout[0], 0); dup2(cin[1], 1); close(cout[0]); close(cin[1]); cgi_child(relpath); } } /* * Main HTTPd */ ssize_t fake_sendfile(int out_fd, int in_fd, off_t * offset, size_t count) { char buf[BUFFER_SIZE]; ssize_t l, m; /* * is mmap quicker? does it matter? */ if (-1 == lseek(in_fd, *offset, SEEK_SET)) { /* * We're screwed. The most helpful thing we can do now is die. */ fprintf(stderr, "Unable to seek. Dying.\n"); exit(0); } l = read(in_fd, buf, min(count, sizeof buf)); if (-1 == l) { /* * Also screwed. */ fprintf(stderr, "Unable to read an open file. Dying.\n"); exit(0); } *offset += l; while (l) { m = write(out_fd, buf, l); if (-1 == m) { /* * ALSO screwed. */ fprintf(stderr, "Unable to write to client: %m (req %s). Dying.\n", path); exit(0); } l -= m; } return l; } void serve_file(int fd, char *filename, struct stat *st) { off_t len, remain; if (method == POST) { badrequest(405, "Method Not Supported", "POST is not supported by this URL"); } if (st->st_mtime <= ims) { header(304, "Not Changed"); dolog(304, 0); eoh(); return; } header(200, "OK"); printf("Content-Type: %s\r\n", getmimetype(filename)); if ((range_end == 0) || (range_end > st->st_size)) { range_end = st->st_size; } len = range_end - range_start; printf("Content-Length: %llu\r\n", (unsigned long long) len); { struct tm *tp; char buf[40]; tp = gmtime(&(st->st_mtime)); strftime(buf, sizeof buf, "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT", tp); printf("Last-Modified: %s\r\n", buf); } eoh(); fflush(stdout); if (method == HEAD) { return; } for (remain = len; remain;) { size_t count = min(remain, SIZE_MAX); ssize_t sent; alarm(SENDFILE_TIMEOUT); sent = sendfile(1, fd, &range_start, count); if (-1 == sent) { sent = fake_sendfile(1, fd, &range_start, count); } remain -= sent; } dolog(200, len); } void serve_idx(int fd, char *path) { DIR *d = fdopendir(fd); struct dirent *de; if (method == POST) { badrequest(405, "Method Not Supported", "POST is not supported by this URL"); } keepalive = 0; header(200, "OK"); printf("Content-Type: text/html\r\n"); eoh(); printf("\r"); html_esc(stdout, path); printf("

Directory Listing: "); html_esc(stdout, path); printf("

	if (path[1]) {
		printf("Parent Directory\n");

	while ((de = readdir(d))) {
		char *name = de->d_name;
		char symlink[PATH_MAX];
		struct stat st;

		if (name[0] == '.') {
			continue;	/* hidden files -> skip */
		if (lstat(name, &st)) {
			continue;	/* can't stat -> skip */

		if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) {
			printf("[DIR]	 ");
		} else if (S_ISLNK(st.st_mode)) {
			ssize_t len = readlink(de->d_name, symlink, (sizeof symlink) - 1);

			if (len < 1) {
			name = symlink;
			printf("[LNK]	 ");	/* symlink */
		} else if (S_ISREG(st.st_mode)) {
			printf("%10llu", (unsigned long long) st.st_size);
		} else {
			continue;	/* not a file we can provide -> skip */

		 * write a href 
		printf("  ");
		url_esc(stdout, name);
"); dolog(200, 0); } void find_serve_file(char *relpath) { int fd; struct stat st; /* * Open fspath. If that worked, */ if ((fd = open(relpath, O_RDONLY)) > -1) { fstat(fd, &st); /* * If it is a directory, */ if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) { char path2[PATH_MAX]; int fd2; /* * Redirect if it doesn't end with / */ if (!endswith(path, "/")) { header(301, "Redirect"); printf("Location: %s/\r\n", path); eoh(); return; } /* * Open relpath + "index.html". If that worked, */ snprintf(path2, sizeof path2, "%sindex.html", relpath); if ((fd2 = open(path2, O_RDONLY)) > -1) { /* * serve that file and return. */ fstat(fd2, &st); serve_file(fd2, path2, &st); close(fd2); close(fd); return; } else { if (docgi) { snprintf(path2, sizeof path2, "%sindex.cgi", relpath); if (!stat(path2, &st)) { return serve_cgi(path2); } } if (doidx) { serve_idx(fd, relpath + 1); close(fd); return; } return not_found(); } } else { if (docgi && endswith(relpath, ".cgi")) { close(fd); return serve_cgi(relpath); } serve_file(fd, relpath, &st); } } else { if (docgi && (errno == ENOTDIR)) { char *p; if ((p = strstr(relpath, ".cgi"))) { p += 4; env("PATH_INFO", p); *p = 0; if (!stat(relpath, &st)) { close(fd); return serve_cgi(relpath); } } } return not_found(); } } void handle_request() { char request[MAXREQUESTLEN]; char fspath[PATH_MAX]; char buf[MAXHEADERLEN]; char *p; /* * Initialize globals */ host = NULL; user_agent = NULL; refer = NULL; path = NULL; range_start = 0; range_end = 0; content_type = NULL; content_length = 0; ims = 0; alarm(READTIMEOUT); /* * Read request line first */ request[0] = 0; if (NULL == fgets(request, sizeof request, stdin)) { /* * They must have hung up! */ exit(0); } if (!strncmp(request, "GET /", 5)) { method = GET; p = request + 4; } else if (!strncmp(request, "POST /", 6)) { method = POST; p = request + 5; } else if (!strncmp(request, "HEAD /", 6)) { method = HEAD; p = request + 5; } else if (connector && !strncmp(request, "CONNECT ", 8)) { method = CONNECT; p = request + 8; } else { /* * This also handles the case where fgets does nothing */ badrequest(405, "Method Not Allowed", "Unsupported HTTP method."); } if (docgi) { p[-1] = 0; env("REQUEST_METHOD", request); } /* * Interpret path into fspath. */ path = p; { char *fsp = fspath; char *query_string = NULL; *(fsp++) = '.'; for (; *p != ' '; p += 1) { char c = *p; switch (c) { case 0: badrequest(413, "Request Entity Too Large", "The HTTP request was too long"); case '\n': badrequest(505, "Version Not Supported", "HTTP/0.9 not supported"); case '?': query_string = p + 1; break; case '%': if ((!query_string) && p[1] && p[2]) { int a = fromhex(p[1]); int b = fromhex(p[2]); if ((a >= 0) && (b >= 0)) { c = (a << 4) | b; p += 2; } } break; } if ((!query_string) && (fsp - fspath + 1 < sizeof fspath)) { *(fsp++) = c; } } *fsp = 0; /* * Change "/." to "/:" to keep "hidden" files such and prevent directory traversal */ while ((fsp = strstr(fspath, "/."))) { *(fsp + 1) = ':'; } *(p++) = 0; /* NULL-terminate path */ if (docgi && query_string) { env("QUERY_STRING", query_string); } } http_version = -1; if (!strncmp(p, "HTTP/1.", 7) && p[8] && ((p[8] == '\r') || (p[8] == '\n'))) { http_version = p[7] - '0'; } if (!((http_version == 0) || (http_version == 1))) { http_version = 0; badrequest(505, "Version Not Supported", "HTTP version not supported"); } if (http_version == 1) { keepalive = 1; } else { keepalive = 0; } if (docgi) { p[8] = 0; env("SERVER_PROTOCOL", p); } /* * Read header fields */ { char *base = buf; char *lastchar = base + (sizeof buf) - 2; int nheaders = 0; *lastchar = 0; while (1) { char *cgi_name = base; char *p; int plen = (sizeof buf) - (base - buf); char *name, *val; size_t len; /* * 40 is totally arbitrary here. */ if (plen < 40) { badrequest(431, "Request Header Too Large", "The HTTP header block was too large"); } if (nheaders++ >= MAXHEADERFIELDS) { badrequest(431, "Request Header Too Large", "Too many HTTP Headers"); } strcpy(cgi_name, "HTTP_"); plen -= 5; p = cgi_name + 5; if (NULL == fgets(p, plen, stdin)) { badrequest(500, "OS Error", "OS error reading headers"); } if (*lastchar) { badrequest(431, "Request Header Too Large", "An HTTP header field was too large"); } len = extract_header_field(p, &val, 1); if (!len) { /* * blank line */ break; } if (!val) { badrequest(400, "Invalid header", "Unable to parse header block"); } name = p; /* * Set up CGI environment variables */ if (docgi) { env(cgi_name, val); } /* * By default, re-use buffer space */ base = cgi_name; /* * Handle special header fields */ if (!strcmp(name, "HOST")) { host = val; base = name + len + 1; } else if (!strcmp(name, "USER_AGENT")) { user_agent = val; base = name + len + 1; } else if (!strcmp(name, "REFERER")) { refer = val; base = name + len + 1; } else if (!strcmp(name, "CONTENT_TYPE")) { content_type = val; base = name + len + 1; } else if (!strcmp(name, "CONTENT_LENGTH")) { content_length = (size_t) strtoull(val, NULL, 10); } else if (!strcmp(name, "CONNECTION")) { if (!strcasecmp(val, "keep-alive")) { keepalive = 1; } else { keepalive = 0; } } else if (!strcmp(name, "IF_MODIFIED_SINCE")) { ims = timerfc(val); } else if (!strcmp(name, "RANGE")) { /* * Range: bytes=17-23 */ /* * Range: bytes=23- */ if (!strncmp(val, "bytes=", 6)) { p = val + 6; range_start = (off_t) strtoull(p, &p, 10); if (*p == '-') { range_end = (off_t) strtoull(p + 1, NULL, 10); } else { range_end = 0; } } } } } /* * Try to change into the appropriate directory */ if (!nochdir) { char fn[PATH_MAX]; if (host) { snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "%s", host); } else { fn[0] = 0; } if (fn[0] == '.') { fn[0] = ':'; } for (p = fn; *p; p += 1) { switch (*p) { case '/': *p = ':'; break; case ':': *p = 0; break; case 'A' ... 'Z': *p ^= ' '; break; } } if ((-1 == chdir(fn)) && (-1 == chdir("default"))) { badrequest(404, "Not Found", "This host is not served here"); } } if (method == CONNECT) { execl(connector, connector, path, NULL); badrequest(500, "Unable to exec connector", strerror(errno)); } /* * Serve the file */ alarm(WRITETIMEOUT); find_serve_file(fspath); fflush(stdout); return; } int main(int argc, char *argv[], const char *const *envp) { parse_options(argc, argv); cwd = open(".", O_RDONLY); signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); get_ucspi_env(); while (1) { handle_request(); if (!keepalive) { break; } if (-1 == fchdir(cwd)) { break; } } return 0; }