fnord is meant to be used under Linux with the diet libc (http://www.fefe.de/dietlibc/). These are actual apache bench results, all on localhost on a 100k JPEG test file, 1000 requests with a concurrency of 10. To be fair, I linked thttpd, mini_httpd and fnord against the diet libc. I did not try this with apache, though. Since apache does not exec anything, it should not matter much, though. mini_httpd forks for each request, apparently does not support keep-alive and compared to fnord does not incur the overhead of execve for each request. thttpd is the fastest web server known to me. Values are time in seconds for the whole transaction (1000 downloads, 10 parallel connections). server software keep-alive no keep-alive ---------------------------------------------------------------- mini_httpd 1.15c 1.690 0.943 apache 1.3.22 1.236 1.178 thttpd 2.21b 0.896 0.839 fnord 1.008 1.331 fnord w/ sendfile 0.316 0.912 Please note that fnord actually plays in the same league as others even without keep-alive and sendfile support. That is surprising since fnord has one fork() _and_ one execve() as overhead for each request! As the difference between keep-alive and non-keep-alive shows, that difference is not very large. That is the achievement of the diet libc, which reduces the normally significant libc overhead to zero.