SSL with eris ============= Eris does not care what transport is in use: that job is left to the invoking program (eg. tcpserver). Gerrit Pape's `ipsvd` package comes with two programs for running SSL daemons: `sslsvd` and `sslio`. At the time of this writing, however, Gerrit's `ipsvd` has no support for IPv6. Busybox `ipsvd`, and `ucspi-tcp-ipv6`, both do support IPv6. Here is how you can support SSL *and* IPv6: cd /srv/www HTTPS=enabled; export HTTPS exec tcpserver -H -R 0 443 \ /usr/bin/sslio -u nobody:ssl-cert -U www-data \ -C /path/to/mydomain.crt -K /path/to/mydomain.key \ /service/httpd/eris -c This uses `tcpserver` to listen for and accept TCP4 and TCP6 connections. These connections are then handed to `sslio`, which drops permissions to `nobody:ssl-cert` and starts speaking SSL to `eris` running as `www-data`. I like to set the `HTTPS` environment variable also, so CGI can tell whether or not its connection is secure.