#! /usr/bin/env python import firebot from finger import Finger from procbot import ProcBot, Runner import shorturl import asyncore import irc import re import os import time import socket def esc(arg): return "'" + arg.replace("'", r"'\''") + "'" def lesc(args): return [esc(arg) for arg in args] class Arsenic(firebot.FireBot, ProcBot): debug = False bindings = [] ping_interval = 120 chatty = False # #x can't play nice def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): firebot.FireBot.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.seen = {} self.lusers = {} self.heartbeat_interval=0.01 self.lag = 0 self.whinecount = 0 def runcmd(self, sender, forum, addl, match): command = match.group('command') args = lesc(match.group('args').split(' ')) argstr = ' '.join(args) Runner('%s %s' % (command, argstr), lambda l,r: self.proc_cb('%s: ' % command, sender, forum, l, r)) bindings.append((re.compile(r"^(?Pwhois) +(?P.*)$"), runcmd)) bindings.append((re.compile(r"^(?Phost) +(?P.*)$"), runcmd)) def rp(self, sender, forum, addl, match): command = 'rp' argstr = match.group('args') Finger(('db.nic.lanl.gov', 5833), argstr, lambda l: self.proc_cb('%s: ' % command, sender, forum, l, 0)) bindings.append((re.compile(r"^(?Prp) +(?P.*)$"), rp)) def finger(self, sender, forum, addl, match): command = 'finger' argstr = match.group('args') Finger(('finger.lanl.gov', 79), argstr, lambda l: self.proc_cb('%s: ' % command, sender, forum, l, 0)) bindings.append((re.compile(r"^(?Pfinger) +(?P.*)$"), finger)) def lag(self, sender, forum, addl, match): forum.msg("My server lag is %.3f seconds." % self.lag) bindings.append((re.compile(r"^\008[,: ]+ (what is the )?(server )?lag"), lag)) def note(self, sender, forum, addl, match): whom = match.group('whom') what = match.group('what') when = time.time() key = '\013notes:%s' % whom note = (when, sender.name(), what) try: n = self.db[key] except KeyError: n = [] n.append(note) self.db[key] = n forum.msg(self.gettext('okay', sender=sender.name())) bindings.append((re.compile(r"^\008[:, ]+note (to )?(?P[^: ]+):? +(?P.*)"), note)) bindings.extend(firebot.FireBot.bindings) ## ## IRC protocol-level extensions ## def add_luser(self, luser, channel): # Keeps track of what users have been on what channels, and # sends an invite to luser for every channel in which they're # listed. If they're already in the channel, the server just # sends back an error. This has the effect of letting people # get back into invite-only channels after a disconnect. who = luser.name() self.lusers[channel.name()][who] = luser for chan, l in self.lusers.iteritems(): if chan == channel.name(): continue t = l.get(who) if t and t.host == luser.host: self.write(['INVITE', who, chan]) def cmd_join(self, sender, forum, addl): if sender.name() == self.nick: # If it was me, get a channel listing and beg for ops self.write(['WHO', forum.name()]) forum.notice('If you op me, I will op everyone who joins this channel.') self.lusers[forum.name()] = {} else: # Otherwise, add the user self.add_luser(sender, forum) forum.write(['MODE', forum.name(), '+o'], sender.name()) def cmd_352(self, sender, forum, addl): # Response to WHO forum = irc.Channel(self, addl[0]) who = irc.User(self, addl[4], addl[1], addl[2]) self.add_luser(who, forum) def cmd_invite(self, sender, forum, addl): # Join any channel to which we're invited self.write('JOIN', forum.name()) def cmd_pong(self, sender, forum, addl): now = time.time() self.lag = now - float(addl[0]) def cmd_482(self, sender, forum, addl): forum = self.recipient(addl[0]) self.whinecount += 1 if (self.whinecount == 2 or self.whinecount == 4 or self.whinecount == 8): forum.notice("Just a reminder: I can't op anyone unless I'm opped myself.") elif (self.whinecount == 16): forum.notice("This is the last time I'm going to beg for ops. Puh-leaze?") if __name__ == '__main__': import daemon debug = False if not debug: # Become a daemon log = file('arsenic.log', 'a') daemon.daemon('arsenic.pid', log, log) # Short URL server us = shorturl.start(('', 0)) firebot.URLSERVER = (socket.gethostbyaddr(socket.gethostname())[0], us.getsockname()[1]) NICK = ['arsenic'] INFO = "I'm a little printf, short and stdout" l1 = Arsenic(('irc.lanl.gov', 6667), NICK, INFO, ["#x", "#csirt"], ssl=False) l1.debug = debug irc.run_forever(0.01)