#! /usr/bin/env python import os import irc import async_proc class Runner(async_proc.process_dispatcher): def __init__(self, cmdline, outfunc): f = os.popen('%s 2>&1' % (cmdline), 'r') self.outfunc = outfunc self.linebuf = "" async_proc.process_dispatcher.__init__(self, f) def handle_read(self): self.linebuf += self.recv(4098) def handle_close(self): ret = self.close() if self.linebuf: self.outfunc(self.linebuf, ret) def esc(arg): "Shell-escape an argument" return "'" + arg.replace("'", "'\''") + "'" def lesc(args): "Shell-escape a list of arguments" return [esc(arg) for arg in args] class ProcBot(irc.Bot): maxlines = 5 def proc_cb(self, pfx, sender, forum, linebuf, ret): if not pfx: pfx = "" lines = [] for line in linebuf.split('\n'): line = line.strip() if line: lines.append("%s%s" % (pfx, line)) if ret and not lines: lines = ["%sThat generates an error (%d)." % (pfx, ret)] if len(lines) > self.maxlines: forum.msg("%sToo many lines, sending privately" % pfx) self.despool(sender, lines) else: self.despool(forum, lines) if __name__ == '__main__': import bindingsbot import re class LsBot(ProcBot, bindingsbot.BindingsBot): bindings = bindingsbot.BindingsBot.bindings def ls(self, sender, forum, addl, match): r = Runner('ls', lambda linebuf, ret: self.proc_cb("ls: ", sender, forum, linebuf, ret)) bindings.append((re.compile(r"^ls", re.IGNORECASE), ls)) p = LsBot(('irc.woozle.org', 6667), 'procbot', 'hi asl', ["#ch"]) irc.run_forever()