import irc import re import random import types import os class Match: """A wrapper around a regex match, to replace \008 with a word. """ def __init__(self, m, txt): self.m = m self.txt = txt def group(self, grp): g = if g: g = g.replace('\008', self.txt) return g class BindingsBot(irc.Bot): """An IRC bot with regex function bindings You can bind functions to things said in the channel by regular expression with this. See wouldmatch for an example of how to do this. """ msg_cat = {} # message catalog bindings = [] # function/catalog bindings to regexen def __init__(self, *gar): irc.Bot.__init__(self, *gar) self.last_tb = "Nothing's gone wrong yet!" def err(self, exception): """Save the traceback for later inspection""" irc.Bot.err(self, exception) t,v,tb = exception info = [] while 1: info.append('%s:%d(%s)' % (os.path.basename(tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename), tb.tb_lineno, tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_name)) tb = tb.tb_next if not tb: break del tb # just to be safe infostr = '[' + '] ['.join(info) + ']' self.last_tb = '%s %s %s' % (t, v, infostr) print self.last_tb def matches(self, text): matches = [] btext = text.replace(self.nick, '\008') for b in self.bindings: m = b[0].match(btext) if m: matches.append((m, b)) return matches def cmd_privmsg(self, sender, forum, addl): for m, b in self.matches(addl[0]): f = b[1] if callable(f): cont = f(self, sender, forum, addl, Match(m, self.nick)) elif type(f) == types.StringType: forum.msg(self.gettext(f,,, me=self.nick)) cont = False else: raise ValueError("Can't handle type of %s", `f`) if not cont: break def gettext(self, msg, **dict): """Format a message from the message catalog. Retrieve from the message catalog the message specified by msg, filling in arguments as specified by dict. """ m = random.choice(self.msg_cat[msg]) return m % dict def tbinfo(self, sender, forum, addl, match): forum.msg(self.last_tb) bindings.append((re.compile(r"^\008[,: ]+(tbinfo|traceback)$"), tbinfo)) def wouldmatch(self, sender, forum, addl, match): """Show what binding would be matched""" text = matches = self.matches(text) m = [i[1][1] for i in matches] forum.msg('%s => %s' % (`text`, `m`)) bindings.append((re.compile(r"^\008[,: ]+match (.+)$"), wouldmatch)) # # Message catalog # msg_cat['okay'] = ('Okay, %(sender)s.',)