#include #include #include #include #include "alsa.h" #include "usb.h" #include "log.h" #include "dump.h" static snd_seq_t *snd_handle; static int seq_port; static snd_midi_event_t *midi_event_parser; #define ALSA_BUFSIZE 4096 int alsa_setup(const char *name) { if (snd_seq_open(&snd_handle, "default", SND_SEQ_OPEN_DUPLEX, 0) < 0) { perror("snd_seq_open"); return -1; } snd_seq_nonblock(snd_handle, 1); snd_seq_set_client_name(snd_handle, name); seq_port = snd_seq_create_simple_port(snd_handle, name, SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_READ | SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_WRITE | SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_SUBS_READ | SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_SUBS_WRITE, SND_SEQ_PORT_TYPE_MIDI_GENERIC); // Allocate parser object for converting to and from MIDI if (snd_midi_event_new(ALSA_BUFSIZE, &midi_event_parser) < 0) { fatal("ALSA cannot allocate MIDI event parser"); } return 0; } void alsa_close() { snd_midi_event_free(midi_event_parser); } #define MAX_PFDS 20 int npfd; struct pollfd pfd[MAX_PFDS]; void alsa_fd_setup(int *nfds, fd_set *rfds, fd_set *wfds) { npfd = snd_seq_poll_descriptors_count(snd_handle, POLLIN); int i; if (npfd > MAX_PFDS) { fatal("ALSA wants too many file descriptors"); } snd_seq_poll_descriptors(snd_handle, pfd, npfd, POLLIN); for (i = 0; i < npfd; i += 1) { if (pfd[i].fd > *nfds) { *nfds = pfd[i].fd; } if (pfd[i].events & POLLIN) { FD_SET(pfd[i].fd, rfds); } } } void alsa_read_ready() { snd_midi_event_init(midi_event_parser); for (;;) { snd_seq_event_t *ev; unsigned char buf[ALSA_BUFSIZE]; long converted; int r; r = snd_seq_event_input(snd_handle, &ev); if (r == -EAGAIN) { // input queue empty break; } else if (r == -ENOSPC) { warn("Input queue overflow"); continue; } else if (r < 0) { warn("snd_seq_event_input() = %d", r); continue; } converted = snd_midi_event_decode(midi_event_parser, buf, ALSA_BUFSIZE, ev); if (converted < 0) { warn("Can't decode MIDI event type %x", ev->type); continue; } if (converted < 3) { int i; warn("Uh oh, weird MIDI packet with length %ld (does this make sense if prefixed with 90?)", converted); for (i = 0; i < converted; i += 1) { fprintf(stderr, " %02x", buf[i]); } fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } usb_write(buf, converted); } } void alsa_check_fds(fd_set *rfds, fd_set *wfds) { int i; for (i = 0; i < npfd; i += 1) { int fd = pfd[i].fd; if (FD_ISSET(fd, rfds) || FD_ISSET(fd, wfds)) { alsa_read_ready(); return; } } } void alsa_write(uint8_t *data, size_t datalen) { size_t offset = 0; snd_midi_event_init(midi_event_parser); for (; datalen > offset;) { snd_seq_event_t ev; long encoded; int r; encoded = snd_midi_event_encode(midi_event_parser, data + offset, datalen - offset, &ev); if (encoded <= 1) { int i; warn("Unable to encode MIDI message (%ld < %ld)", encoded, datalen); fprintf(stderr, " "); for (i = offset; i < datalen; i += 1) { fprintf(stderr, "%02x ", data[i]); } fprintf(stderr, "\n"); return; } snd_seq_ev_set_direct(&ev); snd_seq_ev_set_source(&ev, seq_port); snd_seq_ev_set_subs(&ev); r = snd_seq_event_output(snd_handle, &ev); if (r < 0) { warn("Couldn't write an output event"); } if (r > 200) { warn("Output buffer size %d", r); } offset += encoded; } snd_seq_drain_output(snd_handle); }