// jshint asi:true Math.TAU = Math.PI * 2 function toast(text, timeout=8000) { let toasts = document.querySelector("#toasts") if (! text) { while (toasts.firstChild) { toasts.firstChild.remove() } } else { let p = document.querySelector("#toasts").appendChild(document.createElement("p")) p.textContent = text if (timeout) { setTimeout(() => p.remove(), timeout) } } } class Convulse { constructor() { this.chunks = [] this.canvas = document.querySelector("canvas") this.ctx = this.canvas.getContext("2d") this.dllink = document.querySelector("#download") this.webcamVideo = document.querySelector("#webcam") this.desktopVideo = document.querySelector("#desktop") this.canvas.width = 1920 this.canvas.height = 1080 document.querySelector("#indicator").classList.add("hidden") document.addEventListener("mouseenter", e => this.showControls(true)) document.addEventListener("mouseleave", e => this.showControls(false)) document.querySelector("canvas").addEventListener("click", e => this.rec(e)) document.querySelector("#rec").addEventListener("click", e => this.rec(e)) document.querySelector("#webcam-size").addEventListener("input", e => this.setWebcamSize(e)) document.querySelector("#webcam-size").value = localStorage.webcamSize || 0.3 document.querySelector("#webcam-size").dispatchEvent(new Event("input")) document.querySelector("#webcam-pos").addEventListener("click", e => this.setWebcamPos(e)) this.webcamPos = localStorage.webcamPos || 2 document.querySelector("#desktop-size").addEventListener("input", e => this.setDesktopSize(e)) document.querySelector("#desktop-size").value = localStorage.desktopSize || 2.0 document.querySelector("#desktop-size").dispatchEvent(new Event("input")) document.querySelector("#desktop-pos").addEventListener("click", e => this.setDesktopPos(e)) this.desktopPos = localStorage.desktopPos || 0 this.recorder = {state: "unstarted"} // this.mediaStream gets audio directly from the device, video from canvas this.mediaStream = new MediaStream() // Populate select boxes with what media is available navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices() .then(devs => { for (let dev of devs) { let opt = document.createElement("option") opt.value = dev.deviceId if (dev.kind == "audioinput") { opt.text = dev.label || `Microphone ${aud.length+1}` aud.appendChild(opt) } else if (dev.kind == "videoinput") { opt.text = dev.label || `Camera ${vid.length+1}` vid.appendChild(opt) } } }) // Pretend the user clicked whatever's in those boxes let aud = document.querySelector("#audio-in") let vid = document.querySelector("#video-in") aud.addEventListener("change", e => this.inputSelect(e)) vid.addEventListener("change", e => this.inputSelect(e)) this.inputSelect() navigator.mediaDevices.getDisplayMedia({video: {cursor: "always"}}) .then(media => { document.querySelector("#hello").classList.add("hidden") this.desktopVideo.srcObject = media this.desktopVideo.play() }) .catch(err => { toast("Couldn't open screen grabber!") }) let canvasStream = this.canvas.captureStream(30) for (let vt of canvasStream.getVideoTracks()) { this.mediaStream.addTrack(vt) } this.frame() toast("Click anywhere to start and stop recording") } gotUserMedia(media) { document.querySelector("#hello").classList.add("hidden") // Set video source // sending this to an HTML element seems janky, is there no direct method for video? if (this.webcamVideo.srcObject) { for (let track of this.webcamVideo.srcObject.getTracks()) { track.stop() } } for (let track of media.getVideoTracks()) { for (let opt of document.querySelector("#video-in")) { if (opt.text == track.label) { opt.selected = true } } } this.webcamVideo.muted = true this.webcamVideo.srcObject = media this.webcamVideo.play() // Set audio source for (let track of this.mediaStream.getAudioTracks()) { this.mediaStream.removeTrack(track) track.stop() } for (let track of media.getAudioTracks()) { this.mediaStream.addTrack(track) for (let opt of document.querySelector("#audio-in")) { opt.selected = (opt.value == track.deviceId) } } } inputSelect(event) { let audName = document.querySelector("#audio-in").value || undefined let vidName = document.querySelector("#video-in").value || undefined let constraints = { audio: {deviceId: {exact: audName}}, video: {deviceId: {exact: vidName}} } navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia(constraints) .then(e => this.gotUserMedia(e)) } setWebcamSize(event) { this.webcamSize = event.target.value localStorage.webcamSize = this.webcamSize } setWebcamPos(event) { this.webcamPos = (this.webcamPos + 1) % 9 localStorage.webcamPos = this.webcamPos } setDesktopSize(event) { this.desktopSize = event.target.value localStorage.desktopSize = this.desktopSize } setDesktopPos(event) { this.desktopPos = (this.desktopPos + 1) % 9 localStorage.desktopPos = this.desktopPos } rec(event) { let button = document.querySelector("#rec") if (this.recorder.state == "recording") { // Stop this.recorder.stop() this.canvas.classList.remove("recording") document.querySelector("#indicator").classList.add("hidden") button.textContent = "⏺️" toast("Stopped") document.title = "Convulse: stopped" this.save() } else { // Start this.chunks = [] this.recorder = new MediaRecorder(this.mediaStream, {mimeType: "video/webm"}) this.recorder.addEventListener("dataavailable", event => { if (event.data && event.data.size > 0) { this.chunks.push(event.data) } }) this.recorder.start(10) this.canvas.classList.add("recording") document.querySelector("#indicator").classList.remove("hidden") button.textContent = "⏹️" toast("Recording: click anywhere to stop") document.title = "Convulse: recording" } } showControls(show) { let controls = document.querySelector("#controls") if (show) { controls.classList.remove("hidden") } else { controls.classList.add("hidden") } } save(event) { let recording = window.URL.createObjectURL(new Blob(this.chunks, {type: this.recorder.mimeType})) let now = new Date().toISOString() let saveButton = document.querySelector("#save") saveButton.addEventListener('progress', event => console.log(event)) saveButton.href = recording saveButton.download = "convulse-" + now + ".webm" saveButton.click() } frame(timestamp) { if (this.desktopVideo.videoWidth > 0) { this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height) let desktopAR = this.desktopVideo.videoWidth / this.desktopVideo.videoHeight let desktopHeight = this.canvas.height * this.desktopSize let desktopWidth = desktopHeight * desktopAR let desktopY = (this.canvas.height - desktopHeight) * (Math.floor(this.desktopPos / 3) / 2) let desktopX = (this.canvas.width - desktopWidth) * (Math.floor(this.desktopPos % 3) / 2) this.ctx.drawImage( this.desktopVideo, desktopX, desktopY, desktopWidth, desktopHeight ) } if (this.webcamVideo.videoWidth > 0) { let webcamAR = this.webcamVideo.videoWidth / this.webcamVideo.videoHeight let webcamHeight = this.canvas.height * this.webcamSize let webcamWidth = webcamHeight * webcamAR let webcamY = (this.canvas.height - webcamHeight) * (Math.floor(this.webcamPos / 3) / 2) let webcamX = (this.canvas.width - webcamWidth) * (Math.floor(this.webcamPos % 3) / 2) this.ctx.drawImage( this.webcamVideo, webcamX, webcamY, webcamWidth, webcamHeight ) } requestAnimationFrame(ts => this.frame(ts)) } } function init() { if (navigator.serviceWorker) { navigator.serviceWorker.register("sw.js") } window.app = new Convulse() } if (document.readyState === "loading") { document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", init) } else { init() }