import * as Binutils from "./binutils.mjs" const FLAG_NEGATIVE = 1 << 0 const FLAG_HALT = 1 << 1 const FLAG_ABLAZE = 1 << 2 class Instruction { constructor(name, args, description) { this.Name = name this.Args = args this.Description = description } } const Instructions = [ new Instruction("NOOP", [], "Do nothing"), new Instruction("PRNT", ["x"], "Print string at x"), new Instruction("READ", ["x"], "Read input, store in x"), new Instruction("CMPS", ["x", "y"], "Compare string x to string y"), new Instruction("JNEQ", ["x"], "If not equal, set PC to x"), new Instruction("JUMP", ["x"], "Set PC to x"), new Instruction("HALT", [], "Terminate program"), new Instruction("HACF", [], "Halt And Catch Fire (never use this!)"), ] function disassemble(program) { let b = program[0] let inst = Instructions[b] if (inst) { let nargs = inst.Args.length let args = [] for (let i = 0; i < nargs; i++) { args.push(program[i+1]) } if (1+nargs <= program.length) { // Only return an opcode if there was enough data for its arguments as well return {length: 1+nargs, name: inst.Name, args: args} } } let data = Binutils.CString(program, true) let s = Binutils.Stringify(data) return {length: data.length, name: "DATA", args: [s]} } class CPU { /** * @param {Uint8Array} program Program to load * @param {string} input input string * @param {Number} pc initial program counter * @param {Number} flags initial flags */ constructor(program, input, output="", pc=0, flags=0) { this.Program = program this.Input = input this.Output = output this.PC = pc this.Flags = flags } Clone() { return new CPU(this.Program, this.Input, this.Output, this.PC, this.Flags) } DisassembleProgram() { let ret = [] let prog1 = this.Program.slice(0, this.PC) let addr = 0 for (let prog of [prog1, this.Program]) { while (addr < prog.length) { let subprog = prog.slice(addr) let inst = disassemble(subprog) ret.push({ addr, buf: this.Program.slice(addr, addr+inst.length), name:, args: inst.args, }) addr += inst.length } } return ret } Step() { let prog = this.Program.slice(this.PC) let inst = disassemble(prog) let flags = this.Flags this.Flags = 0 switch ( { case "JUMP": this.PC = inst.args[0] return case "JNEQ": if (flags && FLAG_NEGATIVE) { this.PC = inst.args[0] return } break case "READ": { let addr = inst.args[0] let b = new TextEncoder().encode(this.Input + "\0") let newproglen = Math.max(this.Program.length, addr+b.length) let newprog = new Uint8Array(newproglen) for (let i = 0; i < addr; i++) { newprog[i] = this.Program[i] } for (let i = 0; i < b.length; i++) { newprog[addr+i] = b[i] } for (let i = addr+b.length; i < this.Program.length; i++) { newprog[i] = this.Program[i] } this.Program = newprog break } case "PRNT": { let addr = inst.args[0] let prog = this.Program.slice(addr) this.Output = Binutils.CString(prog) break } case "CMPS": { let decoder = new TextDecoder() let a = decoder.decode(Binutils.CString(this.Program.slice(inst.args[0]))) let b = decoder.decode(Binutils.CString(this.Program.slice(inst.args[1]))) if (a != b) { this.Flags = FLAG_NEGATIVE } break } case "HALT": // Don't modify PC this.Flags = FLAG_HALT return case "HACF": this.Flags = FLAG_HALT | FLAG_ABLAZE return case "DATA": // Keep stepping through data one byte at a time trying to execute something inst.length = 1 break } this.PC += inst.length } } export { FLAG_NEGATIVE, FLAG_HALT, FLAG_ABLAZE, Instructions, CPU, }