This page is used to control what smileys are supported by the wiki. Just write the text of a smiley to display it. * \\:) [[smileys/smile.png]] * \\:-) [[smileys/smile.png]] * \\:D [[smileys/smile-big.png]] * \\:-D [[smileys/smile-big.png]] * \\;) [[smileys/wink.png]] * \\;-) [[smileys/wink.png]] * \\:\ [[smileys/thinking.png]] * \\:-\ [[smileys/thinking.png]] * \\:/ [[smileys/thinking.png]] * \\:-/ [[smileys/thinking.png]] * \\:| [[smileys/neutral.png]] * \\:-| [[smileys/neutral.png]] * \\:( [[smileys/sad.png]] * \\:-( [[smileys/sad.png]] * \\:-? [[smileys/tongue.png]] * \\:-P [[smileys/tongue.png]] * \\:o [[smileys/shock.png]] ---- To change the supported smileys, just edit the lists on this page. Note that the format is important; each list item should start with the text that is turned into the smiley, escaped so that users can see what produces it, followed by a [[ikiwiki/WikiLink]] to the image to display. /!\ Bear in mind that the link to the image needs to be written in a way that will work if it's copied to other pages on the wiki. So be sure to include the smileys directory in the path to the file.