[[!meta title="Software"]] I write software for a living. I like doing it so much that sometimes I even write software just for fun. Here are some of the better hacks I've created over the years. [Firebot](firebot) is an IRC automaton (bot) that works as an InfoBot, LinkBot (links multiple channels, even across servers), command bot (displays the output of programs), web bot (fetches and parses web pages, returning the results), and more. Everything runs in an asynchronous select() loop with a very easy-to-use high-level interface. [Photobob](photobob) is a web-based photo album. There's nothing to differentiate this from the myriad other web-based photo albums out there, except that this one doesn't need a database and doesn't write any meta-information. You just point it at a directory full of images/movies and it serves 'em up. [eguile](eguile) is a text preprocessor using guile scheme. [escm](escm) is the same thing for gauche. You could use these to build a web site with a common theme. I used to use them, but now I use a very simple m4 template. The [Universal Boardgame Kit](ubk/) is a kit you can build for under $5 to use with a number of boardgames. A few boards are included. I designed the pieces and most of the boards, and hand-coded them all in PostScript. That makes me feel manly. I also have some little [Python](python/), [PostScript](ps-hacks), and [other](misc) hacks, which do clever things.