Title: The good and bad of Los Alamos November 5, 2008 Dear Editor, Today I got a good look at what is right and what is wrong with Los Alamos. After delaying for months, I got up this morning determined to have my prescribed blood work done. I'm always grumpy when I haven't eaten for eight hours, so I was just barely maintaining my civility when I walked into the Medical Center. I had forgotten that it was Halloween. My mood was not improved by the long line at the registration desk. When I saw the cause I was really annoyed. The staff could hardly keep their minds on their work because they were celebrating the day. Now, I don't mind a pumpkin or two or some black cats, but the whole intake area was decorated to the nines and all personnel were wearing costumes --- elaborate, commercial costumes. I assume they were rented. The whole charade was continued at the laboratory --- more over-the-top decorations and commercial costumes. I believe the expenditure of time, effort and money could have been put to far better use than that of enabling a group of adults to dress up in silly costumes and act like children. After that ordeal was over I went to McDonald's and had a good breakfast for four dollars. The change from the five went into the Ronald McDonald House donation box. That is something right. Next I went to the library, a place I find compatible and stimulating. Now, however, I was assaulted by the sight of the county's latest boondoggle and eyesore --- the skate park. One argument for putting it in front of the library was that the police could keep an eye on it. Well, it was eleven o'clock on a Friday morning and there were several school-age boys using the ramps. Where were the police? After that I returned home to White Rock, stopping off at the Jemez House Thrift Store. I found a great Christmas gift for a quarter, but while I was paying for it I got into conversation with the knowledgeable volunteer behind the counter. She told me about the nine young people the thrift store is supporting in their secondary school and college careers. I had a dollar in my hand and I told her put the change in the till. Again, that is something right. Los Alamos