--- title: 🐘 🐢 --- 🐘 🐢 🐘 🦊 🐘 🐢 🐘 🐂 🐘 🐢 🦄 🐁 🐘 🦄 🦄 🏠 🐘 🦄 🏀 🐸 🦄 🐘 🎷 🐕 🎷 🐕 🐢 🦄 🥚 🎻 🧸 🪛 🦵 ---- It's a really difficult thing to search for, but as far as I can tell, this is the first ever rhyming emoji poem. I would of course love to be proven wrong about this, so if you find a prior example, please let me know about it, and I'll link to it or reference it here! If this is indeed the first, then [this follow-up post](https://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=3960167#post512735911) would be the first emoji limerick.