[[!meta title="Firebot"]] FireBot is a winner! Firebot is an IRC bot combining the functionality of a Linkbot, an Infobot, and a Clickolinko, which is this cool thing Emad El-Haraty and I came up with to make short URLs out of stuff posted into the channel, for people with text browsers that wrap URLs. Note that, in addition to interacting with FireBot within a channel, you can also communicate directly with FireBot via `/msg` commands. Just in case you need a little one-on-one action and don't want spew your playtime around some channel with other folks watching. That can be *so* distracting. Some commands still require you to preface them with FireBot's name. Example: /msg firebot firebot: literal ... Downloading ----------- You can download a [tarball snapshot of the latest release](http://woozle.org/~neale/gitweb.cgi?p=firebot;a=snapshot;h=HEAD), or use cogito: git clone http://woozle.org/~neale/repos/firebot LinkBot Features ---------------- Firebot can link channels across networks. It is present in all channels and the same functions can be accessed on either side. Everything said on one channel is relayed to the others. It is possible to link multiple channels on multiple servers, including multiple channels on a single server. ClickLinko (UrlBot) ------------------- Whenever FireBot sees a URL in the channel, he makes a note of it and creates a shorter URL out of it. InfoBot ------- As an InfoBot, FireBot listens in the channel for anything of the form "x is y", and then stores that little tidbit. Later, when someone asks a question about x ("what is x?", "who is x?", "wtf is x?"), FireBot answers with the factoid he gathered.
firebot, _x_
look up a factoid for _x_
firebot, _x_ is _y_
store _y_ as a factiod about _x_
firebot, _x_ is also _y_
store _y_ as another factoid about _x_
firebot, append _x_ <= _y_
store _y_ as another factoid about _x_. You'd use this for things where _x_ has the word "is" in it, or other things that you can't store with the preceding commands.
no, firebot, _x_ is _y_
store _y_ as the only factoid about _x_, even if _x_ already has factoids
firebot, literal _x_
display all factoids about _x_
firebot, lock _x_
do not learn any more factoids about _x_
firebot, unlock _x_
resume learning factoids about _x_
firebot, forget _x_
forget all factoids about _x_
firebot, forget _x_ from _y_
forget a single entry (x) that is listed in _y_; _x_ can be a single word, it does not need to be the whole entry
firebot, shut up
make the bot only respond to factoids when addressed specifically
firebot, be chatty
make the bot respond to factoids even when not addressed
In addition, the following tricks can be used within factiods: * Any factoid beginning with `\\` (a backslash) is displayed directly. That is, instead of saying " x is y", FireBot just says " y". * Any factoid beginning with : (a colon) is displayed an action. That is, instead of saying " x is y", FireBot says "* firebot y" * You may put `%(sender)s` in the factoid to print the name of the person who asked about the factoid (when sent to a user in a private message, it's the recipient of the message) Utilities ---------
firebot, later tell _whom_ _what_
The next time _whom_ says something in the channel, deliver the message _what_ publically.
firebot, in _time_ say _what_
after _time_ (eg. "15 seconds", "2 hours", "5 days"), announce _what_ in the channel
seen _whom_
Report the last thing said in the channel by _whom_, and how long ago it was said.
dict _word_
look _word_ up in the dictionary
quote _symbol_
get a stock quote for _symbol_
pollen _zip_
report pollen forecast for US zip code _zip_
cdecl explain _jibberish_
explain the C declaration _jibberish_ (eg. "cdecl explain struct bar *(*foo)[](int)")
cdecl declare _english_
give the C declaration for _english_ (eg. "cdecl declare foo as pointer to array of function (int) returning pointer to struct bar")
how many _x_ in _y_ _z_
determine the number of _x_ items that are contained in _y_ amount of _z_ items (eg. how many miles in 1 light year)
how much is _amt_ _source_ in _dest_
do a currency conversion from _source_ to _dest_. Both must be three-letter currency codes. (eg. "how much is 100 USD in EUR")
calc _expr_
calculate _expr_ (eg. "calc 2 * 5")
Toys ----
8ball, _question_
consult the magic 8-ball regarding _question_
add a whuffie point for _nickname_
remove a whuffie point for _nickname_
whuffie for _nickname_
check the whuffie for _nickname_