--- title: The Poopy Song --- ![G|:ccGG cc2c|ddAA d3c|BBBB BB2A|GGAB c3G:|](poopy-music.png) I had a little baby She liked to poop a lot And when it came out of her butt The temperature was hot She liked to poop her diapers The smell was never strong And when she pooped them really good Her dad would sing a song ### chorus ### Poopy Poopy Poopy Poopy all day long Poopy Poopy Poopy This is the Poopy song (repeat) This little baby pooper She liked to bounce and dance And when you least expected it She’d up and poop her pants She’d poopy in the morning She’d poopy in the night If she went long between her poops You knew things weren’t right [chorus] Her poop was many colors Like yellow, brown, and green Sometimes she made so much of it It made you want to scream She always pooped for pleasure She never pooped for spite If poop were good and evil, then She’d poop for what was right [chorus]