/** * Feis Dataset Importer */ import * as FeisWorx from "./feisworx.mjs" import * as Guidebook from "./guidebook.mjs" /** * @typedef {import("./types.mjs").Results} Results * @typedef {import("./types.mjs").Result} Result * @typedef {import("./types.mjs").Round} Round * @typedef {import("./types.mjs").Adjudication} Adjudication * @typedef {Array.>} RawData */ /** * Creates a new element and appends it to parent * * @param {Element} parent Element to append to * @param {String} type Type of element to create * @param {Object} [dataset] Data fields to set * @returns {Element} */ function newElement(parent, type, dataset={}) { let child = parent.appendChild(document.createElement(type)) for (let k in dataset) { child.dataset[k] = dataset[k] } return child } /** * Load a file and parse it into Results. * * @param {URL|String} url Location of file to load * @returns {Results} Parsed results */ async function loadData(url) { let resp = await fetch(url) let contentType = resp.headers.get("Content-Type") if (! contentType.includes("/xml")) { console.error(`Cannot load data with content-type ${contentType}`) return } let text = await resp.text() let doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(text, "text/xml") let rawData = parseXMLDocument(doc) return parseRawData(rawData) } /** * Parse an XML document of feis results into a 2D array of strings * * @param {Document} doc XML Document * @returns {RawData} Raw data */ function parseXMLDocument(doc) { let table = doc.querySelector("Table") let rawData = [] for (let dataRow of table.children) { if (! ["tr"].includes(dataRow.tagName.toLowerCase())) { console.warn(`Warning: unexpected XML tag ${dataRow.tagName}, expecting tr`) continue } let row = [] for (let dataCell of dataRow.children) { if (! ["th", "td"].includes(dataCell.tagName.toLowerCase())) { console.warn(`Warning: unexpected XML tag ${dataRow.tagName}, expecting th/td`) continue } row.push(dataCell.textContent) } rawData.push(row) } return rawData } /** * Parse raw data into a list of adjudicators and results * * @param {RawData} rawData Raw data * @returns {Results} Parsed Results */ function parseRawData(rawData) { let firstRow = rawData[0] if (firstRow[0].trim().toLowerCase() == "place awd pts") { return FeisWorx.parse(rawData) } if (firstRow[firstRow.length-1].trim().toLowerCase() == "total ip *") { return Guidebook.parse(rawData) } console.error("First row doesn't resemble anything I can cope with", firstRow) } /** * * Fills a table element with some results * * @param {Element} table Table to fill in * @param {Results} results Results to fill with */ function fillTable(table, results) { let head = newElement(table, "thead") let row0 = newElement(head, "tr") let row1 = newElement(head, "tr") let row2 = newElement(head, "tr") newElement(row0, "th").colSpan = 2 newElement(row1, "th").colSpan = 2 newElement(row2, "th").textContent = "Name" newElement(row2, "th").textContent = "Rank" let roundNumber = 0 for (let round of results[0].rounds) { let roundCell = newElement(row0, "th") roundCell.textContent = `Round ${++roundNumber}` roundCell.colSpan = 3*round.length for (let adjudication of round) { let adjudicator = adjudication.adjudicator let cell = newElement(row1, "th") cell.textContent = adjudicator cell.colSpan = 3 newElement(row2, "th").textContent = "Raw" newElement(row2, "th").textContent = "Placing" newElement(row2, "th").textContent = "Points" } } let body = newElement(table, "tbody") for (let result of results) { let row = newElement(body, "tr") newElement(row, "th").textContent = result.name newElement(row, "th").textContent = result.overallRank let i = 0 for (let round of result.rounds) { let first = true for (let adjudication of round) { let raw = newElement(row, "td") raw.textContent = adjudication.raw raw.classList.add("new-adjudication") if (first) { raw.classList.add("new-round") first = false } newElement(row, "td").textContent = adjudication.placing newElement(row, "td").textContent = adjudication.points i++ } } } } async function init() { for (let div of document.querySelectorAll(".clrg-dataset")) { let results = await loadData(div.dataset.url) let table = newElement(div, "table") fillTable(table, results) console.log(results) } } if (document.readyState === "loading") { document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", init) } else { init() } export { loadData, parseXMLDocument, parseRawData, }