title: Unfinished CLRG Data Analyzer
    - dataset.css
    - dataset.mjs

    This won't work because you don't have the datasets.
    I can't provide them to you, due to copyright laws.
    But if you get the results PDFs,
    load them up in Adobe Acrobat,
    and save them as XML,
    they might load here :)

<h1>2021 Irish Dance North Americans 21A</h1>
<div class="clrg-dataset" data-url="2022-10-10 2021 Irish dance north Americans 21A.xml"></div>

<h1>2017 11 AB Wro</h1>
<div class="clrg-dataset" data-url="2017-11 AB Wro.xml"></div>

<h1>2019 09 Wro</h1>
<div class="clrg-dataset" data-url="2022-10-10 Wro2019-09.xml"></div>