
61 lines
1.3 KiB

DESTDIR = $(HOME)/public_html
TEMPLATE = template.xml
MDWNTOHTML = ./mdwntohtml $(TEMPLATE)
# HTML to be generated
HTML = index.html
# Things to copy
COPY += mdwntohtml template.xml
COPY += face.png chumby-photo.cgi
COPY += format.css default.css print.css
COPY += gitweb.cgi git-logo.png gitweb.css gitweb.conf
COPY += portal.png portal.cgi
# Directories in which %.mdwn generates %.html
PLAIN = . papers poems misc
# Other targets for "make all"
TARGETS = html copy
TARGETS += $(DESTDIR)/tmp $(DESTDIR)/footer.xml $(DESTDIR)/projects
TARGETS += $(DESTDIR)/geneweb.cgi
all: default
include */*.mk
$(DESTDIR)/%.html: %.mdwn $(TEMPLATE)
@mkdir -p $(dir $@)
$(MDWNTOHTML) < $< > $@
$(DESTDIR)/%: %
@mkdir -p $(dir $@)
cp $< $@
mkdir -p $@
$(DESTDIR)/footer.xml: $(TEMPLATE)
awk '(/FOOT/) { a += 1; next; } (a == 1) { print; }' $< > $@
ln -s $(HOME)/projects $@
$(DESTDIR)/geneweb.cgi: geneweb.c
$(CC) -o $@ $<
chmod +s $@
$(DESTDIR)/%-sm.jpg: %.jpg
jpegtopnm $< | pnmscale -xysize 200 200 | pnmtojpeg > $@
default: $(TARGETS)
MDWN = $(wildcard $(addsuffix /*.mdwn, $(PLAIN)))
HTML += $(patsubst %.mdwn, %.html, $(MDWN))
html: $(addprefix $(DESTDIR)/, $(HTML))
copy: $(addprefix $(DESTDIR)/, $(COPY))
rm -rf $(wildcard $(DESTDIR)/*)