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[[!meta title="pysieved: Python Managesieve Server"]]
This is a GPL managesieve server. It uses a plug-in architecture to
support different authentication, homedir lookup, and storage
I wrote this so I could use avelsieve (SquirrelMail) with Postfix
and Dovecot. It should work with other managesieve clients too.
Please share with me your successes and failures.
Plugin architecture
The server ships with the following plug-ins:
* Dovecot
Homedir lookup & session initiation:
* Dovecot
* /etc/passwd
* simple virtual hosting (eg. /var/lib/virtual/username)
* Dovecot
Additional back-ends are easy to write, just copy one of the existing
back-ends and start hacking. No modifications are needed to any
existing code, so you don't have to worry about things like the
managesieve protocol or forking.
[Version 1.0](http://woozle.org/~neale/gitweb.cgi?p=pysieved;a=commit;h=1.0)
was released on May 10, 2008 after release candidate 3 had been out for
6 weeks with no bug reports.
You can get the latest version [as
a tarball](http://woozle.org/~neale/gitweb.cgi?p=pysieved;a=snapshot;h=HEAD),
or with git:
git clone http://woozle.org/~neale/repos/pysieved
A [web view of revisions](http://woozle.org/~neale/gitweb.cgi?p=pysieved) is
also available for those without git.
Put all the files somewhere. I put mine in /usr/local/lib/pysieved.
Copy pysieved.ini into /usr/local/etc/, and edit to taste. It's
To run from inetd, add the following line to /etc/inetd.conf:
sieve stream tcp nowait root /usr/bin/python python /usr/local/lib/pysieved/pysieved.py --inetd
To run as a daemon, just run
python pysieved.py
Mail list / IRC channel
If you use pysieved, please join the pysieved mail list by emailing
[pysieved-subscribe@woozle.org](mailto:pysieved-subscribe@woozle.org) or
visiting the [subscription page](http://woozle.org/lists/pysieved).
To talk about pysieved on IRC, join us in
[#pysieved on irc.oftc.net](irc://irc.oftc.net/pysieved).
Neale Pickett <neale@woozle.org>