
30 lines
991 B

Title: Papers
These are papers I have written. Most of them were written to explain a
concept to someone on woozle. Hopefully other people will find them
useful, too.
Roller Derby Stuff
* [Running Audio/Visual for a Roller Derby Bout](derby-av.html)
* [Dirtbags DJ Setup](dj.html)
* [Copyright Advice for Small Leagues](derby-copyright.html)
Computer Nerd Stuff
* [Runit on Arch Linux](arch-runit.html)
* [Reply-To Munging Still Considered Harmful](reply-to-still-harmful.html)
* [Runnning PHP as a CGI](php-cgi.html) in anything other than Apache
* [Converting .docx files to text using unzip and sed](docx.html)
* [Introduction to TCP Sockets](sockets.html)
* [3-Minute HTML Tutorial](html-tutorial.html)
* [How DNS Works](DNS.html)
Everything Else
* [How to make the game of Monopoly suck less](monopoly.html)
* [A Call for the Complete Elimination of Joke Haiku Production on the Internet](joke-haiku.html) by Paul H. Henry