
89 lines
2.3 KiB
Executable File

#! /usr/bin/python
import cgitb; cgitb.enable()
import htmltmpl
import loom
import re
import sys
import cgi
import os
import rfc822
import urllib
import cStringIO as StringIO
var_re = re.compile('\$(\w+|{\w+})')
def fill_template(tmpl, **keywds):
def repl(match):
var = match.group(0)[1:]
var = var.strip('{}')
return keywds[var]
return var_re.sub(repl, tmpl)
def serve(s, c_t):
o = ('Content-type: %s\r\nContent-length: %d\r\n\r\n%s' %
(c_t, len(s), s))
f = cgi.FieldStorage()
s = f.getfirst('sett')
if s:
sett = loom.str_to_sett(s)
l = loom.tartan(sett)
p = StringIO.StringIO()
serve(p.getvalue(), 'image/png')
manager = htmltmpl.TemplateManager(precompile=0)
tmpl = manager.prepare('/home/neale/lib/wiki/templates/page.tmpl')
processor = htmltmpl.TemplateProcessor(html_escape=False)
t = os.environ.get('PATH_INFO', '').strip('/')
if not t:
t = f.getfirst('t', 'Unknown')
s = f.getfirst('s')
if t and not s:
m = rfc822.Message(file('%s.tartan' % t))
t = m.get('Title', t)
s = m.get('Sett')
except IOError:
if not t or not s:
# Default to Black Watch
t = 'Black Watch'
s = ('B22 BK2 B2 BK2 B2 BK16 G16 BK2 G16 BK16 B16 BK2 B2'
'BK2 G10 BK8 DB9 BK1 DB1')
s_st = s.replace(' ', '')
s_st = s_st.replace('\n' ,'')
content = '''
<ul style="background: white; float: right;">
<li><a href="design.cgi?sett=%(sett_compressed)s">image only</a></li>
<li><a href="/~neale/tartans">More tartans</a></li>
<h2>woozle.org tartan designer</h2>
<form action="design" style="padding: 10px;">
<input name="t" value="%(tartan)s" />
<textarea name="s" rows="3" cols="40">%(sett)s</textarea> <br />
<input type="submit" value="Generate" />
<div style="background: url(design.cgi?sett=%(sett_compressed)s);
height: 400px;
border: solid black 40px;">
''' % {'tartan': t,
'sett': s,
'sett_compressed': urllib.quote(s_st)}
processor.set('title', t)
processor.set('content', content)
page = processor.process(tmpl)
serve(page, 'text/html')