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2009-03-02 18:49:21 -07:00
(* Compile Scheme expressions into a form that can be evaluated efficiently. *)
open Ocs_types
open Ocs_error
open Ocs_sym
open Ocs_misc
open Ocs_env
open Ocs_vartable
(* Split the variables that are arguments to let/let*/letrec *)
let letsplit f =
Spair { car = (Ssymbol _ | Sesym (_, _)) as s;
cdr = Spair { car = v; cdr = Snull }} -> f s v
| _ -> raise (Error "invalid let arglist")
(* Split the variables that are arguments to do *)
let dosplit f =
Spair { car = (Ssymbol _ | Sesym (_, _)) as sym;
cdr = Spair { car = init; cdr = t }} ->
match t with
Snull -> f sym init sym
| Spair { car = step; cdr = Snull } -> f sym init step
| _ -> raise (Error "invalid do arglist")
| _ -> raise (Error "invalid do arglist")
let genset b v =
match b with
Vglob g -> Csetg (g, v)
| Vloc (d, i) -> Csetl (d, i, v)
| _ -> raise (Error "cannot change syntactic keywords")
let gendef b v =
match b with
Vglob g -> Cdefine (g, v)
| Vloc (d, i) -> Csetl (d, i, v)
| _ -> raise (Error "cannot change syntactic keywords")
let genref =
Vglob g -> Cgetg g
| Vloc (d, i) -> Cgetl (d, i)
| Vsyntax _ -> Cval Sunspec
| Vmacro _ -> Cval Sunspec
| Vkeyword _ -> Cval Sunbound
let mkseq s =
match Array.length s with
0 -> Cval Sunspec
| 1 -> s.(0)
| 2 -> Cseq2 (s.(0), s.(1))
| 3 -> Cseq3 (s.(0), s.(1), s.(2))
| _ -> Cseqn s
let mkand s =
match Array.length s with
0 -> Cval Strue
| 1 -> s.(0)
| 2 -> Cand2 (s.(0), s.(1))
| 3 -> Cand3 (s.(0), s.(1), s.(2))
| _ -> Candn s
let mkor s =
match Array.length s with
0 -> Cval Sfalse
| 1 -> s.(0)
| 2 -> Cor2 (s.(0), s.(1))
| 3 -> Cor3 (s.(0), s.(1), s.(2))
| _ -> Corn s
let make_proc c n hr fs =
{ proc_body = c;
proc_nargs = n;
proc_has_rest = hr;
proc_frame_size = fs;
proc_name = "#<unknown>#" }
let chksplice a =
let n = Array.length a in
let rec loop i =
if i < n then
match a.(i) with
Cqqspl _ -> true
| _ -> loop (i + 1)
loop 0
(* Scan quoted sections, eliminate environment-specific symbols *)
let rec scanquoted =
Sesym (_, sym) -> sym
| Spair { car = h; cdr = t } ->
Spair { car = scanquoted h; cdr = scanquoted t }
| Svector v ->
Svector ( (fun x -> scanquoted x) v)
| x -> x
let is_uglobal e =
vt_global e.env_vartable
let is_global e =
e.env_depth < 0
let rec mkdefine e args =
let narg = Array.length args in
if narg < 1 then
raise (Error "define: not enough args");
match args.(0) with
Spair { car = (Ssymbol _ | Sesym (_, _)) as s; cdr = al } when narg > 1 ->
match mklambda e al args with
Clambda p as l ->
p.proc_name <- sym_name s;
gendef (get_var e s) l
| _ -> assert false
| (Ssymbol _ | Sesym (_, _)) as s when narg = 2 ->
gendef (get_var e s) (compile e args.(1))
| (Ssymbol _ | Sesym (_, _)) as s when narg = 1 ->
gendef (get_var e s) (Cval Sunspec)
| _ -> raise (Error "define: invalid syntax")
(* The following functions up to mkbody are used to compile the body
of a lambda, let etc., with possible internal definitions. The
internal definitions may be created by macro expansion, so we need
to do that here, too...and we might end up expanding a macro more
than once (so there must be no side-effects to expansion). *)
and idpp =
Spair { car = (Ssymbol _ | Sesym (_, _)) as s;
cdr = Spair { car = v; cdr = Snull }} -> (s, s, v)
| Spair { car = Spair { car = (Ssymbol _ | Sesym (_, _)) as s;
cdr = _ } as x;
cdr = _ } as v -> (s, x, v)
| _ -> raise (Error "invalid internal definition")
and getidef e =
Spair { car = (Ssymbol _ | Sesym (_, _)) as s; cdr = t } ->
match find_var e s with
Some (Vsyntax f) when f == mkdefine -> Some (idpp t)
| Some (Vmacro f) -> getidef e (f e (Array.of_list (list_to_caml t)))
| _ -> None
| _ -> None
and mkid e x v =
match x with
Spair { car = _; cdr = al } ->
mklambda e al (Array.of_list (list_to_caml v))
| _ -> compile e v
and expand_begin e =
(Spair { car = (Ssymbol _ | Sesym (_, _)) as s; cdr = t }) as x ->
match find_var e s with
Some (Vsyntax f) when f == mkbegin ->
Array.concat ( (expand_begin e) (list_to_caml t))
| Some (Vmacro f) ->
expand_begin e (f e (Array.of_list (list_to_caml t)))
| _ -> [| x |]
| x -> [| x |]
and mkbody e args =
let args = Array.concat ( (expand_begin e) (Array.to_list args)) in
let n = Array.length args in
let rec loop i r =
if i < n then
match getidef e args.(i) with
Some d -> loop (i + 1) (d::r)
| None -> r
let ids = (fun (s, x, v) -> let r = bind_var e s in (r, x, v))
(Array.of_list (List.rev (loop 0 []))) in
let sets = (fun (r, x, v) -> gendef r (mkid e x v)) ids in
let nid = Array.length sets in
let rest = (fun x -> compile e x)
(Array.sub args nid (n - nid))
Array.append sets rest
and mkset e args =
if Array.length args != 2 then
raise (Error "set!: requires exactly two args");
match args.(0) with
(Ssymbol _ | Sesym (_, _)) as s ->
let v = compile e args.(1) in
genset (get_var e s) v
| _ -> raise (Error "set!: not a symbol")
(* Note that the first item of the "body" array is ignored, it
corresponds to the argument list but may be in the form expected
by either define or lambda. *)
and mklambda e args body =
let ne = new_frame e
and nargs = ref 0
and has_rest = ref false in
let rec scanargs =
Spair { car = (Ssymbol _ | Sesym (_, _)) as s; cdr = tl } ->
let _ = bind_var ne s in
incr nargs;
scanargs tl
| (Ssymbol _ | Sesym (_, _)) as s ->
let _ = bind_var ne s in
incr nargs;
has_rest := true;
| Snull -> ()
| _ -> raise (Error "lambda: bad arg list")
scanargs args;
let body =
mkseq (mkbody ne (Array.sub body 1 (Array.length body - 1)))
Clambda (make_proc body !nargs !has_rest !(ne.env_frame_size))
and mkif e args =
match Array.length args with
2 -> Cif (compile e args.(0), compile e args.(1), Cval Sunspec)
| 3 -> Cif (compile e args.(0), compile e args.(1), compile e args.(2))
| _ -> raise (Error "if: needs two or three args")
and mknamedlet e s args =
let argv =
(letsplit (fun s v -> s, compile e v))
(Array.of_list (list_to_caml args.(1))) in
let ar = new_var e in
let ne = new_frame e in
bind_name ne s ar;
let av = (fun (s, v) -> let _ = bind_var ne s in v) argv in
let body = mkseq (mkbody ne (Array.sub args 2 (Array.length args - 2))) in
let proc =
Clambda (make_proc body (Array.length av) false !(ne.env_frame_size))
Cseq2 (gendef ar proc, mkapply (genref ar) av)
and mklet e args =
if Array.length args < 2 then
raise (Error "let: too few args");
match args.(0) with
(Ssymbol _ | Sesym (_, _)) as s -> mknamedlet e s args
| Snull -> mkseq (mkbody e (Array.sub args 1 (Array.length args - 1)))
| Spair _ as al ->
let argv =
(letsplit (fun s v -> s, compile e v))
(Array.of_list (list_to_caml al)) in
let ne = new_frame e in
let av = (fun (s, v) -> let _ = bind_var ne s in v) argv in
let body = mkseq (mkbody ne (Array.sub args 1 (Array.length args - 1))) in
let proc =
Clambda (make_proc body (Array.length av) false !(ne.env_frame_size))
mkapply proc av
| _ -> raise (Error "let: missing argument list")
and mkletstar e args =
if Array.length args < 2 then
raise (Error "let*: too few args");
let rec build e =
x::t ->
let (s, v) = letsplit (fun s v -> s, compile e v) x in
let ne = new_frame e in
let _ = bind_var ne s in
let body = build ne t in
let proc = Clambda (make_proc body 1 false !(ne.env_frame_size)) in
mkapply proc [| v |]
| [] -> mkseq (mkbody e (Array.sub args 1 (Array.length args - 1)))
build e (list_to_caml args.(0))
and mkletrec e args =
if Array.length args < 2 then
raise (Error "letrec: too few args");
let ne = new_frame e in
let av = (letsplit (fun s v -> let r = bind_var ne s in (r, v)))
(Array.of_list (list_to_caml args.(0))) in
let avi = (fun (r, v) -> compile ne v) av in
let ne' = new_frame ne in
let sets = (fun (r, v) -> gendef r (genref (new_var ne'))) av in
let body = mkseq (Array.append sets
(mkbody ne' (Array.sub args 1 (Array.length args - 1)))) in
let proc =
Clambda (make_proc body (Array.length av) false !(ne'.env_frame_size)) in
let proc =
Clambda (make_proc (mkapply proc avi)
(Array.length av) false !(ne.env_frame_size))
mkapply proc ( (fun _ -> Cval Sunspec) av)
and compileseq e s =
mkseq ( (fun x -> compile e x)
(Array.of_list (list_to_caml s)))
and mkcond e args =
Spair { car = test;
cdr = Spair { car = (Ssymbol _ | Sesym (_, _)) as s;
cdr = Spair { car = x; cdr = Snull }}}
when is_keyword e s "=>" ->
(Ccondspec (compile e test), (compile e x))
| Spair { car = (Ssymbol _ | Sesym (_, _)) as s; cdr = body }
when is_keyword e s "else" ->
(Cval Strue, compileseq e body)
| Spair { car = test; cdr = body } ->
(compile e test, compileseq e body)
| _ -> raise (Error "cond: syntax error"))
and mkcase e args =
(compile e args.(0),
Spair { car = (Ssymbol _ | Sesym (_, _)) as s; cdr = body }
when is_keyword e s "else" ->
([| |], compileseq e body)
| Spair { car = Spair _ as c; cdr = body } ->
(Array.of_list (list_to_caml c), compileseq e body)
| _ -> raise (Error "case: syntax error"))
(Array.sub args 1 (Array.length args - 1)))
and mkdo e args =
if Array.length args < 2 then
raise (Error "do: bad args");
let vv =
(dosplit (fun sym init step -> sym, compile e init, step))
(Array.of_list (list_to_caml args.(0)))
and (test, result) =
match args.(1) with
Spair { car = t; cdr = r } -> t, r
| _ -> raise (Error "do: bad args")
and anonvar = new_var e
and ne = new_frame e in
let av = (fun (sym, init, _) ->
let _ = bind_var ne sym in init) vv in
let body =
Cif (compile ne test, compileseq ne result,
( (fun x -> compile ne x)
(Array.sub args 2 (Array.length args - 2)))
[| mkapply (genref anonvar)
( (fun (_, _, step) -> compile ne step) vv) |]))
let proc =
Clambda (make_proc body (Array.length av) false !(ne.env_frame_size))
Cseq2 (gendef anonvar proc, mkapply (genref anonvar) av)
and mkdelay e =
[| expr |] -> Cdelay (compile e expr)
| _ -> raise (Error "delay: bad args")
and mkqq e args =
if Array.length args <> 1 then
raise (Error "quasiquote: need exactly one arg")
let rec qq depth =
Spair { car = (Ssymbol _ | Sesym (_, _)) as s;
cdr = Spair { car = x; cdr = Snull }} ->
if is_syntax e s mkqq then
Cqqp (Cval s, Cqqp (qq (depth + 1) x, Cval Snull))
else if is_keyword e s "unquote" then
if depth > 0 then
Cqqp (Cval s, Cqqp (qq (depth - 1) x, Cval Snull))
compile e x
else if is_keyword e s "unquote-splicing" then
if depth > 0 then
Cqqp (Cval s, Cqqp (qq (depth - 1) x, Cval Snull))
Cqqspl (compile e x)
Cqqp (Cval s, Cqqp (qq depth x, Cval Snull))
| Spair { car = h; cdr = t } -> Cqqp (qq depth h, qq depth t)
| Svector v ->
let qv = (fun x -> qq depth x) v in
if chksplice qv then
Cqqvs (Array.to_list qv)
Cqqv qv
| x -> Cval (scanquoted x)
qq 0 args.(0)
and applysym e s args =
match get_var e s with
Vsyntax f -> f e args
| Vmacro f -> compile e (f e args)
| r -> mkapply (genref r) ( (fun x -> compile e x) args)
and compile e =
(Ssymbol _ | Sesym (_, _)) as s -> genref (get_var e s)
| Spair p ->
let args = Array.of_list (list_to_caml p.cdr) in
match with
(Ssymbol _ | Sesym (_, _)) as s -> applysym e s args
| x ->
mkapply (compile e x) ( (fun x -> compile e x) args)
| x -> Cval (scanquoted x)
and mkbegin e args =
mkseq ( (fun x -> compile e x) args)
let bind_lang e =
let spec =
[ sym_define, mkdefine;
sym_set, mkset;
sym_let, mklet;
sym_letstar, mkletstar;
sym_letrec, mkletrec;
sym_if, mkif;
sym_cond, mkcond;
sym_case, mkcase;
sym_do, mkdo;
sym_begin, mkbegin;
sym_and, (fun e args -> mkand ( (fun x -> compile e x) args));
sym_or, (fun e args -> mkor ( (fun x -> compile e x) args));
(fun e args ->
if Array.length args >= 1 then
mklambda e args.(0) args
raise (Error "lambda: needs at least one arg"));
sym_delay, mkdelay;
(fun e args ->
if Array.length args = 1 then
Cval (scanquoted args.(0))
raise (Error "quote: need exactly one arg"));
sym_quasiquote, mkqq ]
List.iter (fun (s, f) -> bind_name e s (Vsyntax f)) spec;
bind_name e sym_else (Vkeyword "else");
bind_name e sym_arrow (Vkeyword "=>");
bind_name e sym_unquote (Vkeyword "unquote");
bind_name e sym_unquote_splicing (Vkeyword "unquote-splicing");
bind_name e sym_syntax_rules (Vkeyword "syntax-rules");