
129 lines
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2008-02-24 21:41:20 -07:00
type server = {clients_by_name: (string, client) Hashtbl.t;
clients_by_file_descr: (Unix.file_descr, client) Hashtbl.t;
channels_by_name: (string, channel) Hashtbl.t}
and client = {outq: string list Queue.t;
unsent: string ref;
ibuf: string;
ibuf_len: int ref;
out_ready: unit -> unit;
channels: channel list}
and channel = {name: string}
let dump msg a =
prerr_endline msg;
(* ==========================================
* Server stuff
let create_server () =
{clients_by_name = Hashtbl.create 25;
clients_by_file_descr = Hashtbl.create 25;
channels_by_name = Hashtbl.create 10}
let get_client_by_name srv name =
Hashtbl.find srv.clients_by_name name
let get_client_by_file_descr srv fd =
Hashtbl.find srv.clients_by_file_descr fd
let get_channel_by_name srv name =
Hashtbl.find srv.channels_by_name name
(* ==========================================
* Client stuff
let ibuf_max = 4096
let max_outq = 50
let obuf_max = 4096
let create_client ues g fd =
{outq = Queue.create ();
unsent = ref "";
ibuf = String.create ibuf_max;
ibuf_len = ref 0;
out_ready =
fun () -> Unixqueue.add_resource ues g (Unixqueue.Wait_out fd, -.1.0)
channels = []}
let client_shutdown ues g fd =
Unix.close fd;
Unixqueue.remove_resource ues g (Unixqueue.Wait_in fd);
Unixqueue.remove_resource ues g (Unixqueue.Wait_out fd);
with Not_found ->
let client_handle_line srv cli line =
print_endline line
let client_handle_close srv cli =
let rec client_handle_input srv cli =
match cli.ibuf with
| "" ->
| ibuf ->
let p = String.index ibuf '\n' in
let s = String.sub ibuf 0 p in
if p >= !(cli.ibuf_len) then
raise Not_found;
cli.ibuf_len := !(cli.ibuf_len) - (p + 1);
String.blit ibuf (p + 1) ibuf 0 !(cli.ibuf_len);
client_handle_line srv cli s;
client_handle_input srv cli
let create_event_handler srv =
fun ues esys e ->
match e with
| Unixqueue.Input_arrived (g, fd) ->
let cli = dump "input" get_client_by_file_descr srv fd in
let size = dump "size" ibuf_max - !(cli.ibuf_len) in
let len = dump "read" fd cli.ibuf !(cli.ibuf_len) size in
if (len > 0) then
cli.ibuf_len := !(cli.ibuf_len) + len;
client_handle_input srv cli
with Not_found ->
if (!(cli.ibuf_len) = ibuf_max) then
(* No newline found, and the buffer is full *)
raise (Failure "Buffer overrun");
client_shutdown ues g fd
| Unixqueue.Output_readiness (g, fd) ->
print_endline "out"
| Unixqueue.Out_of_band (g, fd) ->
print_endline "oob"
| Unixqueue.Timeout (g, op) ->
print_endline "timeout"
| Unixqueue.Signal ->
print_endline "signal"
| Unixqueue.Extra exn ->
print_endline "extra"
let main () =
2008-02-24 21:41:20 -07:00
let srv = create_server () in
let handle_event = create_event_handler srv in
let ues = Unixqueue.create_unix_event_system () in
let g = Unixqueue.new_group ues in
let handle_connection fd =
2008-02-24 21:41:20 -07:00
let cli = create_client ues g fd in
Hashtbl.replace srv.clients_by_file_descr fd cli;
Unixqueue.add_resource ues g (Unixqueue.Wait_in fd, -.1.0);
2008-02-24 21:41:20 -07:00
Unixqueue.add_handler ues g handle_event;
2008-02-24 21:41:20 -07:00
(Unix.ADDR_INET (Unix.inet_addr_any, 7777));
ues#run ()