Got all the underlying socket stuff worked out, ready to code some IRC now.

This commit is contained in:
Neale Pickett 2008-02-14 18:53:57 -07:00
parent eb07c79700
commit 9f494e9cca
5 changed files with 164 additions and 111 deletions

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ OCAMLPACKS[] =
.DEFAULT: ircd
.DEFAULT: pgircd
OCamlProgram(pgircd, pgircd ircd connection)
@ -19,4 +19,4 @@ section
.PHONY: clean
rm $(filter-out %.pem tls.c, $(filter-proper-targets $(ls R, .)))
rm $(filter-proper-targets $(ls R, .))

View File

@ -39,22 +39,16 @@ let read_fd fd =
class chat_handler chatscript (ues : unix_event_system) fd =
object (self)
inherit Connection.connection ues fd
inherit Connection.bare_connection ~input_timeout:0.1 ~output_timeout:0.1 ues fd
val mutable script = chatscript
val inbuf = Buffer.create 4096
self#run_script ();
self#pulse (Send "") ()
method pulse hd () =
if (List.hd script = hd) then
raise (Chat_timeout hd)
ues#once g 2.0 (self#pulse (List.hd script))
method handle_timeout op =
raise (Chat_timeout (List.hd script))
method run_script () =
match script with
@ -110,11 +104,11 @@ let chat script proc = ues
| Chat_match (got, expected) ->
raise (Failure ("Chat_match; got " ^
raise (Failure ("Not matched: got " ^
(string_of_chat_event got) ^
", expected " ^
(string_of_chat_event expected)))
| Chat_timeout evt ->
raise (Failure ("Chat_timeout waiting for " ^
raise (Failure ("Timeout waiting for " ^
(string_of_chat_event evt)))

View File

@ -2,36 +2,15 @@ open Unixqueue
exception Buffer_overrun
(** Generic equeue connection class.
Input is line-buffered: handle_data is only called once a complete
line has been read. If the line is longer than the size of the
input queue, you get an Input_buffer_overrun exception.
Output could be further memory-optimized by instead storing a list
of strings, which would have a nice memory utilization if you're
frequently sending the same string out to multiple connections (like
with a chat server). However, I don't care that much.
You can inherit this and define appropriate [handle_*] methods.
A [write] method is provided for your convenience.
class connection
(** Generic equeue connection class. *)
class virtual connection
(ues : unix_event_system)
?(input_max = 1024)
?(output_max = 1024)
?(input_timeout = -.1.0)
fd =
object (self)
val g = ues#new_group ()
val mutable debug = false
val obuf = String.create output_max
val mutable obuf_len = 0
val input_timeout = -.1.0
val output_timeout = -.1.0
ues#add_handler g self#handle_event;
ues#add_resource g (Wait_in fd, input_timeout)
@ -43,15 +22,6 @@ object (self)
if debug then
print_endline msg
method write data =
let data_len = String.length data in
if (data_len + obuf_len > output_max) then
raise Buffer_overrun;
String.blit data 0 obuf obuf_len data_len;
obuf_len <- obuf_len + data_len;
ues#add_resource g (Wait_out fd, output_timeout)
method handle_event ues esys e =
match e with
| Input_arrived (g, fd) ->
@ -67,6 +37,60 @@ object (self)
| Extra exn ->
self#handle_extra exn
method virtual output_ready : Unix.file_descr -> unit
method virtual input_ready : Unix.file_descr -> unit
method handle_oob fd =
self#log "Unhandled OOB";
raise Equeue.Reject
method handle_timeout op =
self#log "Unhandled timeout";
raise Equeue.Reject
method handle_signal () =
self#log "Unhandled signal";
raise Equeue.Reject
method handle_extra exn =
self#log "Unhandled extra";
raise Equeue.Reject
method handle_close () =
self#log "Closed"
(** Bare connection for reading and writing.
You can inherit this and define appropriate [handle_*] methods.
A [write] method is provided for your convenience.
class bare_connection
(ues : unix_event_system)
?(input_timeout = -.1.0)
?(output_timeout = -.1.0)
?(input_max = 1024)
?(output_max = 1024)
fd =
object (self)
inherit connection ues ~input_timeout fd
val obuf = String.create output_max
val mutable obuf_len = 0
method write data =
let data_len = String.length data in
if (data_len + obuf_len > output_max) then
raise Buffer_overrun;
String.blit data 0 obuf obuf_len data_len;
obuf_len <- obuf_len + data_len;
ues#add_resource g (Wait_out fd, output_timeout)
method output_ready fd =
let size = obuf_len in
let n = Unix.single_write fd obuf 0 size in
@ -94,44 +118,64 @@ object (self)
ues#clear g;
method handle_input data =
self#log ("<-- [" ^ (String.escaped data) ^ "]");
raise Equeue.Reject
self#log ("<-- [" ^ (String.escaped data) ^ "]")
method handle_oob fd =
self#log "Unhandled OOB";
raise Equeue.Reject
method handle_timeout op =
self#log "Unhandled timeout";
raise Equeue.Reject
method handle_signal () =
self#log "Unhandled signal";
raise Equeue.Reject
method handle_extra exn =
self#log "Unhandled extra";
raise Equeue.Reject
method handle_close () =
self#log "Closed";
class line_connection
(** Write s to fd, returning any unwritten data. *)
let write fd s =
let sl = String.length s in
let n = Unix.single_write fd s 0 sl in
(String.sub s n (sl - n))
(** Buffered connection class.
Input is split by newlines and sent to [handle_line].
Output is done with [write]. Send a list of words to be joined by a
space. This is intended to make one-to-many communications more
memory-efficient: the common strings need not be copied to all
class virtual buffered_connection
(ues : unix_event_system)
?(input_max = 1024)
?(output_max = 1024)
?(output_timeout = -.1.0)
?(ibuf_max = 4096)
?(max_outq = 50)
?(max_unsent = 4096)
fd =
object (self)
inherit connection ues ~input_max ~output_max fd
inherit connection ues fd
val ibuf = String.create input_max
(* This allocates a string of length ibuf_max for each connection.
That could add up. *)
val mutable ibuf = String.create ibuf_max
val mutable ibuf_len = 0
val mutable unsent = ""
val mutable outq = Queue.create ()
method output_ready fd =
(* This could be better optimized, I'm sure. *)
match (unsent, Queue.is_empty outq) with
| ("", true) ->
ues#remove_resource g (Wait_out fd)
| ("", false) ->
let s = (String.concat " " (Queue.pop outq)) ^ "\n" in
unsent <- write fd s;
if (unsent = "") then
self#output_ready fd
| (s, _) ->
unsent <- write fd s;
if (unsent = "") then
self#output_ready fd
method virtual handle_line : string -> unit
(** Split ibuf on newline, feeding each split into self#handle_input.
Does not send the trailing newline. You can add it back if you want.
@ -151,16 +195,15 @@ object (self)
self#split_handle_input ()
method input_ready fd =
let size = input_max - ibuf_len in
let size = ibuf_max - ibuf_len in
let len = fd ibuf ibuf_len size in
if (len > 0) then
ibuf_len <- ibuf_len + len;
prerr_endline ("ibuf_len" ^ (string_of_int ibuf_len));
self#split_handle_input ()
with Not_found ->
if (ibuf_len = output_max) then
if (ibuf_len = ibuf_max) then
(* No newline found, and the buffer is full *)
raise Buffer_overrun;
@ -171,14 +214,17 @@ object (self)
ues#clear g;
method handle_input data =
raise (Failure "handle_input should never be called for line_connection objects")
method handle_line line =
self#log ("<-- " ^ (String.escaped line))
method write line =
if (Queue.length outq) >= max_outq then
raise (Failure "Maximum output queue length exceeded")
Queue.add line outq;
ues#add_resource g (Wait_out fd, output_timeout)
(** Establish a server on the given address.
[connection_handler] will be called with the file descriptor of

View File

@ -1,22 +1,35 @@
open Unixqueue
class ircd_connection (ues : unix_event_system) fd =
class ircd_connection
(ues : unix_event_system)
?(output_timeout = -.1.0)
?(ibuf_max = 4096)
?(max_outq = 50)
?(max_unsent = 4096)
fd =
object (self)
inherit Connection.line_connection ues fd
inherit Connection.buffered_connection
method handle_line line =
let parts = Pcre.split ~pat:" " line in
match parts with
| ["NICK"; nick] ->
self#log ("Set nickname to " ^ nick);
self#write ":testserver.test NOTICE nick :*** Hi there.\n";
self#write "PING :12345\n";
self#write [":testserver.test"; "NOTICE"; nick; ":*** Hi there."];
self#write ["PING"; ":12345"];
| _ ->
self#log ("Unknown: " ^ line)
method die reason =
self#log ("Dying: " ^ reason)
let main () =
let ues = new unix_event_system () in
let handle_connection fd =

View File

@ -29,22 +29,22 @@ let normal_tests =
(login_script @
Send ":testserver.test 001 nick :Welcome to the test script\n";
Send ":testserver.test 002 nick :Your host is testserver.test\n";
Send ":testserver.test 003 nick :This server is timeless\n";
Send ":testserver.test 004 nick testserver.test testscript DGabcdfg bilmnopst bkloveI\n";
Send ":testserver.test 005 nick CALLERID CASEMAPPING=rfc1459 KICKLEN=160 MODES=4 WHATEVER=4 WHO=1 CARES=3 :are supported by this server\n";
Send ":testserver.test 043 00XAAAAL6 :your unique ID\n";
Send ":testserver.test 251 nick :There are 14 users and 4 invisible on 1 servers\n";
Send ":testserver.test 252 nick 1 :IRC Operators online\n";
Send ":testserver.test 254 4 :channels formed\n";
Send ":testserver.test 255 nick :I have 17 clients and 0 servers\n";
Send ":testserver.test 265 nick :Current local users: 17 Max: 25\n";
Send ":testserver.test 266 nick :Current global users: 17 Max: 25\n";
Send ":testserver.test 250 nick :Highest connection count: 25 (25 clients) (430 connections received)\n";
Send ":testserver.test 375 nick :- Message of the Day -\n";
Send ":testserver.test 372 nick :- This is ircd-hybrid MOTD replace it with something better\n";
Send ":testserver.test 376 nick :End of /MOTD command.\n";
Recv ":testserver.test 001 nick :Welcome to the test script\n";
Recv ":testserver.test 002 nick :Your host is testserver.test\n";
Recv ":testserver.test 003 nick :This server is timeless\n";
Recv ":testserver.test 004 nick testserver.test testscript DGabcdfg bilmnopst bkloveI\n";
Recv ":testserver.test 005 nick CALLERID CASEMAPPING=rfc1459 KICKLEN=160 MODES=4 WHATEVER=4 WHO=1 CARES=3 :are supported by this server\n";
Recv ":testserver.test 043 00XAAAAL6 :your unique ID\n";
Recv ":testserver.test 251 nick :There are 14 users and 4 invisible on 1 servers\n";
Recv ":testserver.test 252 nick 1 :IRC Operators online\n";
Recv ":testserver.test 254 4 :channels formed\n";
Recv ":testserver.test 255 nick :I have 17 clients and 0 servers\n";
Recv ":testserver.test 265 nick :Current local users: 17 Max: 25\n";
Recv ":testserver.test 266 nick :Current global users: 17 Max: 25\n";
Recv ":testserver.test 250 nick :Highest connection count: 25 (25 clients) (430 connections received)\n";
Recv ":testserver.test 375 nick :- Message of the Day -\n";
Recv ":testserver.test 372 nick :- This is ircd-hybrid MOTD replace it with something better\n";
Recv ":testserver.test 376 nick :End of /MOTD command.\n";