Change out implementation of ocs ports

This commit is contained in:
Neale Pickett 2009-03-03 17:40:03 -06:00
parent 18491d1314
commit e3eae3bb19
2 changed files with 86 additions and 192 deletions

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@ -2,222 +2,124 @@
open Ocs_error
(* Ports can either be file descriptors or string buffers. File
descriptors may be valid for both input and output, but when
switching between the two modes, the file offset may not work
as expected.
For unbuffered or asynchronous I/O, from Scheme or otherwise,
the port can simply be used as a reference to the file
descriptor. *)
type port_impl =
| Input_channel of in_channel
| Output_channel of out_channel
| Input_string of string * int ref
| Output_string of Buffer.t
type port = {
mutable p_buf : string;
mutable p_pos : int;
mutable p_wend : int;
mutable p_rend : int;
mutable p_ugc : char option;
mutable p_fd : Unix.file_descr option;
mutable p_input : bool;
mutable p_output : bool;
p_close : bool
ungot : char option ref;
impl : port_impl;
type port_flag =
| Pf_output
| Pf_close
let mkbuf () =
String.create 1024
let mkport buf fd inf outf cl =
{ p_buf = buf;
p_pos = 0;
p_wend = 0;
p_rend = 0;
p_ugc = None;
p_fd = fd;
p_input = inf;
p_output = outf;
p_close = cl }
let is_input p =
match p.impl with
| Input_string _
| Input_channel _ -> true
| _ -> false
let is_output p =
let wrflush p =
if not p.p_output then
raise (Error "not a valid output port");
match p.p_fd with
Some fd ->
if p.p_wend > 0 && p.p_pos > 0 then
let n = Unix.write fd p.p_buf 0 p.p_pos in
if n <> p.p_pos then
raise (Error "write error: incomplete write")
Unix.Unix_error (e, _, _) ->
raise (Error ("write error: " ^ Unix.error_message e))
p.p_pos <- 0;
p.p_wend <- String.length p.p_buf
| None ->
if p.p_pos = p.p_wend then
let n = String.length p.p_buf in
let nbuf = String.create (n * 2) in
String.blit p.p_buf 0 nbuf 0 n;
p.p_buf <- nbuf;
p.p_wend <- String.length p.p_buf
let rdfill p =
if not p.p_input then
raise (Error "not a valid input port");
if p.p_wend > 0 then
wrflush p;
p.p_pos <- 0;
p.p_rend <- 0;
p.p_wend <- 0;
match p.p_fd with
Some fd ->
p.p_rend <- fd p.p_buf 0 (String.length p.p_buf)
Unix.Unix_error (e, _, _) ->
raise (Error ("read error: " ^ Unix.error_message e))
| None -> ()
match p.impl with
| Output_string _
| Output_channel _ -> true
| _ -> false
let getc p =
match p.p_ugc with
Some _ as c -> p.p_ugc <- None; c
| None ->
if p.p_rend = 0 || p.p_pos >= p.p_rend then rdfill p;
if p.p_rend = 0 then None
assert (p.p_pos < p.p_rend);
let c = p.p_buf.[p.p_pos] in
p.p_pos <- p.p_pos + 1;
Some c
let get_fd p =
match (!(p.ungot), p.impl) with
| (Some c, _) ->
p.ungot := None;
Some c
| (None, Input_string (str, pos)) ->
if !pos >= (String.length str) then
let c = str.[!pos] in
pos := !pos + 1;
Some c
| (None, Input_channel chan) ->
Some (input_char chan)
with End_of_file ->
| _ ->
let flush p =
if p.p_wend > 0 then
wrflush p
match p.impl with
| Output_channel chan ->
Pervasives.flush chan
| _ ->
let close p =
if p.p_input || p.p_output then
flush p;
p.p_input <- false;
p.p_output <- false;
match p.p_fd with
Some fd ->
if p.p_close then Unix.close fd;
p.p_fd <- None
| None -> ()
p.ungot := None;
match p.impl with
| Input_channel chan ->
close_in chan
| Output_channel chan ->
close_out chan
| _ ->
let ungetc p c =
p.p_ugc <- Some c
p.ungot := Some c
let char_ready p =
if p.p_ugc <> None || p.p_pos < p.p_rend then true
else if not p.p_input then false
match p.p_fd with
Some fd ->
let (r, _, _) = [ fd ] [] [] 0.0 in
List.length r > 0
| None -> false
match (!(p.ungot), p.impl) with
| (Some _, Input_string _)
| (Some _, Input_channel _) ->
| (None, Input_string (str, pos)) ->
!pos < (String.length str)
| (None, Input_channel chan) ->
let fd = Unix.descr_of_in_channel chan in
let (r, _, _) = [fd] [] [] 0.0 in
List.length r > 0
| _ ->
let putc p c =
if p.p_wend = 0 || p.p_pos >= p.p_wend then
wrflush p;
assert (p.p_pos < p.p_wend);
p.p_buf.[p.p_pos] <- c;
p.p_pos <- p.p_pos + 1
match p.impl with
| Output_string buf ->
Buffer.add_char buf c
| Output_channel chan ->
output_char chan c
| _ ->
let puts p s =
let n = String.length s in
if n > 0 && p.p_rend - p.p_pos >= n then
String.blit s 0 p.p_buf p.p_pos n;
p.p_pos <- p.p_pos + n
String.iter (fun c -> putc p c) s
let fd_port fd flags =
let inf = ref false
and outf = ref false
and clf = ref false in
List.iter (function
Pf_input -> inf := true
| Pf_output -> outf := true
| Pf_close -> clf := true) flags;
let p = mkport (mkbuf ()) (Some fd) !inf !outf !clf in
if !clf then Gc.finalise close p;
match p.impl with
| Output_string buf ->
Buffer.add_string buf s
| Output_channel chan ->
output_string chan s
| _ ->
let input_port ch =
fd_port (Unix.descr_of_in_channel ch) [ Pf_input ]
{ ungot = ref None; impl = Input_channel ch }
let output_port ch =
fd_port (Unix.descr_of_out_channel ch) [ Pf_output ]
{ ungot = ref None; impl = Output_channel ch }
let open_input_port name =
let fd = Unix.openfile name [ Unix.O_RDONLY ] 0 in
fd_port fd [ Pf_input; Pf_close ]
Unix.Unix_error (e, _, _) ->
let err = Unix.error_message e in
raise (Error ("unable to open '" ^ name ^ "' for input: " ^ err))
input_port (open_in_bin name)
with Sys_error err ->
raise (Error ("unable to open '" ^ name ^ "' for input: " ^ err))
let open_output_port name =
let fd = Unix.openfile name [ Unix.O_WRONLY; Unix.O_APPEND;
Unix.O_CREAT; Unix.O_TRUNC ] 0o666 in
fd_port fd [ Pf_output; Pf_close ]
Unix.Unix_error (e, _, _) ->
let err = Unix.error_message e in
raise (Error ("unable to open '" ^ name ^ "' for output: " ^ err))
output_port (open_out_bin name)
with Sys_error err ->
raise (Error ("unable to open '" ^ name ^ "' for output: " ^ err))
let string_input_port s =
let p = mkport s None true false false in
p.p_rend <- String.length s;
{ ungot = ref None; impl = Input_string (s, ref 0) }
let string_output_port () =
mkport (mkbuf ()) None false true false
{ ungot = ref None; impl = Output_string (Buffer.create 256) }

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@ -2,12 +2,6 @@
type port
type port_flag =
| Pf_output
| Pf_close
val fd_port : Unix.file_descr -> port_flag list -> port
val input_port : in_channel -> port
val output_port : out_channel -> port
val open_input_port : string -> port
@ -25,8 +19,6 @@ val char_ready : port -> bool
val putc : port -> char -> unit
val puts : port -> string -> unit
val get_fd : port -> Unix.file_descr option
val flush : port -> unit
val close : port -> unit