open Irc (* ========================================== * Client stuff *) type t = {iobuf: Iobuf.t; nick: string ref; username: string; realname: string} exception Error of Command.t let modes = "l" let dbg msg a = prerr_endline msg; a let by_file_descr = Hashtbl.create 25 let by_nick = Hashtbl.create 25 let error num args text = Error (Command.create (Some !( num args (Some text)) let close cli ues g fd = Hashtbl.remove by_nick !(cli.nick); Hashtbl.remove by_file_descr fd; Unix.close fd; Unixqueue.remove_resource ues g (Unixqueue.Wait_in fd); try Unixqueue.remove_resource ues g (Unixqueue.Wait_out fd); with Not_found -> () let write cli cmd = Iobuf.write cli.iobuf cmd let reply cli num text = write cli (Command.create (Some !( num [!(cli.nick)] (Some text)) let handle_command cli iobuf cmd = write cli cmd let set_nick cli nick = if Hashtbl.mem by_nick nick then raise (error "433" [nick] "Nickname in use"); Hashtbl.remove by_nick !(cli.nick); Hashtbl.replace by_nick nick cli; cli.nick := nick let rec handle_command_prereg (nick', username', realname', password') iobuf cmd = (* Handle a command during the login phase *) let acc = match (Command.as_tuple cmd) with | (None, "PASS", [password], None) -> (nick', username', realname', Some password) | (None, "USER", [username; _; _], Some realname) -> (nick', Some username, Some (Irc.truncate realname 40), password') | (None, "NICK", [nick], None) -> (Some nick, username', realname', password') | _ -> Iobuf.write iobuf (Command.create (Some !( "451" ["*"] (Some "Register first.")); (nick', username', realname', password') in let welcome cli = try set_nick cli !(cli.nick); reply cli "001" "Welcome to IRC."; reply cli "002" ("I am " ^ !( ^ " Running version " ^ Irc.version); reply cli "003" "This server was created sometime"; reply cli "004" (!( ^ " " ^ Irc.version ^ " " ^ modes ^ " " ^ Channel.modes); Iobuf.rebind iobuf (handle_command cli) with Error cmd -> Iobuf.write iobuf cmd in match acc with | (Some nick, Some username, Some realname, None) -> welcome {iobuf = iobuf; nick = ref nick; username = username; realname = realname} | (Some nick, Some username, Some realname, Some password) -> Iobuf.write iobuf (Command.create (Some !( "NOTICE" ["AUTH"] (Some "*** Authentication unimplemented")); welcome {iobuf = iobuf; nick = ref nick; username = username; realname = realname} | _ -> Iobuf.rebind iobuf (handle_command_prereg acc) let create_command_handler () = handle_command_prereg (None, None, None, None)