type bot = { store: Infobot.t; } let debug = prerr_endline let file_descr_of_int (i:int) = let blob = Marshal.to_string i [] in (Marshal.from_string blob 0 : Unix.file_descr) let write iobuf command args text = let cmd = Command.create None command args text in debug ("--> " ^ (Command.as_string cmd)); Iobuf.write iobuf cmd let msg iobuf recip text = write iobuf "PRIVMSG" [recip] (Some text) let split = Str.split (Str.regexp "[ \t]*\r?\n") (** Callback upon completion of the external command helper *) let extern_callback iobuf sender forum text = let lines = split text in let nlines = List.length lines in let recip = if (nlines > 5) then begin if (forum <> sender) then msg iobuf forum (Format.sprintf "%d lines, sending privately" nlines); sender end else forum in let rec f = function | [] -> () | "" :: tl -> f tl | line :: tl -> if line.[0] == ':' then (* Interpret as raw IRC commands *) let ine = Str.string_after line 1 in let cmd = Command.from_string ine in Iobuf.write iobuf cmd else (* Naive case: send to the recipient *) msg iobuf recip line; f tl in f lines let handle_privmsg bot iobuf sender forum text = if text.[0] == '.' then Process.create_canned (Iobuf.dispatcher iobuf) text (extern_callback iobuf sender forum) "./helper" [|"./helper"; sender; forum|] else Infobot.handle_privmsg bot.store (msg iobuf forum) sender forum text let handle_command bot outbuf thisbuf cmd = debug ("<-- " ^ (Command.as_string cmd)); match (Command.as_tuple cmd) with | (Some suhost, "PRIVMSG", [target], Some text) -> let sender = Irc.nick (Irc.nuhost_of_string suhost) in let forum = if Irc.is_channel target then target else sender in handle_privmsg bot outbuf sender forum text | (_, "PING", _, text) -> write outbuf "PONG" [] text | (_, "001", _, _) -> write outbuf "JOIN" ["#bot"] None; | (Some sender, "JOIN", [], Some chan) -> msg outbuf chan "hi asl" | _ -> () let discard_command iobuf cmd = () let handle_error iobuf str = prerr_endline ("!!! " ^ str) let main () = let bot = {store = Infobot.create "info.cdb"} in let dispatcher = Dispatch.create () in let iobuf_out = Iobuf.create dispatcher Unix.stdout "collab_out" discard_command handle_error in let _ = Iobuf.create dispatcher Unix.stdin "collab_in" (handle_command bot iobuf_out) handle_error in write iobuf_out "NICK" ["zinc"] None; write iobuf_out "USER" ["zinc"; "zinc"; "zinc"] (Some "I'm a little printf, short and stdout"); Dispatch.run dispatcher let _ = main ()