open OUnit let dump x = Printf.ksprintf (fun str -> prerr_string str; flush stderr) x (* Return true iff str starts with substr *) let startswith str substr = let l = String.length substr in if l > String.length str then false else String.sub str 0 l = substr (* *************************************************** * Epoll stuff * ***************************************************) let int_of_file_descr fd = (Obj.magic fd) + 0 let rec epollevents_as_list events = match events with | [] -> [] | Epoll.In :: tl -> "POLLIN" :: (epollevents_as_list tl) | Epoll.Priority :: tl -> "POLLPRI" :: (epollevents_as_list tl) | Epoll.Out :: tl -> "POLLOUT" :: (epollevents_as_list tl) | Epoll.Error :: tl -> "POLLERR" :: (epollevents_as_list tl) | Epoll.Hangup :: tl -> "POLLHUP" :: (epollevents_as_list tl) let rec epollfds_as_list pfds = match pfds with | [] -> [] | (fd, events) :: tl -> (Printf.sprintf "{fd=%d; events=%s}" (int_of_file_descr fd) (String.concat "|" (epollevents_as_list events))) :: epollfds_as_list tl let epollfds_as_string pfds = "[" ^ (String.concat ", " (epollfds_as_list pfds)) ^ "]" let epollfd_as_string pfd = epollfds_as_string [pfd] let epoll_expect e ?(n=3) l = let m = Epoll.wait e n 0 in assert_equal ~printer:epollfds_as_string (List.sort compare l) (List.sort compare m) (* *************************************************** * Chat script stuff * ***************************************************) type chat_event = | Send of string | Recv of string | Regex of string exception Chat_match of (string * chat_event) exception Chat_timeout of chat_event let string_of_chat_event e = match e with | Send str -> ("Send (\"" ^ (String.escaped str) ^ "\")") | Recv str -> ("Recv (\"" ^ (String.escaped str) ^ "\")") | Regex str -> ("Regex (\"" ^ (String.escaped str) ^ "\")") (* Return a [Dispatch.fd_handler] function to run script [s] *) let chat d fd s = let script = ref s in (* Add some amount, dependent on fd, to the timeout value, so peers won't obliterate it *) let timer = (Unix.time ()) +. 1.0 +. (0.01 *. (float_of_int (int_of_file_descr fd))) in let obuf = Buffer.create 4096 in let ibuf = Buffer.create 4096 in let handle_timer _ = failwith (Printf.sprintf "fd=%d timeout waiting for %s" (int_of_file_descr fd) (string_of_chat_event (List.hd !script))) in let nomatch got = failwith (Printf.sprintf "fd=%d expecting %s\n got %s" (int_of_file_descr fd) (string_of_chat_event (List.hd !script)) (String.escaped got)) in let rec run_script fd = match !script with | [] -> if ((Buffer.length obuf) = 0) then begin Dispatch.delete_timer d timer; (try Dispatch.delete d fd with (Failure _) -> ()); Unix.close fd end | Send buf :: tl -> Buffer.add_string obuf buf; Dispatch.modify d fd [Dispatch.Input; Dispatch.Output]; script := tl; run_script fd | Recv buf :: tl -> let buf_len = String.length buf in let ibuf_str = Buffer.contents ibuf in if ((Buffer.length ibuf) >= buf_len) then begin if startswith ibuf_str buf then begin script := tl; Buffer.clear ibuf; Buffer.add_substring ibuf ibuf_str buf_len ((String.length ibuf_str) - buf_len); run_script fd end else nomatch ibuf_str end else () | Regex buf :: tl -> let ibuf_str = Buffer.contents ibuf in let matched = Str.string_match (Str.regexp buf) ibuf_str 0 in if (Buffer.length ibuf > 0) then if matched then let match_len = Str.match_end () in script := tl; Buffer.clear ibuf; Buffer.add_substring ibuf ibuf_str match_len ((String.length ibuf_str) - match_len); run_script fd else nomatch ibuf_str else () in let rec handler fd events = match events with | [] -> () | Dispatch.Input :: tl -> let s = String.create 4096 in let n = fd s 0 4096 in Buffer.add_substring ibuf s 0 n; run_script fd; handler fd tl | Dispatch.Output :: tl -> begin if ((Buffer.length obuf) = 0) then Dispatch.modify d fd [Dispatch.Input] else let ostr = Buffer.contents obuf in let olen = Buffer.length obuf in let n = Unix.write fd ostr 0 olen in Buffer.clear obuf; Buffer.add_substring obuf ostr n (olen - n) end; handler fd tl | Dispatch.Hangup :: tl -> (* Stop listening to this fd, it will always return Hangup *) (try Dispatch.delete d fd with (Failure _) -> ()) | _ -> failwith "Unexpected event" in Dispatch.add_timer d handle_timer timer; Dispatch.add d fd handler [Dispatch.Input]; run_script fd (* *************************************************** * The tests * ***************************************************) let unit_tests = "Unit tests" >::: [ "Epoll" >:: (fun () -> let a,b = Unix.socketpair Unix.PF_UNIX Unix.SOCK_STREAM 0 in let e = Epoll.create 1 in let expect = epoll_expect e in Epoll.ctl e Epoll.Add (a, [Epoll.Out; Epoll.In]); expect [(a, [Epoll.Out])]; Epoll.ctl e Epoll.Modify (a, [Epoll.In; Epoll.Priority]); expect []; Epoll.ctl e Epoll.Add (b, [Epoll.Out; Epoll.In]); expect [(b, [Epoll.Out])]; Epoll.ctl e Epoll.Modify (a, [Epoll.Out; Epoll.In]); expect [(a, [Epoll.Out]); (b, [Epoll.Out])]; assert_equal 1 (List.length (Epoll.wait e 1 0)); Epoll.ctl e Epoll.Modify (a, [Epoll.Out; Epoll.In]); expect [(a, [Epoll.Out]); (b, [Epoll.Out])]; assert_equal 2 (Unix.write a "hi" 0 2); expect [(a, [Epoll.Out]); (b, [Epoll.In; Epoll.Out])]; Epoll.ctl e Epoll.Delete (a, []); expect [(b, [Epoll.In; Epoll.Out])]; assert_raises (Failure "ocaml_epoll_ctl: No such file or directory") (fun () -> Epoll.ctl e Epoll.Modify (a, [Epoll.In; Epoll.Priority])); assert_raises (Failure "ocaml_epoll_ctl: File exists") (fun () -> Epoll.ctl e Epoll.Add (b, [Epoll.In; Epoll.Priority])); expect [(b, [Epoll.In; Epoll.Out])]; Unix.close a; expect [(b, [Epoll.In; Epoll.Out; Epoll.Hangup])]; assert_raises (Failure "ocaml_epoll_ctl: Bad file descriptor") (fun () -> Epoll.ctl e Epoll.Modify (a, [Epoll.In; Epoll.Priority])); Unix.close b; Epoll.destroy e ); "Dispatch" >:: (fun () -> let d = Dispatch.create 3 in let a,b = Unix.socketpair Unix.PF_UNIX Unix.SOCK_STREAM 0 in let last_event = ref (a, []) in let rec handle fd events = last_event := (fd, events) in let last_timer = ref 0.0 in let handle_timer time = last_timer := time in let s = String.create 4096 in assert_equal 8 (Unix.write a "dispatch" 0 8); Dispatch.add d b handle [Dispatch.Input; Dispatch.Output]; Dispatch.once d; assert_equal (b, [Dispatch.Input; Dispatch.Output]) !last_event; assert_equal 8 ( b s 0 4096); assert_equal "dispatch" (Str.string_before s 8); (let time = ((Unix.gettimeofday ()) +. 0.01) in Dispatch.add_timer d handle_timer time; Dispatch.add_timer d handle_timer ((Unix.gettimeofday ()) +. 10.0); assert_equal ~printer:string_of_float 0.0 !last_timer; Dispatch.once d; assert_equal ~printer:string_of_float 0.0 !last_timer; Dispatch.modify d b [Dispatch.Input]; Dispatch.once d; if (!last_timer = 0.0) then (* Give it one chance *) Dispatch.once d; assert_equal ~printer:string_of_float time !last_timer; Dispatch.modify d b [Dispatch.Input; Dispatch.Output]; assert_equal 6 (Unix.write a "gnarly" 0 6); Dispatch.once d; assert_equal (b, [Dispatch.Input; Dispatch.Output]) !last_event; assert_equal 6 ( b s 0 4096); assert_equal ~printer:string_of_float time !last_timer); Dispatch.once d; assert_equal (b, [Dispatch.Output]) !last_event; Dispatch.destroy d; Unix.close a; Unix.close b ); "command_of_string" >:: (fun () -> assert_equal ~printer:Command.as_string (Command.create None "NICK" ["name"] None) (Command.from_string "NICK name"); assert_equal ~printer:Command.as_string (Command.create None "NICK" ["name"] None) (Command.from_string "nick name"); assert_equal ~printer:Command.as_string (Command.create (Some "foo") "NICK" ["name"] None) (Command.from_string ":foo NICK name"); assert_equal ~printer:Command.as_string (Command.create (Some "") "PART" ["#foo"; "#bar"] (Some "ta ta")) (Command.from_string " PART #foo #bar :ta ta"); ); "Chat test" >:: (fun () -> let d = Dispatch.create 3 in let a,b = Unix.socketpair Unix.PF_UNIX Unix.SOCK_STREAM 0 in chat d a [Send "banner"; Recv "hi"; Send "ehlo there, pleased to meet you"]; chat d b [Recv "banner"; Send "hi"; Regex "ehlo .* you"]; d; ); ] let do_login nick = [ Send ("USER " ^ nick ^ " +iw " ^ nick ^ " :gecos\r\n"); Send ("NICK " ^ nick ^ "\r\n"); Recv (":testserver.test 001 " ^ nick ^ " :Welcome to IRC.\r\n"); Recv (":testserver.test 002 " ^ nick ^ " :I am testserver.test Running version " ^ Irc.version ^ "\r\n"); Recv (":testserver.test 003 " ^ nick ^ " :This server was created sometime\r\n"); Recv (":testserver.test 004 " ^ nick ^ " :testserver.test 0.1 l t\r\n"); ] let regression_tests = "Regression tests" >::: [ "Simple connection" >:: (fun () -> let script = (do_login "nick") @ [ Send "BLARGH\r\n"; Recv ":testserver.test 421 nick BLARGH :Unknown or misconstructed command\r\n"; Send "MOTD\r\n"; Recv ":testserver.test 422 nick :MOTD File is missing\r\n"; Send "TIME\r\n"; Regex ":testserver\\.test 391 nick testserver\\.test :[-0-9]+T[:0-9]+Z\r\n"; Send "VERSION\r\n"; Recv ":testserver.test 351 nick 0.1 testserver.test :\r\n"; Send "PING snot\r\n"; Recv ":testserver.test PONG testserver.test :snot\r\n"; Send "PING :snot\r\n"; Recv ":testserver.test PONG testserver.test :snot\r\n"; Send "ISON nick otherguy\r\n"; Recv ":testserver.test 303 nick :nick\r\n"; Send "ISON otherguy thirdguy\r\n"; Recv ":testserver.test 303 nick :\r\n"; Send "PRIVMSG nick :hello\r\n"; Recv ":nick!nick@UDS PRIVMSG nick :hello\r\n"; Send "NOTICE nick :hello\r\n"; Recv ":nick!nick@UDS NOTICE nick :hello\r\n"; Send "PRIVMSG otherguy :hello\r\n"; Recv ":testserver.test 401 nick otherguy :No such nick/channel\r\n"; ] in let d = Dispatch.create 2 in let a,b = Unix.socketpair Unix.PF_UNIX Unix.SOCK_STREAM 0 in Client.handle_connection d a (Unix.getpeername a); chat d b script; d); "Second connection" >:: (fun () -> let script = (do_login "otherguy") @ [ Send "ISON nick otherguy\r\n"; Recv ":testserver.test 303 otherguy :otherguy\r\n"; ] in let d = Dispatch.create 2 in let a,b = Unix.socketpair Unix.PF_UNIX Unix.SOCK_STREAM 0 in Client.handle_connection d a (Unix.getpeername a); chat d b script; d); "Simultaneous connections" >:: (fun () -> let script1 = (do_login "alice") @ [ Send "ISON bob\r\n"; Recv ":testserver.test 303 alice :bob\r\n"; Send "PRIVMSG bob :Hi Bob!\r\n"; Send "PING :foo\r\n"; (* Make sure we don't disconnect too soon *) Recv ":testserver.test PONG testserver.test :foo\r\n"; ] in let script2 = (do_login "bob") @ [ Send "ISON alice\r\n"; Recv ":testserver.test 303 bob :alice\r\n"; Recv ":alice!alice@UDS PRIVMSG bob :Hi Bob!\r\n"; ] in let d = Dispatch.create 4 in let aa,ab = Unix.socketpair Unix.PF_UNIX Unix.SOCK_STREAM 0 in let ba,bb = Unix.socketpair Unix.PF_UNIX Unix.SOCK_STREAM 0 in Client.handle_connection d aa (Unix.getpeername aa); Client.handle_connection d ba (Unix.getpeername ba); chat d ab script1; chat d bb script2; d); ] let _ = := "testserver.test"; run_test_tt_main (TestList [unit_tests; regression_tests])