open Unixqueue type chat_event = | Send of string | Recv of string exception Chat_match of (chat_event * chat_event) exception Chat_timeout of chat_event let string_of_chat_event e = match e with | Send str -> ("Send(\"" ^ (String.escaped str) ^ "\")") | Recv str -> ("Recv(\"" ^ (String.escaped str) ^ "\")") (** Return true if str starts with substr *) let startswith str substr = let l = String.length substr in if l > String.length str then false else String.sub str 0 l = substr (** Return all but the first index chars in a string *) let string_after str index = let l = String.length str in String.sub str index (l - index) (** Read a chunk of bytes from fd *) let read_fd fd = let s = 4096 in let buf = String.create s in let len = fd buf 0 s in String.sub buf 0 len class chat_handler chatscript (ues : unix_event_system) fd = object (self) inherit Connection.bare_connection ~input_timeout:0.1 ~output_timeout:0.1 ues fd val mutable script = chatscript val inbuf = Buffer.create 4096 initializer self#run_script (); method handle_timeout op = raise (Chat_timeout (List.hd script)) method run_script () = match script with | [] -> Unix.close fd; ues#clear g | Send buf :: tl -> self#write buf; script <- tl; self#run_script () | Recv buf :: tl -> let buf_len = String.length buf in let inbuf_str = Buffer.contents inbuf in if (Buffer.length inbuf >= buf_len) then if startswith inbuf_str buf then begin script <- tl; Buffer.clear inbuf; Buffer.add_substring inbuf inbuf_str buf_len ((String.length inbuf_str) - buf_len); self#run_script () end else raise (Chat_match (Recv inbuf_str, Recv buf)) else () method handle_input data = Buffer.add_string inbuf data; self#run_script () end (** Run a chat script [chat script proc] will create a Unix domain socket pair, call [proc ues fd] with the event system and one of the sockets, and then run [script] through it. *) let chat script proc = let ues = new unix_event_system () in let a,b = Unix.socketpair Unix.PF_UNIX Unix.SOCK_STREAM 0 in let _ = proc ues a in let _ = new chat_handler script ues b in try ues with | Chat_match (got, expected) -> raise (Failure ("Not matched: got " ^ (string_of_chat_event got) ^ ", expected " ^ (string_of_chat_event expected))) | Chat_timeout evt -> raise (Failure ("Timeout waiting for " ^ (string_of_chat_event evt)))