type nuhost = (string * string * string) let name = ref "irc.test" let version = "0.1" let start_time = Unix.gettimeofday () let dbg msg a = prerr_endline ("[" ^ msg ^ "]"); a let is_channel str = if str == "" then false else match str.[0] with | '#' | '+' | '&' -> true | _ -> false let string_map f s = let l = String.length s in if l = 0 then s else let r = String.create l in for i = 0 to l - 1 do String.unsafe_set r i (f (String.unsafe_get s i)) done; r let lowercase_char c = if (c >= 'A' && c <= '^') then Char.unsafe_chr(Char.code c + 32) else c let uppercase_char c = if (c >= 'a' && c <= '~') then Char.unsafe_chr(Char.code c - 32) else c let uppercase s = string_map uppercase_char s let lowercase s = string_map lowercase_char s let truncate s len = let slen = String.length s in if len >= slen then s else Str.string_before s (min slen len) let nuhost_re = Str.regexp "\\(.*\\)!\\(.*\\)@\\(.*\\)" let nuhost_of_string str = if Str.string_match nuhost_re str 0 then (Str.matched_group 1 str, Str.matched_group 2 str, Str.matched_group 3 str) else raise Not_found let string_of_nuhost (nick, user, host) = nick ^ "!" ^ user ^ "@" ^ host let nick (nick, user, host) = nick let user (nick, user, host) = user let host (nick, user, host) = host