(* * OCaml epoll() interface * Author: Neale Pickett * Time-stamp: <2008-03-10 23:19:20 neale> *) (** * This module provides an interface to epoll() on Linux, or poll() on * everything else. *) type t type event = In | Priority | Out | Error | Hangup (** Event types, mirroring poll() and epoll() event constants. *) type op = Add | Modify | Delete (** Operations for ctl *) external create : int -> t = "ocaml_epoll_create" (** Create a new poll structure *) external destroy : t -> unit = "ocaml_epoll_destroy" (** Destroy a poll structure *) external ctl : t -> op -> (Unix.file_descr * event list) -> unit = "ocaml_epoll_ctl" (** Add, Modify, or Delete an event list *) external wait : t -> int -> int -> (Unix.file_descr * event list) list = "ocaml_epoll_wait" (** Block on events * * Returns a list of file descriptors and a list of the events that happened. *)