/** OCaml poll() interface * * Time-stamp: <2008-03-11 17:44:00 neale> * * Copyright (C) 2008 Neale Pickett * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef __linux # include # define EPOLL #else # include # undef EPOLL # define EPOLLIN POLLIN # define EPOLLPRI POLLPRI # define EPOLLOUT POLLOUT # define EPOLLERR POLLERR # define EPOLLHUP POLLHUP #endif #include #include #include #define puke() \ { \ char errstr[512]; \ snprintf(errstr, sizeof(errstr), "%s: %s", __FUNCTION__, strerror(errno)); \ caml_failwith(errstr); \ } enum { caml_POLLIN, caml_POLLPRI, caml_POLLOUT, caml_POLLERR, caml_POLLHUP }; enum { caml_POLL_ADD, caml_POLL_MOD, caml_POLL_DEL }; static int list_length(value list) { CAMLparam1(list); CAMLlocal1(l); int len = 0; for (l = list; l != Val_int(0); l = Field(l, 1)) { len += 1; } CAMLreturn(len); } static int int_of_event_list(value list) { CAMLparam1(list); CAMLlocal1(l); int acc = 0; for (l = list; l != Val_int(0); l = Field(l, 1)) { switch (Int_val(Field(l, 0))) { case caml_POLLIN: acc |= EPOLLIN; break; case caml_POLLPRI: acc |= EPOLLPRI; break; case caml_POLLOUT: acc |= EPOLLOUT; break; case caml_POLLERR: acc |= EPOLLERR; break; case caml_POLLHUP: acc |= EPOLLHUP; break; } } CAMLreturn(acc); } static value cons(value item, value list) { CAMLparam2(item, list); CAMLlocal1(new); new = alloc_small(2, 0); Field(new, 0) = item; Field(new, 1) = list; CAMLreturn(new); } static value event_list_of_int(int events) { CAMLparam0(); CAMLlocal1(result); result = Val_int(0); /* Do these in reverse order since we're prepending to the list */ if (events & EPOLLHUP) { result = cons(Val_int(caml_POLLHUP), result); } if (events & EPOLLERR) { result = cons(Val_int(caml_POLLERR), result); } if (events & EPOLLOUT) { result = cons(Val_int(caml_POLLOUT), result); } if (events & EPOLLPRI) { result = cons(Val_int(caml_POLLPRI), result); } if (events & EPOLLIN) { result = cons(Val_int(caml_POLLIN), result); } CAMLreturn(result); } #ifdef EPOLL /******************************************************************************** * * epoll() * ********************************************************************************/ CAMLprim value ocaml_epoll_create(value size) { CAMLparam1(size); CAMLlocal1(result); int ret; ret = epoll_create(Int_val(size)); if (-1 == ret) { puke(); } result = Val_int(ret); CAMLreturn(result); } CAMLprim value ocaml_epoll_destroy(value t) { CAMLparam1(t); int ret; ret = close(Int_val(t)); if (-1 == ret) { puke(); } CAMLreturn(Val_unit); } /* There are three reasons why I can't store a continuation or any other * complex type in evt.data: * * 1. GC might blow them away * 2. Heap compaction might move them * 3. The kernel can remove events from its internal table without * telling us (this is why there's no EPOLLNVAL) * * 1 and 2 can be solved by calling caml_register_global_root for each * continuation, but this does not solve 3. So you get file * descriptors. You can make a nice record type and wrap a Set around * it. */ CAMLprim value ocaml_epoll_ctl(value t, value op, value what) { CAMLparam3(t, op, what); int op_; int fd; struct epoll_event evt; int ret; switch (Int_val(op)) { case caml_POLL_ADD: op_ = EPOLL_CTL_ADD; break; case caml_POLL_MOD: op_ = EPOLL_CTL_MOD; break; case caml_POLL_DEL: op_ = EPOLL_CTL_DEL; break; } fd = Int_val(Field(what, 0)); evt.events = int_of_event_list(Field(what, 1)); evt.data.fd = fd; ret = epoll_ctl(Int_val(t), op_, fd, &evt); if (-1 == ret) { puke(); } CAMLreturn(Val_unit); } CAMLprim value ocaml_epoll_wait(value t, value maxevents, value timeout) { CAMLparam2(t, timeout); CAMLlocal2(result, item); int maxevents_ = Int_val(maxevents); struct epoll_event events[maxevents_]; int i; int ret; caml_enter_blocking_section(); ret = epoll_wait(Int_val(t), events, maxevents_, Int_val(timeout)); caml_leave_blocking_section(); if (-1 == ret) { puke(); } result = Val_int(0); for (i = 0; i < ret; i += 1) { item = alloc_small(2,0); Field(item, 0) = Val_int(events[i].data.fd); Field(item, 1) = event_list_of_int(events[i].events); result = cons(item, result); } CAMLreturn(result); } #else /******************************************************************************** * * poll() compatibility * ********************************************************************************/ #warn "The poll() compatibility routines have not been tested, nay compiled." /* I just coded up how it more or less ought to go. I haven't debugged * it at all. I haven't even tried to compile it. */ struct t { int nfds; int size; struct pollfd *fds; } CAMLprim value ocaml_epoll_create(value size) { CAMLparam1(size); CAMLlocal1(result); struct t *t_; t_ = (struct t *)malloc(sizeof(struct t)); t_->nfds = 0; t_->size = size; t_->fds = (struct pollfd *)calloc(size, sizeof(struct pollfd)); result = caml_alloc(1, Abstract_tag); Field(result, 0) = (value)t_; CAMLreturn(result); } CAMLprim value ocaml_epoll_destroy(value t) { CAMLparam1(t); struct t *t_ = Field(t, 0); free(t_->fds); free(t_); CAMLreturn(Val_unit); } CAMLprim value ocaml_epoll_ctl(value t, value op, value what) { CAMLparam3(t, op, what); struct t *t_ = Field(t, 0); int op_ = Int_val(op); struct pollfd pfd; int i; pfd.fd = Int_val(Field(what, 0)); pfd.events = int_of_event_list(Field(what, 1)); /* Find this fd in our list */ for (i == 0; i < t_->nfds; i += 1) { struct pollfd *p = &(t_->fds[i]); if (p->fd == pfd.fd) { break; } } switch (op_) { case caml_POLL_ADD: if (i < t_->nfds) { caml_failwith("file descriptor already present"); } if (i >= t->size) { struct pollfd *newfds; int newsize; newsize = t_->size + 20; new = (struct pollfd *)realloc(t_, (sizeof struct pollfd) * newsize); if (! new) { caml_failwith("out of memory"); } t_->size = newsize; t_->fds = newfds; } t_->nfds += 1; t_->fds[i] = pfd; break; case caml_POLL_MOD: t_->fds[i] = pdf; break; case caml_POLL_DEL: if (i == t_->nfds) { caml_failwith("file descriptor not present"); } t_->nfds -= 1; for(; i < t_->nfds; i += 1) { t_->fds[i] = t_->fds[i+1]; } break; } } CAMLprim value ocaml_epoll_wait(value t, value maxevents, value timeout) { CAMLparam3(t, maxevents, caml_timeout); CAMLlocal2(result, l, v); struct t *t_ = Field(t, 0); int maxevents_ = Int_val(maxevents); int i; int j; int ret; /* Call poll */ caml_enter_blocking_section(); ret = poll(t_->fds, t_->nfds, Int_val(timeout)); caml_leave_blocking_section(); if (-1 == ret) { puke(); } result = Val_int(0); j = 0; for (i=0; ((i < t_->nfds) && (i < maxevents_)); i += 1) { struct pollfd *p = &(t_->fds[i]); if (p->revents & POLLNVAL) { /* Don't let j increment: remove this item */ continue; } else if (p->revents) { v = alloc_small(2, 0); Field(v, 0) = Val_int(p->fd); Field(v, 1) = event_list_of_int(p->revents); result = cons(v, result); } if (i != j) { t_->fds[i] = t_->fds[j]; } j += i; } t_->nfds = j; CAMLreturn(result); } #endif