module String_map = Map.Make (struct type t = string let compare = compare end) type client = Iobuf.t * Irc.nuhost type t = {name: string; modes: string ref; clients: client String_map.t ref} let modes = "aimnqpsrtklb" let by_name = ref String_map.empty let is_channel_name name = match name.[0] with | '#' | '&' | '!' | '+' -> true | _ -> false let has_mode chan mode = String.contains !(chan.modes) mode (* Channels handle: NICK, MODE, JOIN, PART, QUIT, TOPIC, NAMES, LIST, INVITE, KICK, PRIVMSG, NOTICE *) let write iobuf command args text = Iobuf.write iobuf (Command.create (Some !( command args text) let broadcast ?(metoo=false) chan sender command args text = let sender_iobuf, sender_nuhost = sender in let cmd = Command.create (Some (Irc.string_of_nuhost sender_nuhost)) command args text in let bwrite _ (iobuf, nuhost) = if (metoo || (nuhost <> sender_nuhost)) then Iobuf.write iobuf cmd in String_map.iter bwrite !(chan.clients) let reply iobuf nick num ?(args=[]) text = write iobuf num (nick :: args) (Some text) let handle_action (cli_iobuf, cli_nuhost) chan_name action args text = let chanopt = try Some (String_map.find chan_name !by_name) with Not_found -> None in let nick = Irc.nick cli_nuhost in match (action, chanopt, args, text) with | ("NOTICE", Some chan, [], Some text) | ("PRIVMSG", Some chan, [], Some text) -> if String_map.mem nick !(chan.clients) then broadcast chan (cli_iobuf, cli_nuhost) action [chan_name] (Some text) else reply cli_iobuf nick "404" ~args:[chan_name] "Cannot send to channel (join first)" | ("JOIN", _, _, None) -> let chan = match chanopt with | Some chan -> chan | None -> let c = {name = chan_name; modes = ref ""; clients = ref String_map.empty} in by_name := String_map.add chan_name c !by_name; c in if String_map.mem nick !(chan.clients) then (* Apparently we're expected to drop the command *) () else let me = (cli_iobuf, cli_nuhost) in chan.clients := String_map.add nick me !(chan.clients); broadcast ~metoo:true chan me "JOIN" [] None | (_, None, _, _) -> reply cli_iobuf nick "403" ~args:[chan_name] "No such channel" | _ -> ()