
79 lines
2.1 KiB

type t = {sender: string option;
name: string;
args: string list;
text: string option}
let create sender name args text =
{sender = sender;
name = name;
args = args;
text = text}
let anon = create None
let as_string cmd =
let ret = Buffer.create 120 in
(match cmd.sender with
| None ->
| Some s ->
Buffer.add_char ret ':';
Buffer.add_string ret s;
Buffer.add_char ret ' ');
Buffer.add_string ret;
(match cmd.args with
| [] ->
| l ->
Buffer.add_char ret ' ';
Buffer.add_string ret (String.concat " " l));
(match cmd.text with
| None ->
| Some txt ->
Buffer.add_string ret " :";
Buffer.add_string ret txt);
Buffer.contents ret
let extract_word s =
let pos = String.index s ' ' in
(Str.string_before s pos, Str.string_after s (pos + 1))
with Not_found ->
(s, "")
let rec from_string line =
(* Very simple. Pull out words until you get one starting with ":".
The very first word might start with ":", that doesn't count
because it's the sender. *)
let rec loop sender acc line =
let c = (if (line = "") then None else (Some line.[0])) in
match (c, acc) with
| (None, name :: args) ->
(* End of line, no text part *)
create sender (String.uppercase name) args None
| (None, []) ->
(* End of line, no text part, no args, no command *)
raise (Failure "No command, eh?")
| (Some ':', []) ->
(* First word, starts with ':' *)
let (word, rest) = extract_word line in
loop (Some (Str.string_after word 1)) acc rest
| (Some ':', name :: args) ->
(* Not first word, starts with ':' *)
create sender (String.uppercase name) args (Some (Str.string_after line 1))
| (Some _, _) ->
(* Argument *)
let (word, rest) = extract_word line in
loop sender (acc @ [word]) rest
loop None [] line
let as_tuple cmd = (cmd.sender,, cmd.args, cmd.text)
let sender cmd = cmd.sender
let name cmd =
let args cmd = cmd.args
let text cmd = cmd.text