mirror of https://github.com/nealey/irc-bot
34 lines
1.0 KiB
34 lines
1.0 KiB
let write iobuf command args text =
let cmd = Command.create None command args text in
print_endline ("--> " ^ (Command.as_string cmd));
Iobuf.write iobuf cmd
let handle_command iobuf cmd =
print_endline ("<-- " ^ (Command.as_string cmd));
match Command.as_tuple cmd with
| (_, "PING", _, text) ->
write iobuf "PONG" [] text
| (_, "001", _, _) ->
write iobuf "JOIN" ["#bot"] None
| (Some who, "JOIN", [], Some chan) ->
write iobuf "PRIVMSG" [chan] (Some "hi asl")
| _ ->
let handle_error iobuf str =
print_endline str
let main () =
let host = Unix.gethostbyname "woozle.org" in
let dispatcher = Dispatch.create 5 in
let conn = Unix.socket Unix.PF_INET Unix.SOCK_STREAM 0 in
let _ = Unix.connect conn (Unix.ADDR_INET (host.Unix.h_addr_list.(0), 6667)) in
let iobuf = Iobuf.create dispatcher conn "woozle" handle_command handle_error in
write iobuf "NICK" ["bot"] None;
write iobuf "USER" ["bot"; "bot"; "bot"] (Some "Da Bot");
Dispatch.run dispatcher
let _ =
main ()