
41 lines
1.1 KiB

let info_db = Cdb.open_cdb_in "/home/neale/src/firebot/info.cdb"
let _ = Random.self_init ()
let choice l =
let n = (List.length l) in
List.nth l n
let choose_one key =
let matches = Cdb.get_matches info_db key in
match Stream.npeek 120 matches with
| [] -> raise Not_found
| keys -> choice keys
let handle_privmsg iobuf sender target text =
let factoid = choose_one text in
let response =
match factoid.[0] with
| ':' ->
"\001ACTION " ^ (Str.string_after factoid 1) ^ "\001"
| '\\' ->
Str.string_after factoid 1
| _ ->
Printf.sprintf "I've heard that %s is %s" text factoid
Iobuf.write iobuf (Command.create None "PRIVMSG" [target] (Some response))
with Not_found ->
let handle_command iobuf cmd =
print_endline ("<I- " ^ (Command.as_string cmd));
match Command.as_tuple cmd with
| (Some sender, "PRIVMSG", [target], Some text) ->
if Irc.is_channel target then
handle_privmsg iobuf sender target text
| _ ->
let _ = Plugin.register handle_command
let _ = print_endline "========= INFOBOT"