To Do ----- * Status web app as PWA? Does this even matter? Maybe not. * The directory layout is gross. Fix it. * What I'd like to see: pending/ has everything that's not finished yet; complete/ has everything that is. * Do I really need to separate audio and video? Can't I just put that in the json file? * I'm not certain the CD part works after moving to Python from Bourne Shell. * Set title for audio CDs on read. * For audio CDs, set completion to null, and have that result in a spinny progress meter. Done ---- * Handbrake is putting the stereo track before the 5.1 track, and making stereo the default. Fix that. * Status web app * Report title in status.json * Output JSON instead of bourne shell for env * New function in common: getenv() { jq -r --arg key="$1" '.[key]' env.json } * Then just slurp the thing into the status json * Indicate what is in the encoding queue (# items, titles) * Completion percentage scraping * Handbrake: `Encoding: task 2 of 2, 20.58%` * dvdbackup: `Copying Title, part 2/4: 72% done`