#! /usr/bin/python3 import subprocess import time import logging import re import os SECOND = 1 MINUTE = 60 * SECOND HOUR = 60 * MINUTE class Copier: def __init__(self, device, status): self.device = device self.status = status self.scan() def collect(self, track): newCollection = [] for t in self.collection: if t["length"] == track["length"]: # If the length is exactly the same, # assume it's the same track, # and pick the one with the most stuff. if len(track["audio"]) < len(t["audio"]): return elif len(track["subp"]) < len(t["subp"]): return newCollection.append(t) newCollection.append(track) self.collection = newCollection def scan(self): self.status["state"] = "scanning" self.collection = [] p = subprocess.run( [ "lsdvd", "-Oy", "-x", self.device, ], encoding="utf-8", capture_output=True, ) lsdvd = eval(p.stdout[8:]) # s/^lsdvd = // title = lsdvd["title"] if title in ('No', 'unknown'): title = lsdvd["provider_id"] if title == "$PACKAGE_STRING": title = "DVD" now = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H_%M_%S") title = "%s %s" % (title, now) # Go through all the tracks, looking for the largest referenced sector. max_sector = 0 max_length = 0 tracks = lsdvd["track"] for track in tracks: max_length = max(track["length"], max_length) for cell in track["cell"]: max_sector = max(cell["last_sector"], max_sector) if max_sector == 0: logging.info("Media size = 0; aborting") return # Make a guess about what's on this DVD. # We will categories into three types: # * A feature, which has one track much longer than any other # * A collection of shows, which has several long tracks, more or less the same lengths # * Something else for track in tracks: if track["length"] / max_length > 0.80: self.collect(track) if (max_length < 20 * MINUTE) and (len(self.collection) < len(track) * 0.6): self.collection = tracks self.status["title"] = title self.status["size"] = max_sector * 2048 # DVD sector size = 2048 self.status["tracks"] = [(t["ix"], t["length"]) for t in self.collection] def copy(self, directory): self.status["state"] = "copying" p = subprocess.Popen( [ "dvdbackup", "--input=" + self.device, "--name=" + self.status["title"], "--mirror", "--progress", ], encoding="utf-8", stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, cwd=directory, ) totalBytes = titleSize = lastTitleSize = 0 progressRe = re.compile(r"^Copying.*([0-9.]+)/[0-9.]+ (MiB|KiB)") for line in p.stdout: line = line.strip() m = progressRe.search(line) if m and m[2] == "MiB": titleSize = float(m[1]) * 1024 * 1024 elif m and m[2] == "KiB": titleSize = float(m[1]) * 1024 if titleSize < lastTitleSize: totalBytes += lastTitleSize lastTitleSize = titleSize self.status["complete"] = (totalBytes + titleSize) / self.status["size"] class Encoder: def __init__(self, basedir, status): self.basedir = basedir self.status = status def encode(self, obj): title = obj["title"] logging.info("encoding: %s (%s)" % (title, self.basedir)) total_length = sum(t[1] for t in obj["tracks"]) finished_length = 0 for track, length in obj["tracks"]: outfn = "%s-%d.mkv" % (title, track) tmppath = os.path.join(self.basedir, outfn) outpath = os.path.join(self.basedir, "..", outfn) p = subprocess.Popen( [ "nice", "HandBrakeCLI", "--json", "--input", "%s/VIDEO_TS" % self.basedir, "--output", tmppath, "--title", str(track), "--native-language", "eng", "--markers", "--loose-anamorphic", "--all-subtitles", "--all-audio", "--aencoder", "copy", "--audio-copy-mask", "aac,ac3,mp3", "--audio-fallback", "aac", ], encoding="utf-8", stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=None, ) # HandBrakeCLI spits out sort of JSON. # But Python has no built-in way to stream JSON objects. # Hence this kludge. progressRe = re.compile(r'^"Progress": ([0-9.]+),') for line in p.stdout: line = line.strip() m = progressRe.search(line) if m: progress = float(m[1]) complete = (finished_length + progress*length) / total_length self.status["complete"] = complete finished_length += length os.rename( src=tmppath, dst=outpath, ) logging.info("Finished track %d; length %d" % (track, length)) if __name__ == "__main__": import pprint vts = Video(".") pprint.pprint(vts.dict) # vi: sw=4 ts=4 et ai