
273 lines
6.5 KiB
Raw Normal View History

Data encoding
MOTH runs as an HTTP service,
accepting standard HTTP `GET` and `POST`.
Parameters may be encoded with standard `GET` query parameters
(like `GET /endpoint?a=1&b=2`),
or with `POST` as `application/x-www-form-encoded` data.
### `/state`
Returns the current MOTH event state as a JSON object.
#### Parameters
* `id`: team ID (optional)
#### Return
2020-10-15 10:23:39 -06:00
"Config": {
2020-10-15 10:23:39 -06:00
"Devel": false // true means this is a development server
"Messages: "HTML to be rendered as broadcast messages",
"TeamNames": {
2020-10-15 10:23:39 -06:00
"self": "Requesting team name", // Only if regestered team id is a provided
"0": "Team 1 Name",
2020-10-15 10:23:39 -06:00
"1": "Team 2 Name"
// ...
2020-10-15 10:23:39 -06:00
"PointsLog": [
[1602679698, "0", "category", 1] // epochTime, teamID, category, points
// ...
"Puzzles": {
2020-10-15 10:23:39 -06:00
"category": [1, 2, 3, 6] // list of unlocked puzzles for category
// ...
#### Example HTTP transaction
##### Request
GET /state HTTP/1.0
##### Response
This response has been reflowed for readability:
an actual on-wire response would not have newlines or indentation.
HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"Messages":"<p>Welcome to the event!</p><p>Event ends at 19:00!</p>",
"0":"Mike and Jack",
"12":"Team 2",
"4":"Team 8"
### `/register`
Registers a name to a team ID.
This is only required once per team,
but user interfaces may find it less confusing to users
to present a "login" page.
For this reason "this team is already registered"
does not return an error.
#### Parameters
* `id`: team ID
* `name`: team name
#### Return
An object inspired by [JSend](
"status": "success/fail/error",
"data": {
"short": "short description",
"description": "long description"
#### Example HTTP transaction
##### Request
POST /register HTTP/1.0
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 26
##### Repsonse
HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
{"status":"success","data":{"short":"registered","description":"Team ID registered"}}
### `/answer`
Submits an answer for points.
If the answer is wrong, no points are awarded 😉
#### Parameters
* `id`: team ID
* `category`: along with `points`, uniquely identifies a puzzle
* `points`: along with `category`, uniquely identifies a puzzle
#### Return
An object inspired by [JSend](
"status": "success/fail/error",
"data": {
"short": "short description",
"description": "long description"
#### Example HTTP transaction
##### Request
POST /answer HTTP/1.0
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 62
##### Repsonse
HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
{"status":"fail","data":{"short":"not accepted","description":"Incorrect answer"}}
### `/content/{category}/{points}/{filename}`
Retrieves static content associated with a puzzle.
Every puzzle provides `puzzle.json`,
a JSON object containing
information about the puzzle such as the body
and list of attached files.
Parameters are all in the URL for this endpoint,
so `curl` and `wget` can be used.
#### Parameters
* `{category}` (in URL): along with `{points}`, uniquely identifies a puzzle
* `{points}` (in URL): along with `{category}`, uniquely identifies a puzzle
* `{filename}` (in URL): filename to retrieve
#### Return
Raw file octets,
with a (hopefully) suitable
`Content-type` HTTP header field.
#### Example HTTP transaction
##### Request
GET /content/sequence/1/puzzle.json HTTP/1.0
##### Repsonse
HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 397
{"Pre":{"Authors":["neale"],"Attachments":[],"Scripts":[],"Body":"\u003cp\u003e1 2 3 4 5 ⬜\u003c/p\u003e\n","AnswerPattern":"","AnswerHashes":["e7f6c011776e8db7cd330b54174fd76f7d0216b612387a5ffcfb81e6f0919683"]},"Post":{"Objective":"","Success":{"Acceptable":"","Mastery":""},"KSAs":null},"Debug":{"Log":[],"Errors":[],"Hints":[],"Summary":"Simple introduction to how this works"},"Answers":[]}
The special file `puzzle.json` describes a puzzle. It is a JSON object with the following fields:
2020-10-15 10:23:39 -06:00
2020-10-15 10:23:39 -06:00
"Pre": { // Things which appear before the puzzle is solved
"Authors": ["Neale Pickett"], // List of puzzle authors, usually rendered as a footnote
"Attachments": ["tiger.jpg"], // List of files attached to the puzzle
"Scripts": [], // List of scripts which should be included in the HTML render of the puzzle
"Body": "<p>Can you find the hidden text?</p><p><img src=\"tiger.jpg\" alt=\"Grr\" /></p>\n", // HTML puzzle body
"AnswerPattern": "", // Regular expression to include in HTML input tag for validation
"AnswerHashes": [ // List of SHA265 hashes of correct answers, for client-side answer checking
2020-10-15 10:23:39 -06:00
"Post": { // Things reveal after the puzzle is solved
"Objective": "Learn to examine images for hidden text", // Learning objective
"Success": { // Measures of learning success
"Acceptable": "Visually examine image to find hidden text",
"Mastery": "Visually examine image to find hidden text"
2020-10-15 10:23:39 -06:00
"KSAs": null // Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities covered by this puzzle
2020-10-15 10:23:39 -06:00
"Debug": { // Debugging output used in development: all fields are emptied when making mothballs
"Log": [], // Debug message log
"Errors": [], // Errors encountered generating this puzzzle
"Hints": [ // Hints for instructional assistants to provide to participants
"Zoom in to the image and examine all sections carefully"
2020-10-15 10:23:39 -06:00
"Summary": "text in image" // Summary of this puzzle, to help identify it in an overview of puzzles
2020-10-15 10:23:39 -06:00
"Answers": ["sandwich"] // List of answers: empty in production