move p2 scoreboard into mcp

This commit is contained in:
Neale Pickett 2013-01-31 16:54:05 -07:00
parent 658a353e86
commit 50367caa3a
1 changed files with 96 additions and 179 deletions

View File

@ -30,221 +30,138 @@ function escape(s) {
return s
function print_bar(cat, teamid, teamname, n, d) {
printf("<div class=\"t%s score\"" \
" style=\"height: %.2f%%;\"" \
" onmouseover=\"highlight('%s')\"" \
" onmouseout=\"restore('%s')\">\n" \
"<!-- %s --> %s: %s\n" \
100 * n / d,
cat, escape(name), n)
function head() {
print "<!DOCTYPE html>"
print "<html><head><title>Project 2 Scoreboard</title>"
print "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"60\">"
print "<style>"
print "html {background: black url(\"p2inv.png\") no-repeat top center; background-size: contain; min-height: 100%; color: white;}"
print "body {background: black; opacity: 0.92; margin: 0;}"
print "p {margin: 0;}"
print "span {display: inline-block; margin: 0; border: 0;}"
print ".cat0 {background-color: #a6cee3; color: black;}"
print ".cat1 {background-color: #1f78b4;}"
print ".cat2 {background-color: #b2df8a; color: black;}"
print ".cat3 {background-color: #33a02c;}"
print ".cat4 {background-color: #fb9a99;}"
print ".cat5 {background-color: #e31a1c;}"
print ".cat6 {background-color: #fdbf6f;}"
print ".cat7 {background-color: #ff7f00;}"
print ".cat8 {background-color: #cab2d6;}"
print ".name {position: absolute; right: 10px;}"
print "#scores p {margin: 0; padding: 0; border: thin solid #222; opacity: 0.92;}"
print "#scores p:hover {border: thin solid yellow;}"
print "</style>"
print "</head><body>"
print "<div id=\"scores\">"
function output( t, c) {
for (t in teams) {
score = 0;
for (c in points_by_cat) {
if (points_by_cat[c] > 0) {
score += points_by_cat_team[c, t] / points_by_cat[c];
if (score > maxscore) {
maxscore = score
if (score > maxscores_by_team[t]) {
maxscores_by_team[t] = score
scores_by_team_time[t, lasttime] = score
timestamps[tslen++] = lasttime
function foot() {
print " </div>"
print " <pre style=\"position: fixed; bottom: 0; left: 20%; font-size: 250%;"
print " opacity: 0.8; background-color: black\">"
print "Project 2<br>"
print "<p>A CTF for people with limited time/patience/self-confidence.</p>"
print "<p>Plug in ethernet at this table, download puzzles, go think.</p>"
print "<p></p>"
print "<p>Use the terminal to claim points when you've figured something out.</p>"
print " </pre>"
print " </body>"
print "</body></html>"
if (! base) {
base = "/var/lib/ctf"
# Only display two decimal places
CONVFMT = "%.2f"
# New point at least every 2.5 minutes
interval = 150
tslen = 0
nteams = 0;
time = $1
team = $2
hash = $2
cat = $3
points = int($4)
if (! start) {
start = time
# Build a list of team names
if (! (hash in team_names)) {
fn = sprintf("%s/teams/names/%s", base, hash)
getline team_names[hash] < fn
if (time > (outtime + interval)) {
outtime = time
# Total points possible so far in this category
if (! ((cat, points) in cat_pointval)) {
cat_total[cat] += points
cat_pointval[cat, points] = 1
lasttime = time
teams[team] = nteams++
points_by_cat[cat] += points
points_by_cat_team[cat, team] += points
# Enumerate categories
if (! (cat in seen_cats)) {
seen_cats[cat] = 1
categories[ncats++] = cat
# Points this team has in this category
cat_points[hash, cat] += points
# Get team colors and names
for (team in teams) {
# Busybox awk segfaults if you try to close a file that didn't
# exist. We work around it by calling cat.
cmd = sprintf("cat %s/state/teams/colors/%s", base, team)
color = "444444";
cmd | getline color
colors_by_team[team] = color
cmd = sprintf("cat %s/state/teams/names/%s", base, team)
name = "Phantoms"
cmd | getline name
names_by_team[team] = name
# Adjust per-category points to a per-category percentage complete
for (hash in team_names) {
for (cat in cat_total) {
cat_score[hash, cat] = cat_points[hash, cat] / cat_total[cat]
total_score[hash] += cat_score[hash, cat]
scores[nteams++] = total_score[hash]
if (total_score[hash] > max_score) {
max_score = total_score[hash]
# Sort categories
ncats = 0
for (cat in points_by_cat) {
cats[ncats++] = cat
qsort(cats, 0, ncats-1)
# Create a sorted list of scores
nteams = 0
for (team in teams) {
scores[nteams++] = scores_by_team_time[team, lasttime]
# Sort scores
qsort(scores, 0, nteams-1)
# Now we can start writing the document
print "<!DOCTYPE html>"
print "<html class=\"scoreboard\">"
print " <head>"
print " <title>Scoreboard</title>"
print " <link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"ctf.css\" type=\"text/css\">"
print " <script type=\"application/javascript\" src=\"scoreboard.js\"></script>"
# Provide raw data for the chart
print " <script type=\"application/javascript\">"
print "function init() {"
printf(" plot(\"chart\", %d, %.2f, {\n", tslen, maxscore)
c = 0
for (team in teams) {
if (maxscores_by_team[team] / maxscore < 0.01) continue
printf(" \"%s\": [\"#%s\",[", teams[team], colors_by_team[team])
for (i = 1; i < tslen; i += 1) {
time = timestamps[i]
i, scores_by_team_time[team, time])
print "<p>"
for (ncat = 0; ncat < ncats; ncat += 1) {
printf("<span class=\"cat%d\">%s</span>\n", ncat, categories[ncat]);
print " });"
print " if (location.hash) {"
print " cycle();"
print " setInterval(cycle, 10000);"
print " }"
print "}"
print "window.onload = init;"
print " </script>"
print "</p>"
# Reload every minute
print " <meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"60\">"
for (i = nteams-1; i >= 0; i -= 1) {
score = scores[i];
if (score == scores[i-1]) continue; # Skip duplicates
# Set up team colors and a few page-specific styles
print " <style type=\"text/css\">"
print " body { width: 100%; }"
print " .score { overflow: hidden; color: black; }"
for (team in teams) {
printf(" .t%s { background-color: #%s; }\n",
teams[team], colors_by_team[team])
print " </style>"
print " </head>"
print " <body>"
print " <h1>Scoreboard</h1>"
print " <p id=\"debug\"></p>"
print " <img src=\"backup.png?" NR "\" alt=\"\" style=\"display: none;\" height=\"1\" width=\"1\">"
print " <table id=\"scoreboard\">"
print " <tr>"
print " <th>Overall</th>"
# Print out category names
for (i = 0; i < ncats; i += 1) {
cat = cats[i]
points = points_by_cat[cat]
if (0 == points) continue
printf("<th>%s (%d)</th>\n", cat, points)
print " </tr>"
print " <tr>"
# Print out teams, ranked by score
print " <td>"
for (i = 0; i < nteams; i += 1) {
if (scores[i] == scores[i-1]) continue;
for (team in teams) {
if (scores[i] == scores_by_team_time[team, lasttime]) {
name = names_by_team[team]
print_bar("total", teams[team], name, scores[i], ncats)
for (hash in team_names) {
if (total_score[hash] != score) {
print " </td>"
# Print out scores within each category
for (i = 0; i < ncats; i += 1) {
cat = cats[i]
points = points_by_cat[cat]
if (0 == points) break;
name = escape(team_names[hash])
print "<p>"
printf("<span class=\"name\">%s</span>\n", name)
print "<td>"
for (ncat = 0; ncat < ncats; ncat += 1) {
cat = categories[ncat];
points = cat_points[hash, cat];
# Create sorted list of scores in this category
n = 0
for (team in teams) {
l[n++] = points_by_cat_team[cat, team];
qsort(l, 0, n-1)
# Print out teams, ranked by points
for (j = 0; j < n; j += 1) {
if (l[j] == l[j-1]) continue;
if (0 == l[j]) continue;
for (team in teams) {
points = points_by_cat_team[cat, team]
if (l[j] == points) {
name = names_by_team[team]
print_bar(cat, teams[team], name, points, points_by_cat[cat])
if (cat_points[hash, cat] > 0) {
width = cat_score[hash, cat] / max_score * 90
printf("<!-- %s %s %s -->", cat, points, name)
printf("<span class=\"cat%d\" style=\"width: %.2f%%;\">%d</span>",
ncat, width, cat_points[hash, cat])
print "</p>"
print "</td>"
print " </tr>"
print " </table>"
print " <canvas id=\"chart\" width=\"1024\" height=\"240\"></canvas>"
print " </body>"
print "</html>"