diff --git a/Dockerfile.moth-compile b/Dockerfile.moth-compile
index e00c96b..5680e4f 100644
--- a/Dockerfile.moth-compile
+++ b/Dockerfile.moth-compile
@@ -1,8 +1,5 @@
FROM alpine
-ARG http_proxy
-ENV http_proxy=${http_proxy}
RUN apk --no-cache add python3 py3-pillow
COPY tools/package-puzzles.py tools/moth.py tools/mistune.py tools/answer_words.txt /moth/
diff --git a/Dockerfile.moth-devel b/Dockerfile.moth-devel
index 4e94dfa..8058a5b 100644
--- a/Dockerfile.moth-devel
+++ b/Dockerfile.moth-devel
@@ -1,14 +1,10 @@
FROM alpine
-ARG http_proxy
-ENV http_proxy=${http_proxy}
+RUN apk --no-cache add python3 py3-pillow && \
+ pip3 install aiohttp
-RUN apk --no-cache add python3 py3-pillow
-COPY tools/devel-server.py tools/moth.py tools/mistune.py tools/answer_words.txt /moth/
-COPY www /moth/src/www
-COPY example-puzzles /moth/puzzles
-COPY docs /moth/docs
+COPY . /moth/
+COPY example-puzzles /puzzles/
WORKDIR /moth/
-ENTRYPOINT ["python3", "/moth/devel-server.py"]
+ENTRYPOINT ["python3", "/moth/tools/devel-server.py", "--bind", ":8080", "--puzzles", "/puzzles"]
diff --git a/tools/devel-server.py b/tools/devel-server.py
index 48d2f82..354f899 100755
--- a/tools/devel-server.py
+++ b/tools/devel-server.py
@@ -1,268 +1,163 @@
-# To pick up any changes to this file without restarting anything:
-# while true; do ./tools/devel-server.py --once; done
-# It's kludgy, but it gets the job done.
-# Feel free to make it suck less, for example using the `tcpserver` program.
+import asyncio
import glob
import html
-import http.server
+from aiohttp import web
import io
-import mistune
+import mimetypes
import moth
+import logging
import os
import pathlib
+import random
import shutil
import socketserver
import sys
import traceback
- from http.server import HTTPStatus
-except ImportError:
- class HTTPStatus:
- OK = 200
- NOT_FOUND = 404
+sys.dont_write_bytecode = True # Don't write .pyc files
-sys.dont_write_bytecode = True
+def mkseed():
+ return bytes(random.choice(b'abcdef0123456789') for i in range(40))
-# XXX: This will eventually cause a problem. Do something more clever here.
-seed = 1
-def page(title, body, baseurl, scripts=[]):
- return """
- {title}
- {scripts}
- {title}
- {body}
- title=title,
- body=body,
- baseurl=baseurl,
- scripts="\n".join(''.format(s) for s in scripts),
- )
-# XXX: What horrors did we unleash with our chdir shenanigans that
-# makes this serve 404 and 500 when we mix in ThreadingMixIn?
-class ThreadingServer(socketserver.ForkingMixIn, http.server.HTTPServer):
- pass
-class MothHandler(http.server.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler):
- puzzles_dir = "puzzles"
- base_url = ""
- def mdpage(self, body, scripts=[]):
- try:
- title, _ = body.split('\n', 1)
- except ValueError:
- title = "Result"
- title = title.lstrip("#")
- title = title.strip()
- return page(title, mistune.markdown(body, escape=False), self.base_url, scripts=scripts)
- def handle_one_request(self):
- try:
- super().handle_one_request()
- except:
- tbtype, value, tb = sys.exc_info()
- tblist = traceback.format_tb(tb, None) + traceback.format_exception_only(tbtype, value)
- payload = ("Traceback (most recent call last)\n" +
- "".join(tblist[:-1]) +
- tblist[-1]).encode('utf-8')
- self.send_response(HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
- self.send_header("Content-Type", "text/plain; charset=utf-8")
- self.send_header("Content-Length", payload)
- self.end_headers()
- self.wfile.write(payload)
- def do_GET(self):
- if self.path == "/":
- self.serve_front()
- elif self.path.startswith("/puzzles/"):
- self.serve_puzzles(self.path)
- elif self.path.startswith("/files/"):
- self.serve_file(self.translate_path(self.path))
+class Page:
+ def __init__(self, title, depth=0):
+ self.title = title
+ if depth:
+ self.base = "/".join([".."] * depth)
- self.send_error(HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND, "File not found")
+ self.base = "."
+ self.body = io.StringIO()
+ self.scripts = []
+ def add_script(self, path):
+ self.scripts.append(path)
+ def write(self, s):
+ self.body.write(s)
+ def text(self):
+ ret = io.StringIO()
+ ret.write("\n")
+ ret.write("\n")
+ ret.write(" \n")
+ ret.write(" {}\n".format(self.title))
+ ret.write(" \n".format(self.base))
+ for s in self.scripts:
+ ret.write(" {}\n".format(s))
+ ret.write(" \n")
+ ret.write(" \n")
+ ret.write(" {}
+ ret.write(" \n")
+ ret.write(self.body.getvalue())
+ ret.write("
+ ret.write(" \n")
+ ret.write("\n")
+ return ret.getvalue()
+ def response(self, request):
+ return web.Response(text=self.text(), content_type="text/html")
- def translate_path(self, path):
- if path.startswith('/files'):
- path = path[7:]
- return super().translate_path(path)
+async def handle_front(request):
+ p = Page("Devel Server", 0)
+ p.write("Yo, it's the front page!
+ p.write("")
+ p.write("If you use this development server to run a contest, you are a fool.
+ return p.response(request)
- def serve_front(self):
- body = """
-MOTH Development Server Front Page
+async def handle_puzzlelist(request):
+ p = Page("Puzzle Categories", 1)
+ p.write("")
+ for i in sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(request.app["puzzles_dir"], "*", ""))):
+ bn = os.path.basename(i.strip('/\\'))
+ p.write('- puzzles/{}/
'.format(bn, bn))
+ p.write("
+ return p.response(request)
-Yo, it's the front page.
-There's stuff you can do here:
+async def handle_category(request):
+ seed = request.query.get("seed", mkseed())
+ category = request.match_info.get("category")
+ cat = moth.Category(os.path.join(request.app["puzzles_dir"], category), seed)
+ p = Page("Puzzles in category {}".format(category), 2)
+ p.write("")
+ return p.response(request)
-* [Available puzzles](puzzles/)
-* [Raw filesystem view](files/)
-* [Documentation](files/docs/)
-* [Instructions](files/docs/devel-server.md) for using this server
+async def handle_puzzle(request):
+ seed = request.query.get("seed", mkseed())
+ category = request.match_info.get("category")
+ points = int(request.match_info.get("points"))
+ cat = moth.Category(os.path.join(request.app["puzzles_dir"], category), seed)
+ puzzle = cat.puzzle(points)
-If you use this development server to run a contest,
-you are a fool.
- payload = self.mdpage(body).encode('utf-8')
- self.send_response(HTTPStatus.OK)
- self.send_header("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8")
- self.send_header("Content-Length", len(payload))
- self.end_headers()
- self.wfile.write(payload)
- def serve_puzzles(self, path):
- body = io.StringIO()
- path = path.rstrip('/')
- parts = path.split("/")
- scripts = []
- title = None
- fpath = None
- points = None
- cat = None
- puzzle = None
- try:
- fpath = os.path.join(self.puzzles_dir, parts[2])
- points = int(parts[3])
- except:
- pass
- if fpath:
- cat = moth.Category(fpath, seed)
- if points:
- puzzle = cat.puzzle(points)
- if not cat:
- title = "Puzzle Categories"
- body.write("")
- for i in sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(self.puzzles_dir, "*", ""))):
- bn = os.path.basename(i.strip('/\\'))
- body.write('- puzzles/{}/
'.format(bn, bn))
- body.write("
- elif not puzzle:
- # List all point values in a category
- title = "Puzzles in category `{}`".format(parts[2])
- body.write("")
- for points in cat.pointvals():
- body.write('- puzzles/{cat}/{points}/
'.format(cat=parts[2], points=points))
- body.write("
- elif len(parts) == 4:
- # Serve up a puzzle
- scripts = puzzle.scripts
- title = "{} puzzle {}".format(parts[2], parts[3])
- body.write("Body
- body.write("")
- body.write(puzzle.html_body())
- body.write("
- body.write("Files
- body.write("")
- for name,puzzlefile in sorted(puzzle.files.items()):
- if puzzlefile.visible:
- visibility = ''
- else:
- visibility = '(unlisted)'
- body.write('- {filename} {visibility}
- .format(cat=parts[2],
- points=puzzle.points,
- filename=name,
- visibility=visibility))
- body.write("
- body.write("Answers
- body.write("Input box (for scripts): ")
- body.write("
- assert puzzle.answers, 'No answers defined'
- for a in puzzle.answers:
- body.write("{}
- body.write("
- body.write("Authors
".format(', '.join(puzzle.get_authors())))
- body.write("Summary
- if puzzle.logs:
- body.write("Debug Log
- body.write('')
- for l in puzzle.logs:
- body.write("- {}
- body.write("
- elif len(parts) == 5:
- # Serve up a puzzle file
- try:
- pfile = puzzle.files[parts[4]]
- except KeyError:
- self.send_error(HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND, "File not found. Did you add it to the Files: header or puzzle.add_stream?")
- return
- ctype = self.guess_type(pfile.name)
- self.send_response(HTTPStatus.OK)
- self.send_header("Content-Type", ctype)
- self.end_headers()
- shutil.copyfileobj(pfile.stream, self.wfile)
- return
- payload = page(title, body.getvalue(), self.base_url, scripts=scripts).encode('utf-8')
- self.send_response(HTTPStatus.OK)
- self.send_header("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8")
- self.send_header("Content-Length", len(payload))
- self.end_headers()
- self.wfile.write(payload)
- def serve_file(self, path):
- lastmod = None
- fspath = pathlib.Path(path)
- if fspath.is_dir():
- ctype = "text/html; charset=utf-8"
- payload = self.list_directory(path)
- # it sends headers but not body
- shutil.copyfileobj(payload, self.wfile)
+ p = Page("{} puzzle {}".format(category, points), 3)
+ for s in puzzle.scripts:
+ p.add_script(s)
+ p.write("Body
+ p.write("")
+ p.write(puzzle.html_body())
+ p.write("
+ p.write("Files
+ p.write("")
+ for name,puzzlefile in sorted(puzzle.files.items()):
+ if puzzlefile.visible:
+ visibility = ''
- ctype = self.guess_type(path)
- try:
- payload = fspath.read_bytes()
- except OSError:
- self.send_error(HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND, "File not found")
- return
- if path.endswith(".md"):
- ctype = "text/html; charset=utf-8"
- content = self.mdpage(payload.decode('utf-8'))
- payload = content.encode('utf-8')
- try:
- fs = fspath.stat()
- lastmod = self.date_time_string(fs.st_mtime)
- except:
- pass
+ visibility = '(unlisted)'
+ p.write('- {filename} {visibility}
+ .format(cat=category,
+ points=puzzle.points,
+ filename=name,
+ visibility=visibility))
+ p.write("
+ p.write("Answers
+ p.write("Input box (for scripts): ")
+ p.write("
+ assert puzzle.answers, 'No answers defined'
+ for a in puzzle.answers:
+ p.write("{}
+ p.write("
+ p.write("Authors
".format(', '.join(puzzle.get_authors())))
+ p.write("Summary
+ if puzzle.logs:
+ p.write("Debug Log
+ p.write('')
+ for l in puzzle.logs:
+ p.write("- {}
+ p.write("
+ return p.response(request)
- self.send_response(HTTPStatus.OK)
- self.send_header("Content-Type", ctype)
- self.send_header("Content-Length", len(payload))
- if lastmod:
- self.send_header("Last-Modified", lastmod)
- self.end_headers()
- self.wfile.write(payload)
+async def handle_puzzlefile(request):
+ seed = request.query.get("seed", mkseed())
+ category = request.match_info.get("category")
+ points = int(request.match_info.get("points"))
+ filename = request.match_info.get("filename")
+ cat = moth.Category(os.path.join(request.app["puzzles_dir"], category), seed)
+ puzzle = cat.puzzle(points)
+ try:
+ file = puzzle.files[filename]
+ except KeyError:
+ return web.Response(status=404)
+ resp = web.Response()
+ resp.content_type, _ = mimetypes.guess_type(file.name)
+ # This is the line where I decided Go was better than Python at multiprocessing
+ # You should be able to chain the puzzle file's output to the async output,
+ # without having to block. But if there's a way to do that, it certainly
+ # isn't documented anywhere.
+ resp.body = file.stream.read()
+ return resp
-def run(address=('', 8080), once=False):
- httpd = ThreadingServer(address, MothHandler)
- print("=== Listening on http://{}:{}/".format(address[0], address[1]))
- if once:
- httpd.handle_request()
- else:
- httpd.serve_forever()
if __name__ == '__main__':
import argparse
@@ -272,10 +167,6 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
'--puzzles', default='puzzles',
help="Directory containing your puzzles"
- parser.add_argument(
- '--once', default=False, action='store_true',
- help="Serve one page, then exit. For debugging the server."
- )
'--bind', default="",
help="Bind to ip:port"
@@ -285,8 +176,21 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
help="Base URL to this server, for reverse proxy setup"
args = parser.parse_args()
- addr, port = args.bind.split(":")
- port = int(port)
- MothHandler.puzzles_dir = args.puzzles
- MothHandler.base_url = args.base
- run(address=(addr, port), once=args.once)
+ parts = args.bind.split(":")
+ addr = parts[0] or ""
+ port = int(parts[1])
+ logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO)
+ mydir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0])))
+ app = web.Application()
+ app["puzzles_dir"] = args.puzzles
+ app["base_url"] = args.base
+ app.router.add_route("GET", "/", handle_front)
+ app.router.add_route("GET", "/puzzles/", handle_puzzlelist)
+ app.router.add_route("GET", "/puzzles/{category}/", handle_category)
+ app.router.add_route("GET", "/puzzles/{category}/{points}/", handle_puzzle)
+ app.router.add_route("GET", "/puzzles/{category}/{points}/{filename}", handle_puzzlefile)
+ app.router.add_static("/files/", mydir, show_index=True)
+ web.run_app(app, host=addr, port=port)