#! /usr/bin/python ## ## This is pretty crufty :< ## import cgitb; cgitb.enable() import cgi import os import fcntl import re import sys from cgi import escape import Cookie as cookies from urllib import quote, unquote from codecs import open from sets import Set as set from cStringIO import StringIO from ctf import pointscli, teams, html, paths keysfile = os.path.join(paths.LIB, 'puzzler.keys') datafile = os.path.join(paths.VAR, 'puzzler.dat') puzzles_dir = os.path.join(paths.WWW, 'puzzler') ## ## This allows you to edit the URL and work on puzzles that haven't been ## unlocked yet. For now I think that's an okay vulnerability. It's a ## hacking contest, after all. ## cat_re = re.compile(r'^[a-z]+$') points_re = re.compile(r'^[0-9]+$') points_by_cat = {} points_by_team = {} try: for line in open(datafile, encoding='utf-8'): cat, team, pts = [unquote(v) for v in line.strip().split('\t')] pts = int(pts) points_by_cat[cat] = max(points_by_cat.get(cat, 0), pts) points_by_team.setdefault((team, cat), set()).add(pts) except IOError: pass c = cookies.SimpleCookie(os.environ.get('HTTP_COOKIE', '')) try: team = c['team'].value passwd = c['passwd'].value except KeyError: team, passwd = None, None f = cgi.FieldStorage() cat = f.getfirst('c') points = f.getfirst('p') team = f.getfirst('t', team) passwd = f.getfirst('w', passwd) key = f.getfirst('k', '').decode('utf-8') def serve(title, sf=None, **kwargs): if team or passwd: c = cookies.SimpleCookie() if team: c['team'] = team if passwd: c['passwd'] = passwd print(c) if not sf: sf = StringIO() return html.serve(title, sf.getvalue(), **kwargs) def safe_join(*args): safe = list(args[:1]) for a in args[1:]: if not a: return None else: a = a.replace('..', '') a = a.replace('/', '') safe.append(a) ret = '/'.join(safe) if os.path.exists(ret): return ret def dump_file(fn): f = open(fn, 'rb') while True: d = f.read(4096) if not d: break sys.stdout.buffer.write(d) def disabled(cat): return os.path.exists(os.path.join(paths.LIB, 'disabled', cat)) def show_cats(): out = StringIO() out.write('') serve('Categories', out) def show_puzzles(cat, cat_dir): out = StringIO() opened = points_by_cat.get(cat, 0) puzzles = ([int(v) for v in os.listdir(cat_dir)]) puzzles.sort() if puzzles: out.write('') else: out.write('

None (someone is slacking)

') serve('Open in %s' % escape(cat), out) def win(cat, team, points): out = StringIO() points = int(points) f = open(datafile, 'a', encoding='utf-8') pointscli.award(cat, team, points) fcntl.lockf(f, fcntl.LOCK_EX) f.write('%s\t%s\t%d\n' % (quote(cat), quote(team), points)) out.write('

%d points for %s.

' % (points, cgi.escape(team))) out.write('

Back to %s.

' % (html.base, cat, cat)) serve('Winner!', out) def check_key(cat, points, candidate): for line in open(keysfile, encoding='utf-8'): thiscat, thispoints, key = line.split('\t', 2) if (cat, points) == (thiscat, thispoints): if key.rstrip() == candidate: return True return False def main(): cat_dir = safe_join(puzzles_dir, cat) points_dir = safe_join(puzzles_dir, cat, points) if not cat_dir: # Show categories show_cats() elif not points_dir: # Show available puzzles in category show_puzzles(cat, cat_dir) else: if not teams.chkpasswd(team, passwd): serve('Wrong password') elif not check_key(cat, points, key): serve('Wrong key') elif int(points) in points_by_team.get((team, cat), set()): serve('Greedy greedy') else: win(cat, team, points) if __name__ == '__main__': import optparse import sys, codecs sys.stdout = codecs.getwriter('utf-8')(sys.stdout) main() # Local Variables: # mode: python # End: