import * as moth from "../moth.mjs" function doing(what) { for (let e of document.querySelectorAll(".doing")) { if (what) { = "inherit" } else { = "none" } for (let p of e.querySelectorAll("p")) { p.textContent = what } } } async function init() { let server = new moth.Server("../") doing("Retrieving server state") let state = await server.GetState() doing("Retrieving all puzzles") let puzzlerowTemplate = document.querySelector("template#puzzlerow") let puzzles = state.Puzzles() for (let puzzle of puzzles) { await puzzle.Populate().catch(x => {}) } doing("Filling tables") let KSAsByCategory = {} for (let puzzle of puzzles) { let KSAs = KSAsByCategory[puzzle.Category] if (!KSAs) { KSAs = new Set() KSAsByCategory[puzzle.Category] = KSAs } for (let KSA of (puzzle.KSAs || [])) { KSAs.add(KSA) } for (let tbody of document.querySelectorAll("tbody")) { let row = puzzlerowTemplate.content.cloneNode(true) row.querySelector(".category").textContent = puzzle.Category row.querySelector(".points").textContent = puzzle.Points row.querySelector(".ksas").textContent = (puzzle.KSAs || []).join(" ") row.querySelector(".error").textContent = puzzle.Error.Body tbody.appendChild(row) } } doing("Filling KSAs By Category") for (let div of document.querySelectorAll(".KSAsByCategory")) { for (let category of state.Categories()) { let KSAs = [...KSAsByCategory[category]] KSAs.sort() div.appendChild(document.createElement("h3")).textContent = category let ul = div.appendChild(document.createElement("ul")) for (let k of KSAs) { ul.appendChild(document.createElement("li")).textContent = k } } } doing() } if (document.readyState === "loading") { document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", init) } else { init() }