#!/usr/bin/python import cgitb; cgitb.enable() import os from ctf import config import Config print(config.start_html('Tanks Results', links_title='Tanks', links=[('docs.cgi', 'Docs'), ('results.cgi', 'Results'), ('submit.html', 'Submit'), ('errors.cgi', 'My Errors')])) try: winner = open(os.path.join(Config.DATA_PATH, 'winner')).read() except: winner = "No winner yet." print "<H3>Last Winner: ", winner, '<H3>' print "<H2>Results so far:</H2>" try: games = os.listdir(os.path.join('results')) except: print '<p>The results directory does not exist.' games = [] if not games: print "<p>No games have occurred yet." gameNums = [] for game in games: try: gameNums.append( int(game) ) except: continue gameNums.sort(reverse=True) # Don't include games that haven't completed i = 0 num = str(gameNums[i]) for i in range(len(gameNums)): path = os.path.join( 'results', str(gameNums[i]), 'results.html') if os.path.exists( path ): break gameNums = gameNums[i:] for num in gameNums: print '<p>%d - ' % num, print '<a href="results/%d/game.avi">v</a>' % num, print '<a href="results/%d/results.html">r</a>' % num print(config.end_html())