function loadJSON(url, callback) { function loaded(e) { callback(; } var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest() xhr.onload = loaded;"GET", url, true); xhr.responseType = "json"; xhr.send(); } function scoreboard(element) { function update(state) { var teamnames = state["teams"]; var pointslog = state["points"]; var highscore = {}; var teams = {}; // Dole out points for (var i in pointslog) { var entry = pointslog[i]; var timestamp = entry[0]; var teamhash = entry[1]; var category = entry[2]; var points = entry[3]; var team = teams[teamhash] || {__hash__: teamhash}; // Add points to team's points for that category team[category] = (team[category] || 0) + points; // Record highest score in a category highscore[category] = Math.max(highscore[category] || 0, team[category]); teams[teamhash] = team; } // Sort by team score function teamScore(t) { var score = 0; for (var category in highscore) { score += (t[category] || 0) / highscore[category]; } // XXX: This function really shouldn't have side effects. t.__score__ = score; return score; } function teamCompare(a, b) { return teamScore(a) - teamScore(b); } var winners = []; for (var i in teams) { winners.push(teams[i]); } if (winners.length == 0) { // No teams! return; } winners.sort(teamCompare); winners.reverse(); // Clear out the element we're about to populate while (element.lastChild) { element.removeChild(element.lastChild); } // Populate! var topActualScore = winners[0].__score__; // (100 / ncats) * (ncats / topActualScore); var maxWidth = 100 / topActualScore; for (var i in winners) { var team = winners[i]; var row = document.createElement("div"); var ncat = 0; for (var category in highscore) { var catHigh = highscore[category]; var catTeam = team[category] || 0; var catPct = catTeam / catHigh; var width = maxWidth * catPct; var bar = document.createElement("span"); bar.classList.add("cat" + ncat); = width + "%"; bar.textContent = category + ": " + catTeam; bar.title = bar.textContent; row.appendChild(bar); ncat += 1; } var te = document.createElement("span"); te.classList.add("teamname"); te.textContent = teamnames[team.__hash__]; row.appendChild(te); element.appendChild(row); } } loadJSON("points.json", update); }