/** * Functionality for puzzle.html (Puzzle display / answer form) */ import * as moth from "./moth.mjs" import * as common from "./common.mjs" const server = new moth.Server(".") /** * Handle a submit event on a form. * * This event will be called when the user submits the form, * either by clicking a "submit" button, * or by some other means provided by the browser, * like hitting the Enter key. * * @param {Event} event */ async function formSubmitHandler(event) { event.preventDefault() let data = new FormData(event.target) let proposed = data.get("answer") let message console.group("Submit answer") console.info(`Proposed answer: ${proposed}`) try { message = await window.app.puzzle.SubmitAnswer(proposed) } catch (err) { common.Toast(err) } common.Toast(message) console.groupEnd("Submit answer") } /** * Handle an input event on the answer field. * * @param {Event} event */ async function answerInputHandler(event) { let answer = event.target.value let correct = await window.app.puzzle.IsPossiblyCorrect(answer) for (let ok of event.target.parentElement.querySelectorAll(".answer_ok")) { if (correct) { ok.textContent = "⭕" ok.title = "Possibly correct" } else { ok.textContent = "❌" ok.title = "Definitely not correct" } } } /** * Return the puzzle content element, possibly with everything cleared out of it. * * @param {Boolean} clear Should the element be cleared of children? Default true. * @returns {Element} */ function puzzleElement(clear=true) { let e = document.querySelector("#puzzle") if (clear) { while (e.firstChild) e.firstChild.remove() } return e } /** * Display an error in the puzzle area, and also send it to the console. * * This makes it so the user can see a bit more about what the problem is. * * @param {String} error */ function error(error) { console.error(error) let e = puzzleElement().appendChild(document.createElement("pre")) e.classList.add("error") e.textContent = error.Body || error } /** * Set the answer and invoke input handlers. * * This makes sure the Circle Of Success gets updated. * * @param {String} s */ function SetAnswer(s) { let e = document.querySelector("#answer") e.value = s e.dispatchEvent(new Event("input")) } function writeObject(e, obj) { let keys = Object.keys(obj) keys.sort() for (let key of keys) { let val = obj[key] if ((key === "Body") || (!val) || (val.length === 0)) { continue } let d = e.appendChild(document.createElement("dt")) d.textContent = key let t = e.appendChild(document.createElement("dd")) if (Array.isArray(val)) { let vi = t.appendChild(document.createElement("ul")) vi.multiple = true for (let a of val) { let opt = vi.appendChild(document.createElement("li")) opt.textContent = a } } else if (typeof(val) === "object") { writeObject(t, val) } else { t.textContent = val } } } /** * Load the given puzzle. * * @param {String} category * @param {Number} points */ async function loadPuzzle(category, points) { console.group("Loading puzzle:", category, points) let contentBase = new URL(`content/${category}/${points}/`, location) // Tell user we're loading puzzleElement().appendChild(document.createElement("progress")) for (let qs of ["#authors", "#title", "title"]) { for (let e of document.querySelectorAll(qs)) { e.textContent = "[loading]" } } let puzzle = server.GetPuzzle(category, points) console.time("Populate") await puzzle.Populate() console.timeEnd("Populate") console.info("Tweaking HTML...") let title = `${category} ${points}` document.querySelector("title").textContent = title document.querySelector("#title").textContent = title document.querySelector("#authors").textContent = puzzle.Authors.join(", ") document.querySelector("#answer").pattern = window.puzzle.AnswerPattern puzzleElement().innerHTML = puzzle.Body console.info("Adding attached scripts...") for (let script of (puzzle.Scripts || [])) { let st = document.createElement("script") document.head.appendChild(st) st.src = new URL(script, contentBase) } console.info("Listing attached files...") for (let fn of (puzzle.Attachments || [])) { let li = document.createElement("li") let a = document.createElement("a") a.href = new URL(fn, contentBase) a.innerText = fn li.appendChild(a) document.getElementById("files").appendChild(li) } console.info("Filling debug information...") for (let e of document.querySelectorAll(".debug")) { if (puzzle.Answers.length > 0) { writeObject(e, puzzle) } else { e.classList.add("hidden") } } let baseElement = document.head.appendChild(document.createElement("base")) baseElement.href = contentBase window.app.puzzle = puzzle console.info("window.app.puzzle =", window.app.puzzle) console.groupEnd() return puzzle } async function init() { window.app = {} window.setanswer = (str => SetAnswer(str)) for (let form of document.querySelectorAll("form.answer")) { form.addEventListener("submit", formSubmitHandler) for (let e of form.querySelectorAll("[name=answer]")) { e.addEventListener("input", answerInputHandler) } } // There isn't a more graceful way to "unload" scripts attached to the current puzzle window.addEventListener("hashchange", () => location.reload()) // Make all links absolute, because we're going to be changing the base URL for (let e of document.querySelectorAll("[href]")) { e.href = new URL(e.href, location) } let hashpart = location.hash.split("#")[1] || "" let catpoints = hashpart.split(":") let category = catpoints[0] let points = Number(catpoints[1]) if (!category && !points) { error(`Doesn't look like a puzzle reference: ${hashpart}`) return } window.app.puzzle = await loadPuzzle(category, points) } common.WhenDOMLoaded(init)