import {Toast} from "../common.mjs" import "" var workers = {} // loadWorker returns an existing worker if one exists, otherwise, it starts a new worker function loadWorker(language) { let worker = workers[language] if (!worker) { let url = new URL(language + ".mjs", import.meta.url) worker = new Worker(url, { type: "module", })"Loading worker", url, worker) workers[language] = worker } return worker } export class Workspace { /** * * @param element {HTMLElement} Element to populate with the workspace * @param id {string} A unique identifier of this workspace * @param code {string} The "pristine" source code for this workspace * @param language {string} The language for this workspace * @param attachmentUrls {URL[]} List of attachment URLs */ constructor(element, id, code, language, attachmentUrls) { this.element = element this.originalCode = code this.language = language this.attachmentUrls = attachmentUrls this.storageKey = "code:" + id // Get our document and window this.document = this.element.ownerDocument this.window = this.document.defaultView // Load user modifications, if there are any this.code = localStorage[this.storageKey] || this.originalCode this.status = this.element.querySelector(".status") this.linenos = this.element.querySelector(".editor .linenos") this.editor = this.element.querySelector(".editor .text") this.stdout = this.element.querySelector(".stdout") this.stderr = this.element.querySelector(".stderr") this.traceback = this.element.querySelector(".traceback") this.stdinfo = this.element.querySelector(".stdinfo") this.runButton = this.element.querySelector("") this.revertButton = this.element.querySelector("button.revert") this.fontButton = this.element.querySelector("button.font") this.runButton.disabled = true // Load in the editor this.editor.classList.add("language-" + language) import("").then((module) => this.editorReady(module)) // Load the interpreter this.initLanguage(language) this.runButton.addEventListener("click", () => this.revertButton.addEventListener("click", () => this.revert()) this.fontButton.addEventListener("click", () => this.font()) } async initLanguage(language) { let start = this.status.textContent = "Initializing..." this.status.appendChild(document.createElement("progress")) this.worker = loadWorker(language) await this.workerReady() let runtime = - start let duration = new Date(runtime).toISOString().slice(11, -1) this.status.textContent = "Loaded in " + duration this.runButton.disabled = false for (let a of this.attachmentUrls) { let filename = a.pathname.split("/").pop() this.workerWget(a) .then(ret => { this.stdinfo.appendChild(this.document.createElement("div")).textContent = "Downloaded " + filename }) } } workerMessage(message) { let chan = new MessageChannel() = chan.port2 this.worker.postMessage(message, [chan.port2]) let p = new Promise( (resolve, reject) => { chan.port1.addEventListener("message", e => resolve(, {once: true}) } ) chan.port1.start() return p } workerReady() { return this.workerMessage({type: "nop"}) } workerWget(url) { return this.workerMessage({ type: "wget", url: url.href || url, }) } /** * highlight provides a code highlighter for CodeJar * * It calls Prism.highlightElement, then updates line numbers */ highlight(editor) { if (Prism) { // Sometimes it loads slowly Prism.highlightElement(editor) } else { console.warn("No highlighter!", Prism, this.window.document.scripts) } // Create a line numbers column if (true) { const code = editor.textContent || "" const lines = code.split("\n") let linesCount = lines.length if (lines[linesCount-1]) { linesCount += 1 } let ltxt = "" for (let i = 1; i < linesCount; i++) { ltxt += i + "\n" } this.linenos.textContent = ltxt } } /** * Called when the editor has imported * */ editorReady(module) { this.jar = module.CodeJar(this.editor, (editor) => this.highlight(editor), {window: this.window}) this.jar.updateCode(this.code) switch (this.language) { case "python": this.jar.updateOptions({ tab: " ", indentOn: /:$/, }) break } } setAnswer(answer) { let evt = new CustomEvent("setAnswer", {detail: {value: answer}, bubbles: true, cancelable: true}) this.element.dispatchEvent(evt) this.stdinfo.appendChild(this.document.createTextNode("Set answer to ")) this.stdinfo.appendChild(this.document.createElement("code")).textContent = answer } async run() { let start = this.runButton.disabled = true this.status.textContent = "Running..." // Save first. Always save first. let program = this.jar.toString() if (program != this.originalCode) { localStorage[this.storageKey] = program } let result = await this.workerMessage({ type: "run", code: program, }) this.stdout.textContent = result.stdout this.stderr.textContent = result.stderr this.traceback.textContent = result.traceback while (this.stdinfo.firstChild) this.stdinfo.firstChild.remove() if (result.answer) { this.setAnswer(result.answer) } let runtime = - start let duration = new Date(runtime).toISOString().slice(11, -1) this.status.textContent = "Ran in " + duration this.runButton.disabled = false } revert() { let currentCode = this.jar.toString() let savedCode = localStorage[this.storageKey] if ((currentCode == this.originalCode) && savedCode) { this.jar.updateCode(savedCode) Toast("Re-loaded saved code") } else { this.jar.updateCode(this.originalCode) Toast("Reverted to original code") } } font(force) { this.element.classList.toggle("fixed", force) } }